Panther Commando

Chapter 4542: dangerous environment

Scorpion walked with Wan Lin and the others towards the side canyon, and continued: "These eagles are monitoring different areas outside the valley. Once someone leaves the post without authorization, it will inevitably create a gap in the monitoring, allowing the enemy to take advantage of it. machine."

"Therefore, Sean and our instructors often carry pistols and check the surrounding posts. Once we find someone who leaves the post without authorization, we will definitely implement battlefield discipline and shoot him down. Because of their duties, it is related to our entire base. Safety, we dare not have the slightest slack."

As he spoke, he retracted his arm, looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "Perhaps you are puzzled by our strict management, but this is different from the training ground in your troops. This is a battlefield. A sentinel's negligence will cause It is very likely that we will pay a few or dozens of lives, we must not be more careful!"

At this time, the canyon in front of them suddenly tightened like the mouth of a cloth bag. A rock dozens of meters high stood beside the cliff on the left, and the steep hillside on the right was covered with jagged rocks.

While listening to Scorpion's story, Wan Lin and the others looked up at the cliff outside the rock. Several sparkling waterfalls were gushing out from the steep cliffs in front, and the sound of the water hitting the cliffs had clearly entered the ears of several people.

Charlie stopped by the boulder in front of him. He turned to look at Wan Lin and the others and said, "Scorpion is right! We are different from your training ground. Each sentinel here has its own observation area. , once there is an omission, the price is our lives!"

He followed with a sigh and said: "Our environment here is different from the outside world, and we have to strictly enforce military discipline. From the establishment of the base to the present, only three of Shougu's brothers have been shot by Sean and Scorpion for leaving the post without authorization. Down."

When Wan Lin and the others heard Scorpion and Charlie's explanation, their faces showed understanding. Although they entered this base for the first time, they had already fought mortally against those vicious mercenaries in this mountainous area.

They already know that this is really different from their other training grounds. In this base, any inconspicuous negligence may indeed cost the base and everyone in it their lives.

Charlie then said helplessly: "From what happened last night, you should also be able to see that some of the people who come here for training have not pure motives. Last night, the Green and the two entered with a mission. My base. Moreover, the quality of the students here is also uneven, and the technical and tactical level of some students is not up to the standard of a special forces soldier, and some of them are greedy for life and fear of death."

"Once you take part in actual combat training in the wild, maybe these people's actions that are greedy for life and fear of death are likely to bring fatalities to the students and instructors around them. If we don't have strict military discipline and take decisive measures, these people are likely to be killed. Ruin our lives!"

He followed Wan Lin and the others, and said with a serious expression, "Although you are staying here temporarily, you are only our guest instructors. It stands to reason that we have no right to order you to do anything, but you already have the title of instructor at the Eagle Base. Every day here will be related to the life and death of this base, so I ask you to follow the rules here."

When Charlie said this, he took Wan Lin's arm and continued: "According to what you Chinese people say, a single mouse **** can ruin a whole pot of soup, which is related to the safety of all of us. I am not asking you to kill innocent people indiscriminately. , This is to seriousen the military discipline of our Eagle Falcon base and prevent more students from paying the price of their lives."

As he spoke, he suddenly laughed: "Hehehe, of course, even we will not just shoot the students who violate the discipline according to our own likes and dislikes. As long as the situation permits, we still try to return these students alive as much as possible. Where they are. As for what their military and companies do with them, we don’t care.”

Wan Lin and the others heard Charlie's sincere voice, and they glanced at each other. Wan Lin followed and looked at Charlie and said, "Okay, since we are now the instructors of the base, we must fulfill our duty as instructors and help the base cultivate some students. The real special forces. However, the few of us will definitely not shoot at the students easily, unless they threaten the safety of ourselves and the base."

Before he came, he had heard Li Dongsheng and the others talk about what Xu Liang mentioned in the report, and knew that as soon as they stepped into this mountain, they had an extremely fierce battle with the scorpions.

Moreover, they already knew from Xu Liang's mouth that Charlie and the other instructors were not bloodthirsty. Once they discovered that there were students who were greedy for life and fear of death, they would be expelled from the base as soon as possible. Only in the case of a last resort, will those who seriously violate the discipline be killed.

When Charlie and Scorpion heard Wan Lin's answer, they glanced at each Knowing that they were unwilling to intervene in the internal affairs of the Falcon Base, Charlie immediately smiled and said, "Okay, I understand what you mean. There are things that violate the discipline of our base, or you find people who are greedy for life and fear of death during training, and all these people are handed over to us. Haha, we will be the villain. "

Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they heard Charlie's answer. Wu Xueying said with a smile: "Who made you the principal? Of course you will be the wicked person. By the way, you are here as a training base, and you give everyone to you. If it is returned, do you also want to completely refund people’s tuition fees?”

When Wan Lin and the others heard Wu Xueying's question, they all looked at Charlie curiously. This is a special forces training base of a business nature. If the students are returned to their original places, it is indeed a question whether the tuition will be refunded.

When the scorpion heard Wu Xueying's question, he glared and said, "Go back completely, how is it possible? If that's the case, we'll all be drinking the northwest wind."

He then explained: "You already know the situation here. Various armed forces are entrenched in the mountains. Once all the students step into the mountains, they may face a hail of bullets at any time. This is their first training class. "

Scorpion said this, looked at Wan Lin and said, "You are all Xu Liang's officers, you should listen to Xu Liang's report on the battle process they just came here. From the moment the students get off the plane, those of us in the base will use our own To protect their safe entry into the base. Our lives and the weapons we use are all expensive, how could we push the tuition fees to them!"


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