Panther Commando

Chapter 4529: Attack on the heart

In the dark forest, Wan Lin and Feng Dao were in the flashlight beam held by Cheng Ru, watching Wen Meng carrying Xiao Hua and Wu Xueying into the side log cabin, and then a few people turned around and walked into the tent.

Wan Lin looked at the tired Feng Dao and Cheng Ru and said, "It's too tiring for a short time, you all hurry up and rest, I'll call Li Tou and report the situation here. Cheng Ru, you and Lao Feng sleep in the same room. , if there is a change in the old wind injury, call me in time."

Cheng Ru replied, holding the wind knife and walking towards a bedroom inside. Wan Lin walked to the table and sat down. He took off his sniper rifle and leaned against the table, then took out a satellite phone from his body and dialed it.

Li Dongsheng's low voice immediately came out on the phone: "Leopard head, it's me!" Wan Lin immediately held up the phone and reported in a low voice: "Report Vice Minister Li, we have sent Xie Chao and Johnny who are in danger. Rescue, and now return to Falcon Base safely."

Li Dongsheng's low voice followed: "The Eagle Falcon Base has sent us a letter of thanks in the name of the principal, thanking us for our strong support and you soldiers who fought bravely. We already know the situation in general, Feng Dao, Wu Xueying, Are Xu Liang and Yan Ying seriously injured? Do we need to send a medical team?"

Wan Lin replied immediately: "Their injuries have stabilized, and the Eagle Base has experienced military doctors and medical equipment, so you don't need to send a medical team."

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, Li Dongsheng said with confidence: "That's good, after we received the report from Eagle Falcon, we have been worried about their integrity. Minister Gao and Deputy Director Wang were going to send Xiaoya to take people there. Fortunately, I stopped them, and you didn't come to the news, which means that their injuries are not a big problem."

Wan Lin said quickly: "We returned to the base in the evening, and there were always outsiders beside me along the way, so I didn't report the situation in time, I'm really sorry."

Li Dongsheng said with a smile: "It's okay, I know the people who are with the Eagle Falcon by your side, it must be inconvenient for you to speak. By the way, the principal of the Eagle Falcon said in the report that you killed five or six Black Eagles and Yamaguchi security guards in the forest. Top sniper, is the black snake inside?"

Wan Lin replied: "From what Xie Chao and Johnny introduced and how Cheng Ru and I fought against the enemy, Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security have indeed sent the strongest snipers, and the enemy has several snipers combat experience. It's very rich, if they didn't expect me and Cheng Ru to suddenly join the battle in the dark, they wouldn't be killed by us so quickly."

When he said this, he turned his head and glanced at Chengru and Fengdao's room with lights out behind him, knowing that they had fallen asleep in extreme fatigue.

Wan Lin was worried about affecting the rest of the two, so he raised his hand to cover his mouth and lowered his voice and continued: "Black Snake did participate in the pursuit of Xie Chao and Johnny, and I met Black Snake twice in the forest. In the first contact, this kid was hit by Xiaohua and injured his arm, but he was very slippery like a loach, and escaped with a quick movement and a **."

"In the pursuit, I took advantage of this kid's revengeful weakness and used a tactical backpack as a bait to lure this kid to take action, but I didn't expect this kid to escape. At that time, I shot this kid's sniper scope. , This kid threw his *** out in panic and fled, I only left the other party's sniper rifle. Alas, it's a pity to let this kid escape from my gun."

After listening to Wan Lin's description, Li Dongsheng said excitedly: "It's not a pity, you have let this kid know what the best sniper is in this battle! You beat this kid to the ground in the battle to lose his armor and remove his armor. , even the sniper rifle in his hand was knocked out by you, which has already made this kid terrified!"

At this time, Wang Molin's voice suddenly came from the phone in Wan Lin's hand: "Okay, Wan Lin, you have done a good job! Minister Gao and I are right next to Deputy Minister Li. !"

"You have killed many snipers in the two mercenary groups one after another in this battle, and let the black snake, who is proud of Kuroda, lose his armor and disarm. This not only caused their two major mercenary groups to suffer a major blow, but also will definitely make They are terrified, which is more meaningful than killing dozens or hundreds of enemies!"

Minister Gao Li's voice also followed: "Wan Lin, Vice Minister Wang is right, this is more meaningful than killing more enemies! Is the backup canyon where you are now safe? Now that you have successfully completed this mission, if Feng Dao and Wu Xueying are basically stable, should we send them back first? Our medical conditions are better."

Wan Lin hesitated and replied: "Report Deputy Director Wang and Minister Gao, we have just withdrawn to the base, and the situation in the mountains outside is unknown. If we show up in the mountains with two wounded, it is likely to be intercepted by the enemy, and the risk is very high. Big."

He then glanced at the pitch-black woods outside the tent, and continued in a low voice: "In addition During the sudden attack on the Eagle Base, some instructors at the Eagle Base have sacrificed to protect the students. Therefore, their Falcon Principal asked us, hoping that we could stay here as an instructor for the time being. By the way, this Falcon Principal is the former Black Hawk sniper Charlie, as we originally speculated."

As soon as Wan Lin's voice fell, Wang Molin's voice followed: "Alright, in the notification sent by Eagle Falcon, it also mentioned that I hope you will stay at the Eagle Falcon Base and help them complete the training of the students. I have discussed with Minister Gao and Vice Minister Li. After that, the training at the Eagle Falcon base is very distinctive, and it is indeed a base for cultivating top special warfare talents."

"Through this platform, we can also cultivate more practical special combat talents for us. If they can ensure the safety of the wounded and you there, you can stay there to teach temporarily. However, don't reveal your identities."

As soon as Wang Molin's voice fell, Gao Li's voice also followed: "Leopard head, Deputy Director Wang is right, if the personal safety of you and the wounded can be ensured there, you will stay there for a while. There are special forces from all over the world. At the gathering place, you should also learn about their combat philosophy and training methods, learn from each other's strengths, and accumulate some experience to improve our special warfare training level in China."

Wan Lin replied immediately: "Yes! The location of this base is extremely hidden, the geographical environment is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and there is sufficient fresh water and food inside, so our safety can be guaranteed. On the way back to the base, I have asked Charlie not to leak it. Our identity, he has given a gag order to two instructors who know our details."


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