Panther Commando

Chapter 4541: Instructor's rights

The sun was shining in the canyon. Standing by the woods, Charlie glanced at the two female soldiers who were laughing wildly. He hehe waved his hands and scolded: "What are you all sticking out your head to see? Go back to your respective positions for me!"

The soldiers in the forest all glanced at each other when they heard Charlie's scolding, and a tall soldier muttered, "Headmaster, it seems that you and the scorpion have not taken their eyes off the beautiful woman. Let's take a look at such a beautiful female soldier. Well."

"Hahahaha..." The surrounding soldiers immediately let out a burst of laughter, and then they shrank their heads back. When Charlie heard the soldiers' laughter, he looked at the soldiers who were shrinking back in the forest and scolded: "Hehe, you bastards, you actually take care of the principal, Laozi."

Charlie then turned around with a smile, looked at Wan Lin and the others and said in blunt Chinese language: "Since the establishment of our Eagle Falcon base, there has never been a woman in our base, let alone such a beautiful female soldier. Haha, Now you two beautiful female soldiers are here, it is a beautiful scenery, you are the stars of our place. Haha, don't take it offense, they are all real soldiers, they have no malice. "

Wu Xueying put her arms around Wen Meng's shoulders, looked at Charlie and said, "What star? You can just say we are giant pandas in the mountains." Charlie and Wan Lin laughed when they heard Wu Xueying's hoarse voice .

Charlie put away the smile on his face, looked at Scorpion and said with a serious look: "Scorpion, this is our base, we must ensure the safety of the two girls! Order all team members and students not to approach without a valid reason. By the side of the two girls, those who violate the law will be punished severely by military law!" "Yes!" Scorpion hurriedly replied.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng heard Charlie's stern command, and they waved their hands quickly. Wu Xueying said with a smile: "Principal, do you really think of us as a big vase that breaks when you touch it? We are the instructors you invited, no? Big vase, if we can't even protect ourselves, what kind of instructors are we going to be."

Wen Meng also said with a smile, "Thank you, principal, for your concern. We can protect ourselves, and you don't need to arrange protection." Seeing that the two girls refused to give them special treatment, Charlie looked at Wan Lin hesitantly.

Wan Lin glanced around at the Eagle Falcon members who were still looking at Wen Meng and Wen Meng secretly, then turned to look at Charlie and said with a smile: "Principal, you don't need to make special arrangements, they can protect themselves. By the way, we people Sometimes you will practice alone, you just order the team members and students not to approach our station without authorization.”

When Charlie heard Wan Lin's answer, he knew that these Chinese people were all kung fu masters, and even the two girls must be rare masters, and they could indeed protect themselves. Moreover, he also learned some Chinese kung fu from Xie Chao and several others, and knew that they used their rest time every day to secretly practice mysterious internal skills.

He then looked at the scorpion and said, "Okay, then follow Instructor Wan's instructions and draw a cordon around 50 meters around their station. Except for me, Johnny and you, no one is allowed to approach Instructor Wan, the others and the other two. The residence of a girl. By the way, Xu Liang and the three Huaxia students are issued passes, and they can come and go freely here."

Wan Lin quickly waved his hand when he heard Charlie's order, and he said in a low voice, "No, I have already told Xu Liang and the others that they are here to act strictly according to the requirements of your base and must not do anything special. In addition, our identities are from Instructors from all over the world, who come and go a lot like that would reveal our identities.”

When Charlie heard Wan Lin's words, he looked at Scorpion and said, "Okay, then follow the instructions of Instructor Wan. You go and give instructions." Scorpion agreed, turned around and walked towards the forest.

Scorpion walked into the forest and gave orders in a low voice to the soldiers who were on guard in the forest, asking them to immediately draw a cordon around their station in Wanlin and arrange corresponding posts. He then strode back. .

When Charlie saw that Scorpion was arranged, he immediately looked at Wan Lin and the others and said in a low voice, "By the way, I haven't had time to tell you that in the Eagle Base, the position of the instructor is much higher than that of Shougu's brothers and students, and the instructor is at the base. have absolute rights.”

The scorpion explained: "Because we are in a war-torn area, battles can happen at any time, so we are different from ordinary training bases. Everything here is carried out in accordance with wartime discipline, and all instructors have the right to deal with students in any way. , you can pull the trigger on students who violate military discipline at any time!"

Wan Lin and the others heard Charlie and Scorpion say that they could shoot at any time to deal with the students who violated discipline, and they all looked at Charlie and the two in shock.

It is understandable to shoot personnel who violate military discipline on the battlefield, because they may pose a threat to their comrades at any time, or they may destroy the entire combat But they did not expect that here They were really shocked that the instructor could kill the students who disobeyed the military order at any time during the training.

Charlie saw Wan Lin's astonishment. He glanced around and said in a low voice, "Come on, Scorpion and I will take you to the base. You should also familiarize yourself with the environment here. Let's talk as we walk." , he and the scorpion took Wan Lin and the others to the canyon on the right.

A few people walked to the no-man's place, and then Charlie looked at Scorpion and said, "Scorpion, your Chinese is better, please explain it to Instructor Wan and them in detail." Scorpion quickly agreed.

Scorpion glanced at the towering cliffs around him, looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "You already know that we are in a war-torn area, and real gun battles can happen at any time. The students paid the price in blood."

When he said this, his expression became dignified and said: "The Wild Elephant Valley was attacked some time ago. If it wasn't for Shougu's brother who was extremely vigilant, he found someone on the cliffs on the side of the canyon in the middle of the night for the first time. We warned and let us organize our team members and cadets to fight back in time. Otherwise, our losses will be greater, more fraternities will be killed and injured, and we may face the danger of annihilation of the entire army.”

The scorpion raised his finger and pointed to the cliffs several hundred meters high on the side, and continued: "Look, around this canyon, you can't see a single alert person, in fact, the brothers have been scattered and hidden under those towering rocks and trees, Strictly monitor every grass, tree, mountain and stone in the mountains outside."


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