Panther Commando

Chapter 4573: best way

? Stevens lay under the rock to avoid the flying shrapnel. He shook off the gravel and soil from his body, then stuck his head out from under the rock and turned his head to look at the surrounding students. 35xs

The bodies of several students were also covered with dust. Their newly raised faces were blackened by gunpowder smoke, and panic expressions appeared in their eyes. The arms of several students holding guns were shaking slightly.

Seeing the nervousness of these students, he quickly leaned forward from the side of the rock and raised his gun to aim forward. A dozen figures have already stood in the mountains in front, and the other party is charging forward ups and downs under the cover of the firepower of the companions behind.

Seeing that the enemy was already charging, Stevens immediately turned his head and shouted at a group of students, "Get out!" During the shouting, he swept a string of bullets at the rushing figure in front.

At this point, Stevens knew that these students had never experienced such a fierce battle, let alone an explosion around them.

Now that they are short of ammunition and the enemy is fierce, if they organize defenses on the spot, they will not be able to stop the opponent at all. If the other party rushes over, I am afraid that none of these students will be able to reach the Eagle base alive.

While Wu Xueying stared at Stevens, she translated the other party's story to Wan Lin. At this time, Wan Lin had a nervous look on his face.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng were the team members they brought out. He knew the performance of these students who participated in the actual combat for the first time and had already realized the danger at that time. Did you come up?"

Stevens replied immediately, "I'm catching up!" Wan Lin originally thought that the other party would not chase after the students when they saw the withdrawal, because the other party's purpose was to **** arms.

Wan Lin asked in astonishment when he heard his answer, "The other party is not escorting arms, why is he chasing you all the time?" Wu Xueying quickly translated Wan Lin's words, and she felt a little puzzled in her heart.

When Stevens heard Wan Lin's question, he shook his head with a wry smile and replied, "You don't know much about the situation here. The people here are sturdy and belligerent. They must think we are the ones who came to hijack arms. ."

"Moreover, they have seen in the contact that our firepower is not strong, the number of people is not large, and we turned around and fled as soon as we caught fire, so they rushed up directly under the cover of strong firepower, wanting to take us here. Crowds were annihilated on the spot so we wouldn't reveal their whereabouts to others."

Seeing Wan Lin and Wu Xueying's puzzled expressions, Charlie explained, "These people who **** the arms are people from the surrounding turbulent areas. Although they have not undergone systematic military training, they all start from sensibleness, and they all start at the sound of gunfire. He picked up the barrel of a gun at the sound of the explosion. The people here know how to shoot at seven or eight years old, they are all people who have grown up under the hail of bullets, they are very tough and have rich combat experience.”

He shook his head and said helplessly, "The scourge of war is the common people! The social turmoil here, the perennial war chaos, the young people in the mountains have rich combat experience, and the war chaos has also made those arms dealers a lot of money. ."

"In order to sell and **** arms, these arms dealers recruited many young people at low prices in this mountainous area, and also equipped them with high-performance weapons, so these people do have a certain combat effectiveness."

He then looked at Stevens and gave a thumbs up and praised, "You observed that the other party was this group of people, and decisively ordered the students to retreat, and the response was very fast. If the other party really rushed up, it would be difficult for this group of students to retreat. "

Charlie said, raised his finger and pointed to the students who had already walked into the forest below, he sighed and said, "To be honest, if we were not worried that these students would die here, we would take them to participate in the actual combat for a year in this mountain, and they would be able to survive. Those who come down must be elites with rich combat experience. Actual combat is the best way to train and train a soldier, which is why I set up this special forces training base in this area.”

After listening to Charlie's introduction, Wan Lin looked at Stevens and asked, "How did you get rid of those chasing soldiers?" Stevens replied, "When I saw the other party chasing after him, I immediately felt The situation was not good, so I quickly reported the situation to the falcon and asked for reinforcements."

"Fortunately, I am very familiar with the terrain in the surrounding mountains, and the sky has darkened. As we fought, we retreated in the direction of Tiankeng, just in time to meet the reinforcements like Eagle Falcon."

When he said this, he scolded with an ugly face, "Grandma, I have fought for so many years, and I have never been so useless as this time, and I have been chased and beaten by people!"

Stevens followed and looked at Charlie and said, "Thank you, Headmaster, if you hadn't arrived in time to help us out, we wouldn't have been able to get rid of those bastards."

Wan Lin heard Stevens' words, turned his head and glanced at Charlie's wounded arm hanging on his chest and asked, "You also exchanged fire with those people?"

Charlie nodded and replied, " After I received Stevens' request for help, I immediately realized that these students were in danger, so I ordered Sean to rush over with a team."

He followed with a sigh and said, "You just came here, and you don't know much about the armed forces in this area. Although there are various armed forces and tribal armed forces here, the only ones with real combat effectiveness are those foreign armed forces who covet the treasures here. , and the arms dealers who sell weapons and ammunition."

Stevens also looked at Wan Lin and said, "Eagle is right, although the young people of the tribe have rich combat experience and are very capable of individual combat, their weapons and equipment are poor, and they do not have talents who are proficient in tactics. Command, so the comprehensive combat effectiveness of these indigenous tribes is very weak, just a group of rabble."

"The armed forces of foreign forces and arms dealers are different. They have a clear purpose. They not only have sophisticated weapons and equipment, but also have retired military commanders who are proficient in tactics. They recruit local armed personnel with very low remuneration, and conduct training on these people. Simple military training, so the people of these forces have a certain combat effectiveness, and the general tribal armed forces do not dare to provoke them at all, even the government army is a little scared when they see them."

Charlie followed up and said, "Yes, so after I received the report from Stevens for help, I immediately rushed over with someone, otherwise these new students are really dangerous." He followed up and told what happened later.

Yesterday evening, Charlie received a report from Stevens for help, and immediately led a team of falcons to sneak out of the canyon secretly and ran straight to the mountains on the side of the canyon in the dark.


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