Panther Commando

Chapter 4531:

Wen Meng ran out of the hut on the side with the gun, and then went behind the tree and raised the gun to aim at the dark woods. At this time, she heard the voices of the Falcons in front of her, and immediately ran to Wan Lin with her gun in her hands. She lowered her voice and said, "The other party is saying that he is a student at the base, not an enemy who sneaked into the valley."

As soon as Wen Meng's voice fell, a stern shout suddenly came from under the tree near the forest: "Put down your weapons and raise your hands!" The black shadow in front of Wan Lin heard the shout, and only then did he wake up. Still holding the pistol in his right hand, he quickly released his right hand and threw the pistol away, followed by his right hand to cover his left ribs again.

As the boy threw away the pistol, two shadows emerged from under the dark tree trunk. Sean, who was in charge of base security, strode toward the shadow. The Falcon team member beside him had an assault rifle on his shoulder. In a shooting stance, he aimed at the shadow in front of him.

Wan Lin saw Sean appearing in the forest, and he ordered Wen Meng in a low voice: "Follow me out." After saying that, he lightly patted the little flower standing on the shoulder, raised his foot and walked under the dark tree came out. Wen Meng also lowered the muzzle of his sniper rifle and walked out from behind the tree with Wan Lin.

Wan Lin and the two had just walked out from behind the dark tree, and a stern voice of questioning had already rang out from the team members beside Sean: "Who is it?" His muzzle moved towards Wan Lin and the two. Following his shout, a bright flashlight beam from the forest in front of them also shot towards the two of them.

Wen Meng immediately replied: "It's us, the new instructors!" At this time, Sean could see clearly in the flashlight beam, and two new instructors came. He raised his hand and waved behind him, and the flashlight beam re-illuminated the shadow who was bent over and stood beside the tree. The team members behind him also moved their guns and aimed at the shadow again. .

Sean strode to the black shadow and stopped. He glanced at the boy coldly, then looked up and walked over to Wan Lin and Wen Meng and asked, "Instructor Wan, what's going on?"

As Wan Lin walked towards Sean in front, he carefully looked at the shadow leaning against the tree. At this time, he had already seen clearly that this person was wearing a mountain combat uniform, with a height of one meter seventy-two or seventy-three, and his figure appeared to be very strong.

When Sean saw Wan Lin's boy before his body measurement, he raised his hand to grab the other's chin and lifted the boy's head. Wan Lin immediately saw the boy's face clearly. The boy's nose was high, his skin was fair, and a pair of small eyes deep in the eye sockets were looking at him in panic. At this moment, the boy's right hand was tightly clasping his rib cage, his face showed a painful look, and his face was pale.

Wan Lin knew that the three steel needles he threw out in the dark just now had slid into the kid's ribs, and the kid was enduring the piercing pain.

He then looked at Sean and said coldly, "Ask this kid, why did he sneak up outside my tent?" Wen Meng immediately translated Wan Lin's words.

At this moment, a shout of "saluting" suddenly came from the forest. Wan Lin turned his head to look. Charlie, with his left arm hanging on his chest, was walking from the side of the forest with a gloomy expression, followed by two heavily armed men. men.

Everyone in the forest immediately stood at attention and saluted amidst the shouting, and Wan Lin and Wen Meng also immediately put their feet together and raised their hands to salute. At this time, their identities were the base instructors, so they naturally raised their hands to salute when they saw Charlie, the principal.

Charlie raised his hand in return, and strode to Wan Lin's side. He had heard Wan Lin's voice just now. He stared sharply at the boy leaning against the tree and asked, "This forest is a restricted area for students, and entry is strictly prohibited without an order. Why did you appear here late at night?"

When the other party saw the dignified Principal Falcon coming, he replied with a panicked expression: "Report Principal, I felt sick in my stomach just now, so it is convenient to enter the forest, but I didn't expect that something suddenly got into my ribs. I just got up from the forest."

When Sean heard the boy's answer, he took a step forward and grabbed the boy's collar. No one saw you? The base is strictly prohibited from going out after 24:00. What are you doing running out in the middle of the night? Say it!"

The opponent's throat was under the pressure of Sean's knuckles, and his face suddenly turned red. He murmured and replied: "Report... report, I... I have a stomachache..." Before he finished speaking, Sean had already scolded sharply. Said: "Little brat, your dormitory is in the opposite cave, there are toilets around, why did you come here?"

In the voice, Sean suddenly loosened the other party's collar, and his thick right hand had slapped the other party's face fiercely. In the sudden blow, the opponent staggered and fell to the side. Sean stretched out his left hand, pulled the opponent back, and then pressed the opponent's body against the tree trunk.

At this time, Sean was indeed a little anxious. At such a tense time, this kid appeared in the forest in the middle of the night, and escaped the guards he This really made him furious!

Charlie stared coldly at the boy in front of him. He glanced at the other's right hand holding his left rib tightly, and immediately understood that the boy had been injured by Wan Lin. He turned his head to look at Wan Lin and asked in Chinese in a low voice, "How did you discover him?"

When Wan Lin heard Charlie's question, he replied in a low voice: "I was making a phone call in the tent when I suddenly heard a slight abnormal noise from outside the tent, so I immediately pretended to finish the call and turned off the light. I then quietly got out. The tent monitored the surroundings, and after a while, I found that this kid was lying on the woods and quietly moved to the edge of the tent, and I immediately shot and injured this kid."

As he said that, he lifted Xiao Hua from his shoulders, raised his finger and pointed to the side of the tent and said, "Xiao Hua, go to that direction and take a look!" With a flash of blue light in Xiao Hua's eyes, she jumped out of his arms.

At this time, Cheng Ru, Feng Dao, and Wu Xueying also took their guns and walked out from behind the hidden tree. Cheng Ru saw Xiaohua running into the darkness on the side, he immediately turned on the flashlight and followed Xiaohua to the forest on the side of the open hood.

When Charlie heard Wan Lin's answer, he looked at Sean and ordered, "Sean, search his body and tie him to a tree!" Sean immediately stretched out his hands and quickly searched the other's body. He first unloaded the saber on the opponent's leg and handed it to the companion behind him, and then threw some scraps from the opponent's body onto the grass.

After he searched the opponent's body, he twisted the opponent's arm under the ribs with his left hand, and slapped the opponent's left rib with his right hand, which was injured by Wan Lin, and the opponent immediately let out a scream like a pig.


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