Panther Commando

Chapter 4547: explosion in the valley

The sudden burst of flames and loud explosions in front of the canyon caused the rushing herds to roar in panic, and the huge lions and leopards also hurriedly stopped, followed by the explosion. Turning around, he dashed towards the canyon he had just drilled.

The sound of the explosion just fell, "bang bang bang", "da da da", several series of gunshots suddenly sounded in the deafening hoofs, and six or seven animals that were fleeing around collapsed on the rugged mountain. In the blink of an eye, deafening hoofs, violent gunshots, and the screams of animals sounded together, and the huge tiankeng seemed to be boiling.

Wan Lin threw out his **** and lay down under a rock next to the training ground. At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of intense gunfire coming from behind him. He suddenly turned around and looked at the training ground behind him. Several students who were pulling the trigger shouted: "Stop shooting now!"

Wan Lin raised the roar of his infuriating energy, which overwhelmed the deafening hoofs in the valley, but the panicked students did not understand Wan Lin's voice in Chinese, and they still lay on the ground and buckled tightly. Pull the trigger.

A string of bullets roared and flew towards the fleeing animals, and the surrounding animals screamed and rolled over to the rolling hills, and the surrounding rocks were blood red. In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen fleeing antelopes had fallen to the mountains amid the heavy gunfire.

Cheng Ru, who was lying behind Wan Lin, heard Wan Lin's roar, he turned around and looked back. When he saw that the students were still holding the trigger tightly, he grabbed it from Wu Xueying, who was beside him. After passing the assault rifle, he turned around and swept over the heads of the students who were still shooting.

"Da da da", a string of bullets roared out of his muzzle, and the bullets flew past the students' heads in a fan shape. A few panicked students felt a hot wind flying overhead, so scared that they quickly released the tight trigger, lying on the ground and looking at Wan Lin and the others in front of them in horror.

At this point, Scorpion already understood what Wan Lin meant. He turned his head and shouted angrily in Y language: "Stop shooting, who asked you to shoot without authorization?"

He followed with one hand and lifted the assault rifle on the rock in front of him and put the ** on his shoulder. He raised the muzzle and was about to pull the trigger at the students who were shooting.

Charlie quickly stretched out his hand to hold the muzzle raised by the scorpion, and he ordered in a low voice: "Scorpion, forget it!" Just now a few of them rushed to the front and threw the dick. These students saw that they, the instructors, took the lead in the critical moment. , so he pulled the trigger in a panic, which is understandable.

Scorpion saw Charlie press his muzzle, and he lowered the muzzle and turned to look around. In the blink of an eye, the lions and leopards who turned around and fled to the front canyon have disappeared into the dusty canyon.

At this moment, the panicked antelopes, hares, and seven or eight pheasants flapping their wings vigorously were running away to the surrounding mountains. The few civet cats that Wan Lin and the others had seen in the mountains were also rushing past the students and Wan Lin at a high speed, then turned around and ran towards the steep rock wall on the side.

In a blink of an eye, the herd of beasts that had just rushed out had already fled to the surrounding mountains. On the steep hillside on the side, agile figures are jumping up and down. In the turbulent river under the cliff, dozens of animals that jumped into the river in panic are churning.

At this time, a man in a camouflage uniform with the appearance of an instructor was already running towards Wan Lin and the others from behind. He stopped in front of Charlie and Wan Lin, and stood at attention and shouted, "Report."

Charlie stood up and stared at him, and asked in a hurried voice, "Are there any cadets and instructors in the canyon ahead for shooting training?"

The instructor immediately replied: "Report the Falcon, Rooney is taking ten students for shooting training in the canyon in front. Do I immediately bring the students to the rescue?"

Hearing that someone was inside, Charlie's face immediately became nervous. He looked at the instructor in front of him and roared, "Please ask me for a fart, hurry up!"

The base has just been attacked by the enemy, and several students and a dozen Falcon members have been lost. Now if there are large-scale casualties among students, his Falcon base really cannot withstand such a blow.

Wan Lin heard Charlie's roar in Y language, and already understood the meaning. He quickly looked at Charlie and waved his hand and said, "Now those beasts have panicked, and they are likely to attack those who appear inside. It's dangerous inside, I'll go take a look."

As he said that, he glanced at Feng Dao and Wu Xueying with his arms hanging on his chest, and then shouted: "Cheng Ru, Wen Meng, you come with me." After that, he raised his feet and ran into the canyon ahead. Cheng Ru and Wen Meng didn't say a word, they followed with their sniper rifles.

Seeing Wan Lin running forward with Cheng Ru and Wen Meng, Charlie quickly pulled out his pistol and shouted at Scorpion and the instructor standing in front of him, "Go!" He also moved forward with the pistol in his hand. run away. The surrounding students also hurriedly stood up with their guns, and they were about to run forward with Charlie and the two instructors.

At this time, the wind knife took a step to stop Charlie and said: "Principal There are beasts in front of us, and we all have injuries. In the past, it will add a burden to Instructor Wan and the others. Neither us nor the students should go there. Wu Xueying , quickly translate my words to the principal."

Wu Xueying just took the assault rifle that Cheng Ru snatched, and was about to run forward behind Cheng Ru and Wen Meng, when she heard Feng Dao's shout and quickly stopped.

She suddenly realized that the wounds of several of her people were emitting a **** smell. Once those beasts with a keen sense of smell smelled this pungent **** smell, they would definitely attack them. If a few of them really keep up, it will indeed add a burden to Wan Lin and the others. Moreover, Xiaohua was fighting fiercely with those beasts in the canyon in front, and Wan Lin definitely didn't want Charlie and the others to see Xiaohua's fierce appearance.

Wu Xueying also hurriedly took a step to stop the scorpion that was about to rush out, then looked at Charlie, and quickly translated Feng Dao's words, she immediately said: "Principal, the canyon in front is full of woods, and there are many people, but Instructor Wan and the others are given to them. increase the burden."

When Charlie heard Wu Xueying's translation, he quickly stopped. He turned his head to the two Scorpions and the students around him and ordered, "Everyone don't go there."

He then looked up at the three Wan Lin who were running forward, and asked worriedly in Chinese: "Instructor Feng, Instructor Wu, and Instructor Wan, can they deal with so many beasts?"

Fengdao quickly replied: "Instructor Wan grew up in the mountains since childhood and is familiar with the habits of various animals, so they will not be in danger." At this time, he did not dare to say that as long as Xiaohua is the mountain king, Wan Lin and the others will definitely not There will be great danger.


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