Panther Commando

Chapter 4570: meet by chance

? Stevens saw the silhouette of the gun on the hillside, and quickly extended the muzzle from the rock. He aimed at the foot of the mountain through the scope on the gun. He saw at a glance that there were also three black figures lying on the rocks at the foot of the mountain, and a machine gun was aiming at a group of team members who were already standing in the mountains in front.

Stevens saw that the other party had aimed a gun at his group of people, and he immediately understood that the other party must have seen his group of people wearing the clothes of the local people and carrying the AK assault rifles commonly used by local armed personnel. Therefore, they thought that these people were only local tribal armed forces, and their purpose must be to rob the food and property in their hands.

He moved the muzzle along with him, and looked intently at the boy who stood up on the hillside. He stared at the scope, and his face suddenly became nervous. At this time, he could vaguely see that although the other party's clothes were covered with dust, he could still see that the other party was wearing a bulletproof helmet on his head and a bulletproof vest on his upper body. . He secretly said in his heart: The other party must be the black eagles withdrawing from the mountains, or the mercenaries of Yamaguchi security guards!

He immediately turned his head and shouted to the team members lying on the side: "Take the sound of my gunshots as a sign, the second group of firepower suppressed the machine guns at the foot of the mountain, the third group killed a few boys on the hillside for me, and covered the front group to withdraw. Without the sound of my gun, you must not shoot without permission!" "Yes!" There was a sound of excitement from the side, followed by a sound of pulling the bolt. 35xs

Stevens immediately pulled the bolt, raised the gun and stood up. He held an assault rifle in his right hand and a box of individual rations in his left. go before.

He often dealt with various armed factions in the mountains. He knew in his heart that these mercenaries did not shoot directly. Obviously, he regarded his group of people as armed tribes with little fighting ability, and did not see that these people were hawks. students at the base.

Moreover, when these mercenaries attacked their own Eagle Falcon base, the ammunition had already been consumed too much, and the food had already been exhausted in the mountains. Now, they must be running out of ammunition and food, and even if there are still bullets, I am afraid there are not many. Unless it is a last resort, this group of boys will definitely not shoot easily, wasting the ammunition that is not much.

The surrounding students saw that the instructor risked standing up under the opponent's gun, and walked forward without knowing what to shout. A team leader who was temporarily appointed, even more nervously told the team members around him: "It is strictly forbidden to shoot without authorization!"

It didn't take long for Stevens to walk to the group in front of him shaking the lunch box in his hand. A group of students ordered: "Take out individual rations and put them on the rocks in front of you, and prepare to retreat after my order!"

Several students heard the instructor's order and quickly took out the rations from the backpacks behind them. They then bent down and placed the rations on the rocks in front of them.

Charlie shouted, shaking the lunch box in his hand. The other party saw Stevens' movements and faintly heard his voice shouting in the local language. They really thought they had encountered a local person, and two more people stood up on the hillside.

At this time, Stevens had already seen that the machine gunner lying on the mountain in front was moving his muzzle to aim at the students in the back. The other party obviously believed that this group of people were local tribal armed personnel, and they had taken the initiative to hand them over. the rations he carried.

Just as a group of students put down their rations, Stevens had already walked behind a half-person-high rock in front of him. He put the lunch box in his left hand on the rock, and suddenly ordered in a low voice: "Prepare to fight!"

In the voice, he suddenly lay on the rock in front of him, the right hand holding the gun suddenly raised, and the left hand grabbed the gun body and quickly pulled the trigger to the machine gunner in front.

"Da da da", a string of bullets roared towards the machine gunner who was hundreds of meters in front! With the sound of his gunshots, a deafening sound of gunfire followed in the mountains behind, and a bullet roared towards the mountains in front and the hillside in front of him.

The four students standing behind Stevens who had just put down their lunch boxes were lying on the mountain. They pulled the bolt and raised the assault rifles in their hands, and quickly pulled the trigger.

In a string of whistling bullets, the boy on the hillside in front of him immediately fell backwards on his back, and the two boys who had just stood up also stumbled on the hillside.

Suddenly, the sound of gunshots erupted in the silent mountains, and pieces of howling bullets flew straight to the mountains in front of them, and a cloud of dust that was hit by the bullets suddenly flew from the mountains in front of them.

Stevens swept out a string of bullets, and immediately turned around and shouted behind him: "Get out!" He then bent over and ran behind the gun. A group of four students also quickly stood up with their guns, scattered among the surrounding mountains and ran back.

At this time there was also a sound of gunfire in the mountains in front of me, bullets roared past Stevens and the four students' heads and around him, and a roar of scolding in Y language also rang out. .

Stevens took the four students and ran to the back quickly under the cover of the rocks in the mountains. He followed behind a rock and raised his gun from behind the rock to aim forward while facing a group of players who followed. Roared: "Alternate cover, the second and third groups withdraw!" The group of students who had just withdrawn hurriedly lay down under the rock, and several of them immediately raised their guns and swept forward.

At this time, Wan Lin was relieved to hear Wu Xueying's translation, he knew that Stevens would withdraw with a group of students later, he looked at Stevens and asked, "It's too dangerous, Are there no casualties among the students?" Wu Xueying quickly translated his words.

Stevens replied: "No! I was also apprehensive at the time. Fortunately, these students had already undergone strict military training in the original army. At that time, they did not panic, and their marksmanship was very accurate. After pulling the trigger, they suppressed the opponent in front. In the mountains, we took cover and pulled down safely. However, there were still two team members whose arms were grazed by each other's bullets. Fortunately, they were slightly injured, and I had already bandaged them at that time."

At this time, Charlie looked at Wan Lin and interjected: "Yes, this is also the reason why our Falcon base does not recruit new recruits. There may be battles at any time in this mountainous area. If a group of recruits were to be recruited, they would have already collapsed by half."

Wan Lin looked at Charlie and nodded. If it was a group of untrained recruits, they would definitely react in panic in such an unexpected situation. If that was the case, at least the group of students in front would definitely fall under the guns of those mercenaries.

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