Panther Commando

Chapter 4543: Instructor's salary

Wan Lin and the others stood beside the boulder under the cliff, and they all listened to Scorpion's introduction quietly. Charlie looked at them and said, "Scorpion is right, every soldier who hides on the cliff is our protector!"

He raised his finger and pointed to the surrounding high mountain tops and said, "Every Eagle Falcon team member who is on guard here is a special soldier with strong bones and rich practical experience."

"But the current environment is peacetime. In this environment, it is difficult to find such capable special forces talents. They are all talents that I have selected and hired with extremely high salaries. They won't work hard for us for no reason, and they really need this salary to support their family."

Charlie said, withdrew his raised arm, looked at Wan Lin and the others and continued: "Because the operating cost here is extremely high, those students who were returned for violating my military discipline here, we don't pay a cent for tuition. will be returned to them."

When he said this, his expression suddenly became serious, and he said: "Of course, for those students who were killed or injured in actual combat training, we will refund half of the tuition to express condolences to them. You all know, here I am. Their training is to train in battle, but bullets have no eyes, and no one can guarantee their safety. This has been clearly written in the agreement for receiving the trainees.”

Charlie shook his head, looked at Wan Lin with a wry smile and said, "You may not believe it, although our Falcon base has gained a great reputation in recent years, and the fees are extremely high, but we have not made much money. Now, our base is only The income and expenditure are basically balanced, and there is a slight profit, and even the initial investment has not been fully recovered.”

When Charlie said this, his expression suddenly dimmed. He looked up at the towering cliffs and said in a low voice: "This time the base was attacked, and we sacrificed several brave and fighting brothers. This profit accumulated by our base in the past two years. , and also to the families of these brothers as pensions, they all sacrificed their lives to protect our base, I can't let the dead and living brothers chill!"

Wan Lin and the others nodded silently when they heard Charlie's explanation. They already knew in their hearts that all advanced combat equipment is used here, and the base also needs many special operators with rich combat experience to guard, which requires a large amount of money, I am afraid that the salary of the instructors such as Scorpion and Johnny is a sum of money Astronomical numbers.

Wan Lin also looked up at the surrounding canyons, and he secretly said in his heart: "Charlie is telling the truth. From the canyon in front of you, although the tuition for each student is very high, there are not many students enrolled in the Eagle Falcon Base. , the base is probably not much profitable."

When Charlie saw Wan Lin and the others nodded, he followed with emotion and said, "Actually, the purpose of my establishment of this Falcon base is not to make money. I, Charlie, were originally a special forces soldier, and I really wanted to train them to be like you. special soldier."

When he said this, he suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Wan Lin's arm, and he said emotionally: "Speaking of which, I really want to thank you soldiers in China, you let me know where I was lost, and let me take the initiative to get rid of that person Disgusting mercenary group! When I served in the special forces, I was a soldier full of righteousness like you, determined to defend my country and eradicate the evil in the world."

"But after I retired, I confusedly joined the Black Hawks, a mercenary group that was only for profit and didn't care about right and wrong. Money and those mercenary mercenaries who were mercenaries had completely wiped out my original righteousness. There When you fought against Ao Kun this time, you made me feel what a real soldier is, and it also reminded me of my original intention of taking up arms. The performance of Miss Yingying and that Zhang who regarded death as home was really deep It moved me!"

Charlie said this emotionally, shook Wan Lin's hand tightly, raised his eyebrows and said loudly: "Money is important to me and the Falcon Base, but as long as I can ensure the normal expenditure of my base, I will I am satisfied. Because the world really needs real soldiers, and soldiers like you really need to eradicate evil. Now, my ideal is to train fearless soldiers like you to eradicate evil in the world! "

Wan Lin and the others heard Charlie's emotional words, and their faces showed excitement. Wan Lin tightly held Charlie's right hand with both hands and said, "Okay, protect the family, defend the country, and eradicate evil, this is us. The duties of these special forces, we all help you fulfill this long-cherished wish!" Cheng Ru and several others also looked at Charlie and said emotionally: "Yes, we will help you together!"

Charlie heard the sonorous and powerful voices of Wan Lin and the others. He looked at them affectionately, and tears flashed in his eyes. He squeezed Wan Lin's hands tightly and said, "Okay, there are you and the scorpions. Brave brothers and sisters help me, and I will definitely train more special forces!"

After speaking, he let go of Wan Lin's hand and said, "You are all instructors at my Falcon Base Although I am not rich here, I still have to pay my salary. Your salary is the same as Johnny the Scorpion. They are all the same..."

Wan Lin heard that Charlie was going to pay his own instructors' salaries, he quickly waved his hand to stop Charlie and said, "Charlie, you're too outrageous, if it's for money, we wouldn't come here to help you at all, We won't take a penny from the base!"

Charlie stared at Wan Lin and shouted, "How about that? You come to help us rescue Johnny and I won't pay you any more. That's your friendship with me, Charlie. But being an instructor must be paid. , this is the reward for hiring you."

Wan Lin glanced at the Chengru people around him, and replied with a smile, "Charlie, we are all Chinese soldiers, and we can't get paid according to the regulations. If you really feel bad about it, just use these planned rewards to offset our Huaxia. Students' tuition fees."

Wu Xueying smiled and said: "Yes, yes, if we take your money, we will definitely be punished when we go back, so what's the matter. Hee hee, if you, the principal, really feel bad about it, just prepare more delicious food for us. , forget the rest."

When Charlie heard Wu Xueying's voice, he turned his head to look at Wu Xueying and shouted, "Little girl, I bought you something delicious? I really don't need money."

Wu Xueying quickly waved her hand, and she replied with glowing eyes: "No, no, you can use the money you want to give us to offset the tuition fees of our Huaxia students, and then give us more delicious food."


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