Panther Commando

Chapter 4540: ox head horse mouth

Wan Lin turned around as he spoke, looked at Charlie and Scorpion and sighed, "This canyon-like tiankeng is too big, I can't see the whole tiankeng from it."

As he spoke, he pointed to the surroundings and asked, "Our current location should be the instructor's camp, right? I didn't see a single student around."

Charlie looked at Wan Lin and replied, "Yes, this is the instructor's living and office area. The owners of some important supplies of the base are in this area, so we stipulate that students are not allowed to enter this area without authorization, and violators will be severely punished."

The scorpion also said: "Instructor Wan, I have heard about what happened yesterday. The principal shot and killed that Green last night, not only because he acted badly against you, but also because he violated the military order of the base and entered the area without authorization. The student's restricted area, such a **** must not keep him."

As he said that, he turned around and pointed at the soldiers on the edge of the forest, and then said to Wan Lin: "The brothers who were on guard in this area last night were fined by Sean because they didn't find that kid Green sneaking in secretly. ."

Wan Lin heard that even the guards around him had been severely punished, and he couldn't help but looked at Charlie in a bit of astonishment. Charlie nodded and said, "Yes, Sean did punish the team members who were on guard here."

With that said, he raised his finger to the towering peaks around the canyon and continued: "We are located in a war-torn area, and various emergencies may occur at any time. Therefore, we require all personnel to be vigilant at all times, and there must be no slightest bit of accident. Lax. Otherwise, what we face is not punishment, but the price of life!"

Wan Lin nodded solemnly when he heard Charlie's explanation. At this point, he already knew that, not to mention the dangers in the mountains outside, even the inside of the base was not peaceful. The events of last night had already demonstrated this. Charlie established strict military discipline within the base, which was indeed necessary. Otherwise, if something goes wrong, it is indeed the price of life.

At this time, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao suddenly walked out of Lin Zhong, both of them carrying their own weapons. As soon as the two walked out of the woods, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying also appeared behind them. Wan Lin and the three of them turned around when they heard the voice behind them.

After a night's rest, Cheng Ru and Wen Meng's complexions had basically returned to normal. The wounded Feng Dao and Wu Xueying's faces had some blood on their pale faces.

At this time, the four Chengru people were all wearing brand-new camouflage uniforms, helmets on their heads, and fully armed behind them. They all gave people a feeling of high spirits and high spirits. Especially the two beautiful female soldiers, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, gave people a feeling of refreshment and heroism.

At this time, the four Chengru walked out of the woods with big strides, and raised their hands in return to the few guard soldiers standing by the tree saluting. Charlie and Scorpion stared blankly at Wu Xueying who walked out afterward, Scorpion couldn't help but murmured in a low voice, "What a mighty female soldier!"

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao, who were walking out, both laughed when they heard Scorpion's exclamation. Feng Dao looked at Scorpion and asked with a smile, "Scorpion, we two male soldiers are no longer powerful?"

Charlie and Scorpion heard the teasing sound of the wind knife, and the two quickly took their eyes away from the beautiful faces of the two female soldiers. Scorpion smiled a little embarrassedly in Chinese: "Hey, you are also mighty and mighty. Alas, here In a barren mountainous area, we haven't seen such a beautiful girl for a long time, you Huaxia women are so beautiful, and Huaxia's female soldiers are even more... even more..."

He raised his hand and patted his helmet, looking at Chengru and Fengdao who were approaching, and murmured and continued: "You have many words in Chinese to describe beautiful women, what are those words called?"

Scorpion frowned and said this, then slapped the helmet again and shouted: "Haha, I remembered! This is a beautiful, slender lady, beautiful, bright eyes, bright teeth, natural beauty, beautiful eyes, that's right, right. , what more beauty to eat!" He followed Meizizi and looked at Chengru and Fengdao and shouted, "Instructor Feng, Instructor Cheng, my Chinese language is amazing, right?"

When Wu Xueying and Wen Meng heard the compliments uttered by the scorpion, they had already burst into laughter, Wu Xueying raised her head with a big laugh, and shouted, "Scorpion, you're calling it a bull's-eye. , since when did we become the weak and vulnerable eldest lady? Are we still pretty enough to eat? Just eat the northwest wind."

"Hahahaha..." Wan Lin and the others couldn't help laughing. Scorpion rubbed his head, looked at the two female soldiers who approached in frustration and asked, "I'm not right, what is a bull's head and a horse's mouth? How come the stupid bull and the horse are together?"

Wen Meng wrapped her arms around Wu Xueying's shoulder and bent over with a smile. She straightened up when she heard the scorpion's question, stretched out her hand and pulled out the pistol tied to the side of her thigh, and quickly set a standard for the rolling hills on the side. shooting stance.

She followed with a smile and turned her head to look at the scorpion and said, "Instructor Do you see a weak young lady like us? The head of the bull and the mouth of the horse can't touch each other, you insisted on putting them together. Let's get together." Wu Xueying also raised her finger and pointed at the scorpion, and said with a big laugh, "Is it still pretty to eat? That's called a pretty meal. I think you, the scorpion instructor, is a big foodie."

Charlie's Chinese language is limited, and he basically didn't understand their conversations, but this "big foodie" could understand him. He raised his finger to the scorpion and said to the two laughing girls in blunt Chinese: " That's right, the scorpion is a big foodie." He followed with a "hahahaha" laugh.

As soon as Charlie's voice fell, the laughter of Wan Lin and the others followed. Scorpion also smiled and touched his head and said, "Hey, your Chinese language is too complicated. There are a lot of adjectives for one meaning. How can I figure out which words should be used? Anyway, I think they are all praises."

Wan Lin and the others all laughed. China has a vast territory and profound cultural heritage. It is invaluable for a foreigner like Scorpion to be able to master so many Chinese words. It is indeed difficult for him to apply each word accurately.

The laughter of Charlie's group by the forest has attracted the attention of those around him. The four or five soldiers who were hiding in the woods on guard all stuck their heads out from behind the trees.

The soldiers on the surrounding cliffs and on the top of the mountain were also holding binoculars to look at the group of people in Wanlin by the woods. The eyes of the group of people were shining brightly, and their eyes were fixed on the other two women who were laughing and trembling. on the soldier.


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