Panther Commando

Chapter 4548: ferocious hyena

On the training ground in the canyon, Charlie heard Air Knife's explanation, and then quickly inserted the pistol in his right hand into the holster. He raised the binoculars hanging on his chest and looked forward, his face still showing concern look.

Scorpion saw Charlie put the pistol in the holster. He looked down at the injured arm hanging on his chest, and then he raised his right hand helplessly, and put the assault rifle in one hand on his shoulder, and he followed with a full face. Worryingly, he looked up.

At this moment, a dozen black shadows more than half a meter long suddenly emerged from the dust and fog in front of them. The shadows rushed past the ferocious lions and leopards and flew straight forward. Several people from Wan Lin rushed over.

Charlie was startled when he saw a group of black shadows rushing out in front, and he shouted loudly: "It's a hyena, a sniper!" In this mountain, these ferocious hyenas are all moving in groups, a single male lion and a sniper. The leopards were not necessarily their opponents. At this time, he was really surprised to see the hyenas rushing out.

Following Charlie's nervous shouting, a student who was lying under the rock on the side turned his head nervously to look at Charlie and shouted: "Arrived!"

As soon as he called the order, he suddenly realized that several snipers guarding the canyon had been killed in the wild elephant valley, and Johnny and himself were also seriously injured. In addition to these students, there were snipers in the base. The sniper shot.

When Wu Xueying heard Charlie's order, she turned her head to look at the student who was nervously pulling the gun bolt. She then looked at the nervous student, and then shouted loudly in Y language: "Don't shoot!"

When Charlie and Scorpion heard Wu Xueying's cry, they quickly turned their heads and shouted at the student sniper, "Don't shoot." At this point, they already understood what Wu Xueying meant.

The figures of the dozen or so hyenas rushing over have overlapped with the figures of Wan Lin and the others who were running forward. If the student's sniper's marksmanship and psychological quality are not strong enough, the bullets fired are likely to accidentally injure the people in Wanlin who are as electric as electricity. Now, no one can predict the direction Wan Lin and the others will move when they are in danger.

Amidst the stern commands of Charlie and Scorpion, the sniper lying under the rock quickly released his right finger on the trigger, his face full of panic.

Charlie saw the sniper's appearance, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. He secretly said in his heart with some fear: "Thanks to this kid who didn't pull the trigger, you can see from his nervous appearance that this kid has no idea."

He then raised the binoculars and looked forward. The surrounding Fengdao and Scorpion were all kneeling under the rock on one knee. They all set up their assault rifles and aimed at the sides of Wan Lin and the others.

At this time, Wan Lin was already approaching the Taniguchi in front of him at a high speed. Those fierce-looking lions and leopards had already entered the canyon full of trees and thorns in the thick dust mist.

The dozen or so hyenas that were rushing out of the valley had already seen the crowd in front and the beasts rushing from the valley. They glanced at Wan Lin and the three who were rushing in panic, turned around and fled to the side of the mountain. While fleeing, he turned his head to look at the few beasts rushing past, lest these beasts turn around and pounce on them.

Wan Lin rushed to Taniguchi in the dust mist filled with the beasts, Cheng Ru and Wen Meng were scattered more than ten meters behind him. At this time, the three of them had already carried their sniper rifles while running fast. Both Cheng Ru and Wen Meng pulled out the pistols in their holsters with their right hands, in case they suddenly encountered a melee attack from a beast in the fog.

The three of them ran fast and glanced at the hyenas fleeing to the side. They followed and found that the spotted backs and heads of the hyenas were full of scars from sharp claws and open fur. Bai Huahua's muscles were turned upside down, and blood was dripping all over his body. At first glance, he was scratched by Xiaohua's sharp claws in the fierce fight.

Wan Lin and the others just turned their heads and said, "Whoosh", a gust of wind suddenly sounded from the dust mist in front of them, and the two hyenas, like shells out of their chambers, rushed towards Wan Lin, who was rushing to the Taniguchi. Cheng Ru and Wen Meng, who were following behind, were startled, their right hand holding the gun suddenly raised up, and they were about to pull the trigger.

At this moment, Wan Lin's rushing figure suddenly took a step to the left, and his right foot suddenly raised upwards. on the head of the dog that came. He followed to one side, his right hand stretched forward like lightning, grabbed the left leg stretched forward by the other hyena, and then vigorously threw it at the hyenas that were behind him.

Wan Lin's two movements were as fast as lightning, and two hyenas' howls sounded almost simultaneously. The two hyenas flew back with the sound of the wind, and with two "slaps", they smashed **** the other two hyenas who were rushing from behind.

The four ferocious hyenas screamed and fell to the rocks at the mouth of the valley. Several hyenas rushed out one after another when they saw the miserable image of their companions in front, they let out a panicked cry, "Whoosh, whoosh" from ten thousand Lin He Chengru and Wen Meng passed by and fled to the surrounding mountains.

At this time, Charlie and a group of students behind only saw Wan Lin suddenly swaying a few Several hyenas were already screaming and flew around, and everyone couldn't help shouting loudly: " Okay!"

Wan Lin reacted quickly to knock down the two hyenas that rushed towards him. He followed Cheng Ru and Wen Meng, who charged with guns from behind, and shouted loudly, "Don't shoot!"

He immediately pulled out the pistol on his leg, raised the muzzle and pulled the trigger a few times in the air, followed by a deafening leopard roar.

The hyenas who were running out of the dust and fog behind suddenly heard the sound of gunfire and leopard roars in front of them, and they followed and saw a few companions crawling up from the mountain with a miserable howl, slantingly fleeing around. . The few hyenas that had just rushed out immediately let out a panicked cry, and then turned around and burrowed into the dusty fog behind them.

With the roar of a leopard from Wan Lin, a small black shadow burst out of the dust mist like a cannonball. Xiao Hua's eyes flashed with blue light, and she glanced at Wan Lin and the three standing at the mouth of the valley. It landed and turned to the side. Several fleeing hyenas pounced.

Wan Lin saw Xiaohua throw out, and hurriedly made a whistle at Xiaohua. Xiaohua heard Wanlin's whistle, and then stopped on a rock. It glanced angrily at the hyena that was fleeing in panic, then turned around and rushed towards Wanlin.

In a blink of an eye, it jumped up on Wan Lin's shoulder, and then stood on Wan Lin's shoulder, staring at the hyenas that were running around.

Wan Lin saw that Xiao Hua had returned, and he was about to lift his foot to walk into the dusty and foggy valley in front of him, when a dozen figures already supported each other and rushed out of the canyon in front.


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