Panther Commando

Chapter 4555: dangerous cave

Standing by the forest, Charlie heard Wan Lin's answer, and said with a smile, "That's good, as long as we don't destroy the biological chain here, we should eat or we should survive, too."

He then raised his finger and pointed to the canyon in front of him and said, "This canyon is forty or fifty kilometers long. At the end of the canyon is the lake. If you go to the lake, it will be too far."

He then looked at Wan Lin and the others and said with concern, "You have been working too hard during this time, and you went straight to the battlefield when you got off the plane. Besides, Instructor Feng and Instructor Wen were injured again. I'll take you to the top to see it first. Look, you can see the lake in the distance from there."

When Charlie said this, looking at Feng Dao and Wen Meng, he said apologetically, "When your injuries fully recover, I will take you to the lake to see the terrain over there, and enjoy the beautiful scenery there." Then, he pulled out the romantic saber on his leg, walked aside and slashed hard at a tree branch.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru saw Charlie's actions and immediately understood that he was going to chop down a few branches for the wounded as crutches. The two quickly pulled out their sabers and stepped forward, cutting down a few thick tree branches with all their might.

The two quickly cut off the branches and leaves above, and handed a few sticks to the wounded Scorpion, Feng Dao and Wu Xueying. Charlie then leaned on a stick and walked up the hill with Wan Lin and the others.

Wan Lin and the others climbed through the woods to the bottom of the cliff at the end of the wood. They wiped the sweat from their faces and looked up at the steep cliff. On the high cliffs, there are pieces of jagged rocks, and black caves are scattered all over the rocks.

Scorpion raised his right arm, pointed to a dark cave above and said: "This is the cave I just said, there are large and small caves in here, and at the bend of each cave, you can see three or four holes of different sizes. , people can't determine the direction at all when they are inside, and they can't determine whether the hole they drilled into can go out."

At this time, Charlie also came over with a wooden stick, he raised the stick in his hand, and pointed to one of the caves and said, "When we built this base, we went into several caves to investigate, to see if we could do it. To develop a channel that can be secretly passed, one is to prevent outsiders from entering, and the other is to serve as a retreat for the base."

As he said that, he lowered the stick in his hand, looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "But even we almost got lost in it. There are caves and we don't know which direction we should go."

Wan Lin heard this, looked at Charlie and asked, "Did you not mark when you entered the cave early?" He knew that Charlie and the others had rich experience in wild survival, and they would definitely make adequate preparations when entering the cave.

When Charlie heard Wan Lin's question, he immediately replied: "Yes, at that time, each of us brought several flashlights and long ropes, as well as sufficient fresh water and rations, but every cave was filled with countless The branch hole, after we walked for about a few kilometers in it, we dared not move forward again.”

Scorpion also sighed and said: "If it wasn't for those of us who were trained at that time, most people would have been lost in it. At that time, we marked all the corners and branch holes of the cave, otherwise we would not be able to exit at all. These caves. Fortunately, the distance we entered the cave is not too long, otherwise, even if it is marked, it is impossible to safely return to the outside of the cave in the intricate hole.”

He shook his head as he spoke, and said with some fear: "Alas, the cave inside is too complicated, and now I think about it, I feel a little scared. From what we've investigated, most people can't walk from here to the outside of the mountain at all. At that time, we If you continue to go inside, I am afraid you will really get lost in it."

When Wan Lin and the others heard Charlie's description, they all took out their flashlights and walked to the cave above, raising their flashlights to shine into the dark cave. Wen Meng looked at the jagged rocks inside, she turned her head in confusion and looked at Wu Xueying beside her and said, "It is full of jagged rocks, and in some places, only one person can barely pass through, but those beasts outside the Tiankeng How did you get in?"

Wu Xueying heard Wen Meng's muttering, she also blinked her big eyes and glanced at the dark cave above the rock wall, followed by looking at Wan Lin in a puzzled voice and whispered: "Leopard head, the caves here are very Narrow, how did those huge beasts get in?"

At this time, Wan Lin was holding up his flashlight and pointed his probe into another cave on the side. He straightened up, turned his head to look at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, and said, "The mountain behind the cave should stretch for dozens of kilometers, and the caves in the mountain are all over it. It's hard for us to find all the caves."

He followed and turned to look at the green woods below, and said thoughtfully, "There must be many hidden caves in the forest. Those animals should have entered the woods directly from one of the more spacious caves."

Hearing this, Feng Dao, who was standing next to him, also looked at the branches and leaves swaying in the wind and said, "Yes, there must be many caves in the forest below that we don't know about. When we came up just now, I Just saw a deer burrowing out of the ground in the side forest, there should be a hidden cave."

Wan Lin nodded and continued: "From the lions and leopards we met just now, they seem to be members of the same family, especially the group of hyenas. From this point of view, only a few beasts are familiar with entering and leaving. The passage to the Tiankeng, they must have their own hidden caves that go in and out of here secretly."

Wan Lin said, and suddenly called out to Xiaohua running from the forest below: "Xiaohua, don't enter these caves, come here." He knew that if he didn't stop Xiaohua, it would definitely get into these dangerous caves excitedly. .

Xiaohua heard Wan Lin's cry, she glanced at the cave in front of her in frustration, and then ran towards Wan Lin and the others like a smoky smoke. Wan Lin saw Xiaohua running. He opened his arms and was about to pick up the running Xiaohua, but Xiaohua suddenly swayed in front of him and rushed towards Wen Meng and Wu Xueying who were standing in front of the side cave.

A few people around saw Xiao Hua's movements and all laughed, knowing that Xiao Hua was definitely dissatisfied with Wan Lin for stopping her from going into the cave, so she angrily avoided Wan Lin who held out her hand.

Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua jumping past him, he also smiled and looked at Xiao Hua who was hugged by Wen Meng and scolded, "Stinky boy, you are not allowed to enter the cave."

Charlie looked at the frustrated Xiaohua fondly, then looked at Wan Lin and said, "You're right in your analysis just now. There are indeed many caves hidden in the forest, and some animals also inhabit them. However, those caves are very dangerous, and we didn't dare to Send someone in."

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