Panther Commando

Chapter 4532: weird little cigars

The dark forest echoed with screams like killing pigs. Sean raised his hand and slapped the boy in the face. He then ordered to the subordinate standing beside him: "Come on, take this **** out. Tie me to a tree!"

In the bright flashlight beam, Wan Lin looked at the pained look of the other party. He whispered, "This kid was injured by my hidden weapon. I will take out the hidden weapon for him." After speaking, he raised his foot to step forward. . Charlie grabbed Wan Lin's arm, and he said coldly, "No, in my base, those who disobey the military order will die!"

As soon as Charlie's voice fell, Xiaohua ran back from the forest on the side of the tent with a small thing in his mouth. Wan Lin saw what was in Xiaohua's mouth, and a cold light suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he cursed inwardly, "You bastard, you are indeed eavesdropping on my call."

He bent down to take the thing in Xiaohua's mouth, straightened up and stared at his hand. Charlie and Feng Dao also walked to Wan Lin's side and looked intently. What Wan Lin was holding with his fingers was an object that looked like a cigarette, and looked exactly like an ordinary cigarillo.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng stared at the little cigar in Wan Lin's hand, and the two looked at each other. Wen Meng raised his hand to take the thing in Wan Lin's hand and said, "This should be a miniature recorder."

As she said that, she lightly pressed the bottom of the cigar with her finger, and Wan Lin's voice of calling immediately came from inside. Wen Meng quickly pressed the cigar again and stopped the voice from the tape recorder.

A cold light suddenly flashed in Wan Lin's eyes. He stepped in front of the boy who had been tied to the tree and shouted sharply, "Who sent you here? Say it!" Murderous, he lowered his head with a dead face and said nothing.

At this time, Wu Xueying had already walked to the woodland on the side. She bent down in the dimness and picked up a cigarette case from the grass, followed by pulling out a few cigarillos inside and taking a closer look.

She immediately picked up a cigarette and held it up, and carefully observed it in the flashlight of Cheng Ru, she followed and handed the little cigar to Wen Meng who came over and said in a low voice: "Pull out the cigarette holder and examine it carefully. Now, there should be something else in it." Her wounded arm was hanging on her chest, making it inconvenient to move, so she handed the suspicious item in her hand to Wen Meng.

Wen Meng took the cigarillo and looked at the flashlight carefully, then gently rotated the filter on the cigarillo. She then twisted the filter down and said, "This should be a miniature positioning device!"

Saying that, she quickly twisted the cigarette holder on the cigarette again, and then whispered to Charlie and Wan Lin, "This is a professional spy device. Just twist the cigarette holder to send out location information!"

After Charlie was furious, he raised his foot and kicked the tree boy's stomach. He sternly ordered Sean: "Immediately arrest James who entered the base with him, and search their dormitory! Immediately order the telecommunications team Search for abnormal signals!" "Yes!" Sean replied immediately, and then gave an order in a low voice to the microphone.

The air in the forest immediately became tense, and this sudden change made everyone's faces show a nervous look. This is the backup base of the Eagle Base. Once the opponents know that this hidden Tiankeng is coming, they will not be able to capture this backup base with complicated terrain, and it will also bring endless troubles to the people at the Eagle Base.

Charlie angrily drew the pistol from his waist, and the pistol swiped on the sole of the raised right shoe. : "Your name is Green, right? Say, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

Before he could finish his words, there was a burst of gunshots in the dark valley opposite. Sean's expressions changed, and they immediately extinguished the electric lights in their hands and scattered around Charlie and Wan Lin. The gun was aimed at the surrounding dark jungle. Sean followed the microphone to his mouth and asked sharply, "What happened?"

Sean raised his gun and aimed in the direction of the gunshots. He quietly listened to the report coming from the earphones, and followed the order: "Search the dormitory of these two people immediately."

As he said that, he lowered the assault rifle in front of him, turned to look at Charlie and reported: "Report Eagle, when our men were arresting James, this kid tried to escape with a gun, and now he has been shot dead, our men are Search their dormitories." He then waved to the hands standing around with guns aimed at them, and ordered them to clear the alarm.

In the dim woods, the beams of several flashlights shone motionless on Green, who was tied to the tree. The boy's drooping head had been lifted by Charlie's muzzle.

After Charlie heard Sean's report, a murderous look flashed in his eyes, and he shouted sharply: "Run? Where else can they run!" With that, the pistol in his right hand pressed hard against Green's forehead.

He followed and scolded angrily: "You bastard, you have come to Lao Tzu's base for espionage Your company is really capable, what are you doing here? Talk!" His fingers were already tight in the roar. He squeezed the trigger of the pistol.

Green had heard that his comrade had been shot dead. He leaned his head against the tree trunk behind him, looked at Charlie's murderous eyes in horror, and said tremblingly, "I...we're here...are we here...? ...No purpose. Principal, we are the trainees sent by the company for training, and we have never done anything to be sorry for the Eagle Base!"

His legs shook violently in panic, and his right hand covering his left rib was already stained with blood. If he hadn't been tied to a tree trunk, he would have slumped on the forest floor.

He then stammered and shouted: "School... Principal, you... Forgive me, I will never dare again, I just want to know about the new instructors and see if they are from Huaxia. people." He had already understood from Charlie's murderous eyes that the Falcon Principal had murdered in anger!

After Charlie heard his trembling voice, his fingers suddenly bent, and a dull gunshot followed, and a round black bullet hole appeared in the opponent's forehead.

Charlie lowered his smoking gun, looked up at Sean and ordered sternly: "Take a picture of the stuff they spies use, send it to the company that sent them, and tell them that the people they sent have Executed by us!"

He followed to look at Wen Meng who was holding a recorder, and said in a slow voice, "Instructor Wen, destroy the recorder on the spot, and give the recorder's casing to Captain Sean."


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