Panther Commando

Chapter 4554: hidden murder

Seeing the ecstatic looks of Wan Lin and the others, Charlie said with a smile, "The scenery here is really beautiful! Going forward from here, it is a paradise for animals and plants."

He followed and pointed to the high cliffs and continued: "When you came from the mountains outside, you have seen that the surrounding mountains are desolate and barren, full of gray rocks, and you can rarely see lush vegetation. From this mountain From the outside, it is not suitable for people to live here at all. But in this hidden sinkhole, there are many kinds of plants and animals."

As he said that, he raised his finger and pointed to the green canyon in front of him, and continued: "Going forward from here, there are all winding paths in the woods, sitting in the shade under the trees in summer, the breeze is breezy, it is very comfortable. However, there are also hidden murderous intentions here, and there are many poisonous snakes in it. When our students were training here, several students have been bitten by those poisonous snakes, you should pay attention in the future."

Before Charlie could finish speaking, a low rustling sound suddenly sounded from around everyone. Everyone was startled, and suddenly turned around to look into the grass on the side, followed by the right hand and pulled the weapon on the shoulder, and quickly raised the muzzle to the side.

As soon as everyone turned their heads, they saw that a poisonous snake more than one meter long was standing up from the grass under the rock. A cold light flashed in it.

The pupils in everyone's eyes suddenly shrank to the size of needle awns, and they quickly pulled the bolt. At this moment, a gust of wind protruded, and Xiao Hua, who was lying on Wan Lin's shoulder, had already rushed out like lightning.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Hua's figure had already rushed in front of the triangular head of the viper with the sound of the wind. The triangular snake head erected by the poisonous snake just pecked forward, the figure of Xiaohua has appeared in front of its eyes, and a blue light has been shot on the snake head. In the blue light beam, a panicked look suddenly flashed from the cold small eyes on the snake's head.

In its panic, its triangular head suddenly changed direction, biting towards the rushing flower, and the snake letter in its big mouth was almost licking on Xiaohua's face!

"Be careful!" Charlie and Scorpion were shocked. Charlie's right hand just pulled out the pistol, and then there was a sound of pulling the bolt, and his muzzle suddenly raised towards the poisonous snake.

"Don't shoot!" Wan Lin shouted quickly. In Wan Lin's hurried voice, Xiao Hua's right paw slid across the air like lightning, "Clap", and a crisp sound followed from the side of the poisonous snake's head.

The snake's head that had bitten in front of Xiaohua flew to the side, and the one-meter-long snake body flew out of the tall grass with the snake's head, and then slammed into the side six or seven meters away with a "snap" sound. On a tree trunk, the slender snake body seemed to have its joints removed, and it fell softly into the grass under the tree.

Xiaohua slapped the poisonous snake with one paw, fell into the grass below, and jumped out again. In a blink of an eye, it had picked up the snake body that was falling from the trunk, and twisted into the thick woods on the side.

Charlie and Scorpion raised their guns and watched Xiaohua disappear into the thick woods on the side. The two couldn't help shouting: "Okay!" Charlie lowered his gun and looked at Wan Lin and said in horror, "Instructor Wan, your little brother's reaction. It's too fast!"

Scorpion also lowered the assault rifle raised with one hand, turned to look at Wu Xueying and asked, "Instructor Wu, did the poisonous snake bite you?" At this moment, Wu Xueying was retracting her raised right foot. Just now she heard the sound of "rustling" coming from her side, and she had already raised her right leg quickly, but before she could kick her right foot out, Xiaohua had already jumped between her and the poisonous snake.

At this moment, she heard the scorpion's concerned questioning voice, dropped her right foot on the rock again, looked at the scorpion and replied with a smile: "It's alright, there is a small flower, the poisonous snake can't hurt me, it is our protector. ."

Scorpion saw that Wu Xueying was not bitten by a poisonous snake, so he looked at Wan Lin and the others and shouted, "Brother Xiaohua is really amazing, his movements are too fast, no wonder he was not injured in the hail of bullets a few days ago. A single hair. If it lunges at people, I don’t think anyone can escape! Instructor Wan, why did Brother Xiaohua go with that poisonous snake in his mouth?”

At this time, Wan Lin glanced at Wu Xueying, and after making sure she was safe, then raised his head to look at the scorpion and replied with a smile: "Hehe, Xiaohua often trains with us, so it has learned how to avoid bullets, the enemy's It's really hard for bullets to hurt it. Just now, it had a fight with a large group of hyenas alone. I guess it is hungry, and it must have gone to the side to enjoy a delicious meal. "

Charlie and Scorpion laughed when they heard Wan Lin's answer, and Charlie said with a smile, "Haha, when he got up in the morning, Johnny also asked the students to help him catch hares and pheasants, saying that he wanted to stew Xiaohua and you guys. It was delivered, I didn't expect Xiaohua to eat it first."

When Wu Xueying heard this, she quickly looked at Charlie and said, "Principal, our little flower never eats cooked food, it only eats live things, don't you bring those things to Charlie quickly said: "Oh , we really do not know the taste of the little brother. "He looked at Scorpion and said, "Scorpion, hurry up and notify the cooking class, don't make those prey cooked." "

Scorpion agreed, and was about to lower her head to the microphone beside her mouth to inform the cooking class, when Wu Xueying suddenly said with a smile: "Scorpion, scorpion, don't tell me, if it's cooked, let us eat it, don't waste it, we don't eat it. Living thing."

All the people around laughed, Scorpion raised his head and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, we have learned to comfort our beautiful Instructor Wu and Instructor Wen, we mustn't waste it!"

As he said that, he looked at Wan Lin again and said, "I saw that you were so concerned about the students killing those wild beasts. I was really worried about what to entertain you? Only those wild vegetables and game are featured in this mountain, if you really don't eat those Prey, we really don't know how to entertain you."

Wan Lin looked at him and said, "You have misunderstood what we mean. My family has been a hunter in the mountains for generations, but we only hunt those prey for survival, and never kill them indiscriminately. If you go to the mountains in my hometown, I will also Will entertain you with those prey."

Scorpion smiled and said, "Haha, I see, you can still hunt some animals for food, then we'll still entertain you with wild game from the mountains."

He followed the woods where Xiaohua disappeared and said, "Brother Xiaohua tastes good, and that poisonous snake is delicious. In the afternoon, when I have nothing to do, I also take a few students to catch a few poisonous snakes. Snake meat is a good thing, and I ask the chef to give it to me. You make some good dishes, absolutely delicious."

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