Panther Commando

Chapter 4569: new student

Under the towering cliffs, Wan Lin suddenly turned his head and looked into the cave on the side. 35xs Scorpion hurriedly glanced at the cave, then looked at Wan Lin and asked in surprise, "Why, is there movement in the cave?"

A few people around also turned their heads to look into the cave, and Cheng Ru followed up and said, "Yes, it must be Ying Falcon and the others who came back with the students. Footsteps have been faintly heard in the cave."

Hearing Cheng Ru's answer, the scorpion pricked up his ears and listened for a moment, then looked at the few people and said in astonishment: "There are no footsteps, your ears are too good! Why didn't I hear anything?"

Wan Lin and the others grinned when they heard Scorpion's hesitant voice. They knew that several of them had profound internal skills, and their eyes and ears were already different from ordinary people, and several of them had indeed heard the slight footsteps coming from the cave.

At this time, Wu Xueying heard the voice of the scorpion, turned her head to look at the scorpion and said with a wicked smile: "Brother scorpion, don't do some sneaky activities when you are with us in the future, our eyes and ears are smart, your every move is ours. Watch!"

The scorpion turned to stare at Wu Xueying and shouted, "When did I sneak up on it? Am I that kind of person? Why are you spying on me?"

Wu Xueying looked at him quickly and replied, "No, no, although scorpions often sting people secretly, your brother scorpion is a good person, how can you do those sneaky things. 35xs We don't monitor you, we don't monitor you!" Wan Linji When the people heard the conversation between the two, they all laughed, and the scorpion also raised his finger and pointed at Wu Xueying and laughed. .

At this time, the footsteps of "chacha, chacha" sounded in the cave, and the scorpion exclaimed excitedly: "They are really back!" Several people hurriedly walked towards the side entrance of the cave.

Not long after, Charlie, with his arms hanging on his chest, took the lead to get out of the hole with two fully armed Falcons. Instructor Stevens, also carrying an assault rifle, walked out of the hole with a group of cadets dressed in local indigenous clothing and carrying assault rifles on their shoulders.

Wan Lin and the others saluted Charlie, the principal, and looked at the students who walked out later. The clothes of this group of students have been torn by thorns and sharp stones, and their bodies are covered with mud. From their torn sleeves and trouser legs, it can be seen that everyone's arms and calves are covered with bloodstains , looked very embarrassed.

Charlie put away the flashlight in his right hand and raised his hand in return. He then turned around and led Wan Lin and the others to the cave, and ordered Stevens, who came out from behind, "Stevens, send this batch of new The incoming students will be handed over to Scorpion and the new instructor."

"Yes!" Stevens replied, turned around and shouted at the students who had emerged from the hole one after another: "Assemble!" A group of exhausted students quickly formed a unit on the rock in front of the hole with the shouting. Platoon, they followed and looked at Wan Lin and the others.

When they saw the two female instructors Wu Xueying and Wen Meng, there was light in their eyes. Obviously, they did not expect that there were actually two beautiful female instructors in this field training base in the barren mountains and mountains, and one of the female instructors still had her arm hanging on her chest.

Charlie glanced at the students standing at attention, then looked at Sean who came out of the hole and said, "Sean, take your team back to rest, the brothers have worked hard." "Yes!" Sean replied, Walked to the side with a group of heavily armed members.

Charlie looked at Wan Lin and the others and said, "Instructor Wan, Instructor Wu, you two stay, and let Instructor Cheng and Scorpion take the new students down." "Yes!" Cheng Ru and the others looked at Charlie and replied.

A few people immediately followed Scorpion and led a group of students to the woods below. A group of students followed Scorpion and the others to the forest below, and looked at Wen Meng with glowing eyes, and several of them also turned to look at Wu Xueying behind.

Scorpion saw the eyes of a group of students. He walked over to a student with a big nose who was turning his head without saying a word. He suddenly raised his foot and shouted, "What are you looking at? Hurry up!"

In the voice, his right foot kicked the opponent's **** fiercely, the opponent staggered forward two steps, his tall body almost hit a tree in front of him, he quickly reached out and hugged the thick man. There was a burst of laughter around the trunk of the tree.

When Wan Lin and the others saw the student's embarrassed appearance, smiles appeared at the corners of their mouths, and Wu Xueying almost laughed out loud. Charlie and the others saw a group of practitioners walking into the woods. Wan Lin turned his head to look at Stevens and asked, "What's going on? Are there any casualties among the practitioners?" With that, he stretched out his hand to support the exhausted Charlie to sit down. to the next rock.

When Wu Xueying heard Wan Lin's question, she immediately translated it. She knew that Charlie had left her behind to facilitate their communication with Wan Lin.

Charlie sat on the rock, looked at the people around him and said, "You all sit down too. Stevens, please introduce the situation to Instructor Wan and Instructor A few people sit down, Shi Stevens looked at Wan Lin and said in Y language: "There are twelve students in this group, and they have arrived here one after another from all over the world. After I received the group of students on time, I immediately took them to the contact point on the side of the mountain in a broken van. At the focal point, we distributed the cadets with local clothing, weapons, and three-day rations, and then divided them into three combat groups into the mountains. "

At this time, Wu Xueying was already sitting on the rock beside Wan Lin. She looked at Stevens and translated in a low voice. At this time, Charlie looked at Stevens and said, "Stevens, let Instructor Wan and the others inform you about your encounter with the mercenaries and the group of arms dealers." "Yes!" Stevens replied With a sigh, it followed a succinct narration.

Due to the tension of the base personnel, only Stevens went to greet the trainees this time. After Stevens took the students into the mountain, he immediately took the students to the mountain at a rapid marching speed.

At noon on the third day, Stevens glanced at the students who were already tired, and then ordered a group to guard the hillside in front, and the rest of the students rested on the spot.

Just as the students sat in the mountains and took out the individual rations, a series of gunshots suddenly sounded halfway up the mountain in front. Stevens was shocked and immediately ordered all the students to prepare for battle. A group of students immediately lay on the rocks and pits beside them, raising their guns and aiming forward.

Stevens slumped under a rock quickly, then stuck his head out of the side of the rock and looked forward. On the hillside of four or five hundred meters, a figure was leaning out from behind a rock. He held an assault rifle in the air with one hand and pulled the trigger. On the surrounding hillside, there were four or five guns aimed at the people here. silhouette.

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