Panther Commando

Chapter 4568: There is no danger

? On the training ground in the early morning, Wan Lin and several others listened to Scorpion's story while watching the punished students do push-ups. After listening to Scorpion's story, they all breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, they really thought that those mercenaries were still chasing after them, and they followed the trail to this mountain.

If those students were in the mountains nearby and encountered those fierce mercenaries, these new students with no actual combat experience would be very dangerous.

Moreover, this Falcon's backup base is nearby, once those mercenaries perceive the identities of those students, they will definitely realize that the Falcon base is nearby. No wonder Charlie attached so much importance to it, and personally led someone to command the battle outside the valley. Now it seems that the other party is not a mercenary of Black Hawk and Yamaguchi Security, which really relaxes the nervousness of Wan Lin and the others.

Wan Lin glanced at the caves on the surrounding cliffs. He knew that among these caves, there must be caves leading to the Tiankeng. He followed up and asked, "How many students are there, and are they armed?"

Scorpion replied: "There are twelve students in this group, the size of a small team, and Stevens has a total of thirteen people. After Stevens took them into the mountains, he got some at one of our secret liaison stations. Self-defense weapons."

"However, in order not to attract attention in the mountains, only the AK assault rifles commonly used by some tribal armed forces were issued to the students, and only two magazines were issued to each student, and the ammunition was not enough. Fortunately, Stevens' experience Rich, seeing the fierce firepower of the opponent, he immediately organized the students to take cover alternately, and took advantage of the complex terrain in the mountains to retreat."

When Wan Lin and the others heard Scorpion's answer, their expressions became nervous again. If it is true as Scorpion said, the other party is an arms dealer, then they are selling arms in such a chaotic place, these people must have rich practical experience.

Now, the opponent not only has superior troops, but also has very powerful firepower. These new students will definitely be at a disadvantage in the encounter with the opponent. Once the other party pursues them, I am afraid that those students are still very dangerous.

Moreover, the current Eagle Falcon base is already understaffed, and Charlie only brought out a Eagle Falcon team to reinforce it. If there is a fierce battle, the outcome is really hard to predict.

Cheng Ru looked at Scorpion worriedly and asked, "Where are the Eagles and Falcons already, should we send someone out to help?" Wan Lin and the others also looked at Scorpion worriedly.

The students are the foundation for the maintenance of the Falcon Base. Once they suffer heavy casualties, it will definitely cut off the economic source of the Falcon Base. Moreover, now is a sensitive period when the Eagle Base is attacked. Once the students suffer heavy casualties, the reputation of the Eagle Training Base will definitely be greatly affected, and it is likely to affect the survival of the Eagle Base!

Cheng Ru's voice just fell, and the scorpion suddenly pressed the earphone inserted in his ear. He listened intently for a while and said in a low voice: "Yes, I am with Instructor Wan and the others now, come over immediately."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Wan Lin and the others and said in a low voice, "The principal has brought back this batch of students and got rid of the arms dealers. Now Ying Falcon and the others have brought the students close to the Tiankeng, let's go take a look?" At this time, Tucker and the others also gathered around.

Wan Lin and the others heard that Charlie and the others had returned, and Wan Lin said immediately, "Okay, let's go now." Scorpion heard Wan Lin's answer, turned to look at the surrounding instructors and said, "Tucker, you guys continue here. Instruct the trainees to train, and I took Instructor Wan and the others to meet the new trainees." "Yes!" The tall Tucker answered righteously.

Wan Lin and the others followed the scorpion into the luxuriant canyon in front, and then turned around and drilled into the woods on the side. Not long after, several people had appeared under the towering cliffs at the edge of the woods.

Scorpion stopped under the cliff. He looked up at the top of the high cliff and asked, "Observation Post No. 3, have the new students entered the cave?"

He then listened attentively to the sound of the report coming from the earphone for a while, and followed the order: "Received, pay close attention to the surrounding mountains to prevent anyone from following, and report at any time if there is any situation."

He immediately said to Wan Lin and the others: "The observation post on the top of the cliff reported that Falcon and Stevens have brought the students into the cave safely, and no suspicious persons were found behind them."

Wan Lin heard that Charlie and the others had entered the cave without any risk. He stared at a cave on the side and asked, "Did they come out of this cave?" Scorpion glanced around and replied in a low voice, "Yes, this cave can be directly It leads to the mountains outside, very hidden."

At this time, Wu Xueying looked at the cave and hesitated for a while, and then asked: "These students entered the cave directly from the mountains outside. After they leave here, will they reveal the location of our base?" When questioned, he also looked at Scorpion worriedly.

Scorpion immediately replied in a low voice: "No, this mountain is full of lofty mountains, and the topography is very Moreover, after we took the students into the mountains, we, the instructors, have already started the field survival for the students. The training ranged from walking on foot in the mountains for more than ten days, and in the event of an attack, it took more than twenty days or even more than a month.

He then raised his finger and pointed to the rolling mountains in the distance, and continued: "Look, there are towering mountains all around, if there is no clear direction, let alone students, even us instructors, must be in this thousands of kilometers of mountains and mountains. Finding this tiankeng in the middle of nowhere is like looking for a needle in a haystack."

He put his arms down, looked at Wan Lin and the others and explained: "When the students got off the plane, we ordered them to hand over all electronic equipment. Without the assistance of these modern positioning equipment, they would not be able to find the exact location of this tiankeng at all. position."

Wan Lin and the others nodded when they heard Scorpion's explanation. Wu Xueying looked up at the already white sky, and asked thoughtfully, "Could it be that the satellite detection equipment in the sky wouldn't have discovered this place?"

The scorpion immediately raised his finger and pointed to the cliff above and replied, "Instructor Wu, look at this tiankeng, which is different from ordinary tiankeng. It is like a canyon that winds along the mountains, and the cliffs **** inward like the mouth of a bottle. , From a high altitude, this is an ordinary canyon, no different from other canyons in the mountains."

When Wan Lin heard this, he looked at the scorpion and nodded and said, "Before I came, I carefully studied the satellite pictures of this mountainous area. In this mountainous area, there are many canyons like this. It is really difficult to see that there is a hidden Datiankeng. It's your original Wild Elephant Valley, I haven't found it on the map or satellite pictures."

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