Panther Commando

Chapter 4544: huge sinkhole

"Hahahaha..." Charlie laughed when he heard Wu Xueying's voice, he looked at Wu Xueying and said with a smile in Chinese: "Haha, you girl's little abacus is very good, it's not about money, but also It's delicious, I'm at a loss."

Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they heard Charlie's words. Charlie put away his smile and looked at Wan Lin and said, "Instructor Wan, even if you don't mention the students, I will take extra care of you Huaxia students."

He immediately looked at Scorpion and said, "Scorpion, then follow the words of Instructor Wan and Miss Yingying, and give Huaxia three free training places every year, and all the expenses will be borne by our base!"

"Okay!" Scorpion readily agreed, and he followed Wan Lin and the others and said, "Actually, our principal has told us to take extra care of you Huaxia students, and only nominally charged a small tuition fee for Xu Liang and the others. , but the money can't even get back the cost of the ammunition consumed. At that time, we didn't understand the principal's meaning, and there were still some complaints in our hearts, this is a lot of money. "

He followed and said with emotion: "But after Xu Liang and the three entered the base, we suddenly realized that they are truly qualified soldiers! Although they are not very good in some aspects and their cultural level is not too high, But the spirit of forging ahead in them is exactly what these students are lacking now. We accept how many students like this!"

At this time, Charlie also looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "Yes, the Scorpions did not understand at that time, thinking that they entered here through a relationship. But after they saw the tenacious style of your Chinese soldiers, they really felt it. my intention."

When he said this, he said with gratitude: "The reason for the tuition reduction and exemption for Xie and the three is because of your old friends, but the real reason is because of the courage and combat style shown by you Chinese soldiers. The real reason to take care of them."

"Now, the level of science and technology has improved, and the power of weapons has become greater. Therefore, soldiers of many countries believe that as long as they have advanced weapons, they can win battles. But they simply don't understand what the real battlefield is. Any advanced weapons All weapons require brave soldiers to operate. An army composed of soldiers who retreat on the battlefield, even if they have advanced weapons, they will still be beaten, lose their armor and disarm, and flee in embarrassment!”

When Wan Lin and the others heard this, they truly understood Charlie's purpose in taking care of Xu Liang and these Huaxia students, and also understood his true purpose of establishing the Eagle Falcon base in this war-torn area.

Wan Lin looked at the towering rock walls around him, and he secretly said in his heart: "Yes, an army with no morale, even with the most advanced weapons and equipment, they still can't win a big battle! Charlie is not only a sniper with excellent military skills. , and he is also a rare handsome talent! A real special soldier, he not only needs to have excellent military skills, but also needs to have the military aura that is not afraid of death and is indomitable."

Charlie followed Wan Lin and said, "This is the real purpose of me taking special care of your Huaxia students. Xie Chao and the others are here with us, not only to allow students from other countries to experience your Chinese magic fighting skills, and they The fighting style that is not afraid of death on the battlefield has allowed other students to see what a real soldier is, and at the same time, that momentum also infected the students around."

He then sighed: "Instructor Wan, by fighting alongside you this time, even if you don't say it, I will also waive tuition for the students sent by you Huaxia! We welcome you Huaxia, and send us Xu Liang, Xie Chaohe Such an excellent student as Yan Ying!"

Wan Lin heard Charlie's voice from the bottom of his heart. He moved Charlie's hand and said, "Charlie, thank you, on behalf of us and the Chinese army, thank you for your praise and care for our Chinese soldiers!"

Charlie shook Wan Lin's hand vigorously and said, "What are you thankful for? To say thank you, we should thank you for sending us excellent students. Let's not mention this, we will show you around." With that said, he took Wan Lin's arm and strode towards the canyon in front of him.

At this time, the hot sun was already hanging above the canyon. Wan Lin and the others just walked around the boulder in front of them, when they suddenly felt their eyes light up. A magnificent and wide canyon was clearly displayed in front of them. They couldn't help but stop and look forward. .

There are red giant rock faults on both sides of the canyon. The rock formations are rugged and the mountains are stacked. Several silver chain-like waterfalls hang on the red cliffs of different heights. gush.

On the side of the river is a dark brown muddy field. Dozens of muddy students are engaged in combat training. One by one, strong figures are up and down. The ferocious shouts are accompanied by the sound of "rushing" water, which resounds in the canyon. .

Wan Lin and the others looked at the suddenly wide canyon in Everyone followed and looked up again. Above the steep rock wall, the blue sky is like a blue ribbon, hanging high above the steep rock wall, and the whole canyon looks vigorous and magnificent.

Charlie and Scorpion laughed when they saw Wan Lin and the others in astonishment. Scorpion raised his uninjured arm, pointed to the front and said, "The canyon in front is very spacious and suitable for students to conduct various tactical movements and combat training."

He followed and pointed to the steep red rock wall on the side, and continued: "This is a rock climbing training ground. There are many naturally formed caves on the rock wall. The river under the cliff is turbulent, and the widest point is more than 30 meters, which is convenient for The trainees conduct armed swimming training."

At this time, Charlie also raised his finger and pointed to the front and said: "Walking through this wide canyon is a narrow passage leading to a secluded path. There are dense forests and thorns on the hillsides on both sides of the canyon, and the valley is full of poisonous snakes and beasts. The length of the canyon is 30 to 40 kilometers, and it is where we cultivate students' ability to survive in the wild, and it is also a venue for live ammunition shooting."

When Wan Lin and the others heard Scorpion and Charlie's explanation, their eyes widened in astonishment. Wen Meng asked in surprise, "Why is this Tiankeng so big?"

Charlie replied with a smile: "It's very big. This is a huge tiankeng formed by the erosion of the dark river in the mountain millions of years ago. The several canyons here are formed along the direction of the dark river in the mountain. After passing the long canyon in front, it is a calm lake, and the river next to us passes through the bottom of the front canyon and flows into the lake."


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