Panther Commando

Chapter 4572: thrilling battle

Wan Lin looked at Stevens and nodded. He thought to himself: "It seems that those **** are already scared of being beaten. I'm afraid they are also afraid of the people at the Falcon Base."

He followed and looked at Charlie and said: "From the current situation, these mercenaries have been scattered and withdrawn from this mountain area. In a short period of time, whether it is Black Hawk or Yamaguchi Security, I am afraid that they will not be able to continue to fight against us. "

Charlie nodded and continued: "Yes, I have already learned about the indigenous tribes scattered in the mountains. In recent days, they have indeed seen some well-equipped people, and some of their homes have also been robbed by them. ."

When Charlie said this, his face suddenly turned gloomy and scolded: "These bastards! These people invaded some houses. They not only stole their food, but also harmed some young women. This should be those Yamaguchi mercenaries. For! Judging from the whereabouts of these people, they are all walking towards the surrounding border, and they should be exiting this mountainous area."

Wan Lin and Wu Xueying heard Charlie's scolding, and their faces showed anger. Wan Lin scolded angrily in a low voice: "You should really kill all these scumbags!"

They already knew in their hearts that although the people of the Black Hawk were mercenary, selling drugs and killing people for money, they were still polite to ordinary people, especially prohibiting assaulting unarmed women. And the people of Yamaguchi Security are very hateful. These people are just like beasts. They already knew the virtues of these people when they fought with these mercenaries before.

Seeing the angry expressions of Wan Lin and the two of them, Charlie knew that they had recalled their previous fights with those beasts. He waved his hand and said, "Ignore those beasts for now, sooner or later they will be cleaned up!"

He then looked at Stevens and said, "Tell me about the situation where you encountered those arms dealers in the nearby mountains." Stevens replied, and then talked about the situation behind him.

After this encounter, Stevens has become very careful, and he immediately took a dozen new students to avoid the populated area and went directly to the depths of the mountain. But he did not take the students directly to the Eagle Falcon base, but took the students in a big circle in the mountains.

At this time, the rations carried by the students had already been used up, and Stevens ordered the students not to shoot and kill animals in the mountains without authorization, and only let them find wild vegetables, insects, etc. to satisfy their hunger.

He only taught the students some knowledge of unarmed hunting when their physical strength was severely weakened, and temporarily let them catch some small animals to supplement the body's necessary nutrition. However, he strictly forbids the students to use fire in the mountains to avoid the fireworks attracting the attention of outsiders. 35xs

Stevens has been walking around the mountains with the students for more than ten days. When he was sure that no one was following behind him and that the students had indeed lost their sense of orientation in the mountains, he brought the group of students closer one evening. The mountain where the Eagle Falcon base is located.

Just as Stevens led a group of four students and just turned around the foot of a big mountain, he saw four or five figures approaching at a distance of four or five hundred meters in front of him, and he hurriedly whispered to his side. The four ordered: "Prepare to fight!"

He then stared at each other, raised his arms, and made a "hidden" gesture to the other two groups of students behind him. At this moment, the other party also discovered the silhouettes of them suddenly abducted.

Stevens was shocked! He wanted to negotiate a few words with the other party by shouting, but he didn't expect the other party to make a fighting gesture without saying a word. "Hide!" He hurriedly roared, turning around and lying under a rock.

"Da da da", "da da da", a burst of assault rifle shots followed from the front, and a piece of bullets roared and hit the rocks in front of Stevens.

While directing the group around him to fire back, Stevens hid behind the rock and shouted loudly for the second group to rush up the side slope, and the third group retreated 200 meters to cover the first group and the second group to retreat. He followed the barrel from the side of the rock, pulling the trigger for a short burst, watching the mountains in the distance.

At this time, he saw in the dark that a group of figures were scattered about 100 meters behind the boys. The figures were running up and down to the mountains in front of them. As they ran, they raised their guns and shot a cluster forward Clusters of dazzling firelight. Several animals dragging large boxes are also being forced by several figures to run down the big trees and boulders on the side. The other party is at least twenty people.

Stevens' heart sank, he hurriedly leaned behind the gun and aimed forward, he saw through the scope. The other parties were all dark-faced locals in local costumes, all holding weapons in their hands.

He followed and glanced at the wooden box that the animals were carrying, and he could see at a glance that it was a box containing ammunition and weapons, and the people who were pulling the animals were quickly opening the ~ Two of them have taken out a bazooka and a machine gun.

Stevens quickly swept out a string of bullets in the distance, followed by shouting to a group of players at the foot of the side mountain: "Withdraw!" At this time, the gunshots of the second group of players had already sounded on the side mountain.

At this time, he had already realized the danger. They were far inferior to each other in terms of numbers and firepower, and he was surrounded by a group of new students with no combat experience. Once the stalemate continued, they would not be able to escape at all.

Stevens swept out a string of bullets, turned around and led the four students beside him, crawling back at the foot of the mountain behind, and a few of them turned around and pulled the trigger behind him.

At this time, the four students in the second group had also rushed up the side hillside, and they pulled the trigger in front of them condescendingly, covering their retreat.

Stevens retreated to the foot of the mountain with a group of students, and immediately lay down under the rock and swept a rain of bullets in front of him. He hid behind the rock, then raised his hand to the second group on the hillside and made a "retreat" gesture.

The team leader of the second group saw Stevens' gesture and immediately gave the order to "retreat". The four students swept a string of bullets against the mountain in front of them, turned around and ran towards the **** behind the mountain.

A few people had just left the hillside when a machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" had already sounded from the mountains in front, and the flank hillside was hit by violent machine gun bullets, sending a cloud of dust, followed by a few sharp air-breaking sounds from the air.

A few dazzling firelights rose from the bare hillsides and foothills on the side. Several bombs roared on the side slopes and at the foot of the mountain, and a piece of blown up gravel and dirt flew towards the heads of Stevens and the others.

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