Panther Commando

Chapter 4571: fly student

?Stevens was sitting under the steep rock wall. He looked at Charlie with some fear and said, "Yes, I saw that this group of students was calm, and the other party didn't shoot directly, so I bite the bullet. I pretended to be a local and walked over. Otherwise, 35xs, the four students in a group were already aimed at each other's guns, and there was no way to escape."

He then looked down at the students who had already walked into the woods, and sighed again: "I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk forward to attract the attention of the other party. Fortunately, the military quality of these students is good. After I pulled the trigger, they immediately suppressed those mercenaries with intensive firepower, otherwise it would be difficult for me and a group of students to retreat safely."

After speaking, Stevens turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Later I judged from the sound of the other party's gunfire that there were about seven or eight people in the other party. They should be the group of mercenaries who attacked our base, specifically the Black Hawks. , or Yamaguchi security guards, I can't be sure, they were covered in dust and their helmets were so low that they couldn't see their faces."

Wan Lin stared at him and asked, "After you retreated, did those mercenaries not catch up?" "No!" Stevens replied immediately, and he followed up: "When the other side shoots, With burst fire, it means they are running out of ammunition to organize an effective attack."

He shook his head and said: "To be honest, I was really afraid that the other party would catch up at the time. Although these students have undergone strict military training, they have no actual combat experience, and we don't have many bullets for each student. After I brought these cadets to safety, I immediately stopped and ordered the cadets to check the remaining ammunition."

Stevens then looked at the woods below and scolded in a low voice: "Grandma, in such a short encounter, most of the students have already used up half of their ammunition. The two R-descendants were panicking and put two I ran out of spare magazines, and I was so **** off at the time that I swung my **** and gave it to these two bastards."

Wan Lin and Wu Xueying both laughed when they saw Stevens' annoyed look. Wan Lin said with a smile, "It's the first time these students participated in a battle, they would inevitably be nervous. Fortunately, there were no casualties, which is a blessing."

After Wu Xueying finished translating Wan Lin's words, she followed with a smile and said, "If people don't panic, why do they spend so much money to come to us for training?"

Stevens also laughed when he heard Wu Xueying's voice. He looked at Wan Lin and Wu Xueying and said, "Actually, I understand, but I am the instructor with this group of students. If these students all give me bullets It's gone, how can I bring them back to the base safely? Fortunately, the other party lacks ammunition and physical strength, otherwise, although we have an advantage in numbers, we may not be able to retreat under the muzzle of those bastards. "

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly looked at Charlie with a dignified expression and asked, "Principal, do you still have R students here?" When Charlie heard his question, he immediately understood what he meant and knew that he was vigilant against the security guards in Yamaguchi. people.

He looked at the woods below, and replied in blunt Chinese: "Yes, there are also R-descendants among the students in the previous classes. We have carefully screened them. They are all security personnel sent by multinational companies. Some of them are master fighters who have served in the military. However, none of them have actual combat experience, so they are sent by these companies to receive practical training.”

When Wu Xueying heard Charlie's answer, she also asked with a tight face: "Principal, there won't be Yamaguchi security guards among these people, right? Yamaguchi security guard's Kuroda is from R country."

Charlie looked at her and replied with a smile: "No, the Yamaguchi security guards themselves are a mercenary group working with their heads, and their people are not lacking in actual combat opportunities, so they don't need to spend a lot of money to train their mercenaries here. "

He then looked at Wan Lin and said, "However, these companies belong to large multinational companies with many subordinate companies. We have no way of knowing the real purpose of sending these trainees. The situation of these R people is similar to that of Green who was shot the day before yesterday. The situation is basically similar, they all enter the base in the name of company security personnel, but we cannot supervise what they do after graduation.”

Wan Lin nodded when he heard Charlie's explanation, and looked deeply at the forest where the students disappeared below. In the past few days, he has learned about the general situation of the Eagle Falcon base.

Although this base is nominally a place to train the best special forces, they are also a commercial training base. It is impossible and incapable of them to be responsible for the whereabouts of each student, and they can only supervise the behavior of these students in the base.

At this time, although Stevens, who was sitting on the side, did not understand their conversation in Chinese, he already understood from their expressions that they must be talking about those R-descendants.

He looked at Wan Lin and Wu Xueying and said, "Those two R-descendants are really After this battle, many students are reluctant to be in a battle group with these two boys. "

"They said that these two R-descent boys were greedy for life and fear of death in the battle. If their team leader hadn't kept an eye on them, they would have turned around and fled. Later, when covering a group's retreat, they They are all hiding their heads behind rocks, raising their assault rifles with both hands and shooting at the distant hillside, not aiming at the enemy on the hillside at all.”

Stevens said and glanced at Wu Xueying, then looked at Charlie and said, "When we were passing through some tribes, these two boys' eyes were always wandering around young women, like flies around people, if it wasn't for me Staring at them, I still don't know what's going on. Grandma, how come these two **** come in?"

Charlie Stevens frowned at the description. He looked at Wan Lin and Wu Xueying and said, "You are responsible for the training of these new students in the base. Once you find any bad signs, you must strictly enforce military discipline. Immediately repatriate them for violating military discipline in their eyes, and don't let these two people spoil the atmosphere of our base."

Stevens also looked at Wan Lin and said, "Don't be polite to these students, clean up when they need to. If they dare to resist, they will rectify the Fa on the spot!"

"Okay!" Wan Lin replied immediately, he then looked at Stevens and said, "Did you never meet those mercenaries again?" Wu Xueying immediately translated Wan Lin's words.

Hearing Wan Lin's question, Stevens immediately replied: "After we entered the depths of the mountain, we also saw figures who were suspected of them appearing in the mountains in the distance, but these people saw that there were more than a dozen of us. The scale of people is far away, and they do not dare to come forward to plot."

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