Panther Commando

Chapter 4539: sleeping flower

In the dim tent, the four Chengru did have some doubts in their hearts. Li Dongsheng and the others were thousands of miles away, and in order not to arouse the vigilance of eavesdroppers, Wan Lin could not have informed Li Dongsheng on the phone that someone was secretly approaching and eavesdropping outside the tent, so Cheng Ru and the others did not understand. How could Dongsheng and the others know that something happened here.

Wan Lin saw the puzzled expressions of several people, and he replied with a smile: "I was reporting the situation to Li Tou and them just now, and suddenly heard a strange noise from outside the tent, so he said to the phone that he was going to rest, and tapped in sign language. A few hits on the mic, so they knew I had an emergency here."

He looked at Wen Meng and said, "Actually, when I suddenly said to the phone that I was going to rest, your father had already noticed the change in my tone and immediately asked me on the phone what happened? So I hurriedly called again. There is an emergency signal. Hehe, nothing can hide from your father."

When Wu Xueying heard this, she took Wen Meng's arm and smiled: "Meng Meng, you little girl, be careful, there is this old agent staring at you, don't talk nonsense, this old guy is too cunning It's gone!"

A few people around laughed when they heard Wu Xueying's jokes, Wan Lin followed and glanced at the red eyes of several people and said, "It's too late today, everyone go back to sleep and get up whenever you want. Bar!"

Wen Meng heard Wan Lin's order, turned her head and looked around, she suddenly exclaimed: "Hey, where is Xiaohua?" Everyone quickly looked around. Only then did everyone see that Xiao Hua was already lying on a wooden pier in the corner of the tent, curled up into a ball and sleeping soundly.

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they saw Xiao Hua sleeping soundly, but then they all put away the smiles on their faces. Wan Lin walked over and gently picked Xiao Hua up. He looked at the people around him and said in a low voice, "Xiao Hua too tired!"

Xiaohua felt that she was being picked up. It opened its eyes and glanced at Wan Lin, then lay down comfortably in Wan Lin's arms and closed its eyes. Her ears were still raised, vigilantly listening to the voices in the woods outside. movement.

Wan Lin stroked Xiao Hua's back lightly, and he whispered affectionately: "Xiao Hua, go back to sleep with Mengmeng and Sister Yingying, you don't need to get up again, the surroundings are safe now."

As he said that, he gently picked up Xiaohua and handed it to Wen Meng, and then said to the two of them, "Go back and have a good rest, take time tomorrow to sort out the information provided by Charlie, and then send an encrypted email to Li Tou and Deputy Wang. The director sent it over." "Yes." Wen Meng and the two replied in a low voice, Wu Xueying carried her assault rifle, turned on the flashlight and walked out of the tent together with Wen Meng.

Wan Lin and the others sent Wen Meng and Wen Meng out of the tent, watching the two girls walk back to the wooden hut in the side forest, before they returned to the tent.

Wan Lin walked into the tent, he turned around and closed the tent door and said, "I'm so nervous during this time, I'm really tired. Let's go, let's go to bed." With that, he walked to the table and picked up his sniper rifle , strode to his room. Cheng Ru and Feng Dao also yawned and walked to the side room with their weapons.

At noon the next day, Charlie and Scorpion, with bandages on their arms, walked side by side from the side of the mountain. The two of them whispered something while walking towards the woods where Wan Lin and the others were.

The two had just walked to the edge of the forest when a heavily armed soldier suddenly walked out from behind the tree. He stood upright with his feet and looked at the two approaching. Charlie asked in a low voice, "Instructor Wan, are they awake?" The soldier replied immediately. : "No movement yet."

Hearing the soldier's answer, Scorpion looked at Charlie and sighed: "They got off the plane and went into battle. They are too tired." As soon as he finished speaking, a figure suddenly appeared on the steep cliff opposite the canyon, and the figure followed suit. He jumped up and down from the steep rock wall like he did, and then he ran towards Charlie and Scorpion unhurriedly.

The soldier standing under the tree suddenly looked at the people running across from him. He raised his gun and called out, "Who is it?" Charlie and Scorpion quickly turned their heads to look, and it turned out that Wan Lin was running in the rugged canyon.

Scorpion hurriedly turned to the soldier holding the gun and shouted, "It's Instructor Wan, put down the gun." He then yelled at the soldier, "What are your eyes for? Instructor Wan went out of the forest, how could you do that?" I didn't notice." With a furious roar, he raised his foot and was about to kick the soldier.

The soldier who raised the gun heard the roar of the scorpion, and quickly lowered the muzzle, his face flushed. Wan Lin quietly walked out of the forest, and he and his companions did not find out. This was a serious dereliction of duty for those who were vigilant.

When Charlie heard the roar of the scorpion, he stretched out his hand to grab the angry scorpion, and said in a low voice with a wry smile: "Forget it, it's not like you don't know what Instructor Wan and the others are capable of. Don't say it's them, it's just the two of us standing here on guard, I'm afraid It's also hard to spot him sneaking out."

Hearing Charlie's dissuasion, Scorpion retracted his raised right leg. He stared at the soldier standing in front of him and scolded: "Fuck it up to cheer up If If the new instructor makes any mistakes, I want your heads!" He then turned around and Charlie strode towards Wan Lin.

Scorpion walked and looked at Wan Lin who was approaching and shouted loudly: "Instructor Wan, when did you run out?" Wan Lin ran to Charlie and stopped in front of the two, he replied with a smile: "Hehe, I got up early, and I came out of the forest as soon as the sky was bright, and I went around to check the terrain here."

He waved his hand at the soldier standing by the forest, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry everyone, I've always been very light, so I didn't alarm you."

He then looked at Scorpion and explained, "It was dark in the forest at the time, and my steps were very light, so the brothers didn't notice. In fact, they were all vigilant." He had already heard Scorpion's scolding just now, so he hurried to Scorpion explained, to avoid him punishing the soldiers who were on guard in the forest.

Hearing Wan Lin's explanation, Scorpion said enviously: "Oh, if only our people had skills like yours. By the way, I heard from the principal, you slept very late last night, how could you get up like this? It's early, and why are you still climbing such a high cliff?"

When Wan Lin heard Scorpion's question, he replied with a smile, "I'm used to it. No matter how late I sleep, I'll definitely wake up at dawn."

As he spoke, he turned and pointed to the steep cliff opposite the canyon and said, "The rock in the middle of the cliff is higher, I just jumped up to check the surrounding terrain, and at the same time wanted to observe the entire canyon, otherwise I would always feel in my heart. It's unreliable."


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