Panther Commando

Chapter 4585: be vigilant

Wan Lin and the others sent the scorpion away, then walked to the dining table and sat down again. 【】Wen Meng and Wu Xueying neatly cleaned the table. Wen Meng immediately pressed Wu Xueying, who had a broken arm, onto the wooden pier by the table, carried the used tableware, and walked into a small cave next to the restaurant, and there was a sound of running water.

Wen Meng finished cleaning the tableware, then placed the tableware neatly on the wooden plate and walked back. Wan Lin saw Wen Meng walking back, raised his finger and pointed to Wu Xueying's side to let her sit down.

Wan Lin looked at the group with a serious look and said, "Now, China's technology and economy are developing rapidly, and many foreign forces are staring at us."

He glanced at the curtain at the entrance of the restaurant, lowered his voice and continued: "The recent meteorite incident in our northwestern mountains has shown that the hostile forces are coveting our scientific research results, and the claws of those spy agencies are reaching out to President Yu's military industry. Research Institute. Although it is outside, those of us must not let our guard down.”

When he said this, he swept a few comrades around, and continued to lower his voice: "Here, principal Charlie and the people at the base are very friendly to us, we don't have to worry about anything. But the students here come from all sides, and many of them are opponents. Man, what happened the night we first came, has already explained the problem."

He then looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng and said, "Both of you are female instructors, you should be more vigilant, especially in the dead of night. Although Charlie has arranged vigilance around our station, there are still people who can Dodged the guards and sneaked around our tent."

"Everyone here is a professionally trained special operator. We have to be vigilant to prevent accidents. During this time, let Xiaohua follow the two of you to prevent anyone from secretly approaching your station at night."

When Cheng Ru heard this, he also looked at Wen Meng and said: "Fortunately, our station is right next to your wooden house. Once you find that an outsider is secretly approaching your station, you will immediately shoot a warning." Feng Dao followed: "Don't be shy in a critical moment, kill it when it's time to kill!"

Wen Meng and Wu Xueying heard the advice of Wan Lin and the three of them, and they quickly replied: "Yes!" Wu Xueying followed with a sneer and said, "Hey, if there are people who are not afraid of death, come here, auntie will be waiting for them!" , her right hand has tightly gripped the pistol grip in the holster on her leg.

When Wan Lin heard Wu Xueying's murderous voice, he whispered, "Yes, if someone is found to be a danger to our personal safety, we must deal with it decisively."

He lowered his head and pondered for a while when he said this, then looked up at a few people and said, "Although we claim to be instructors, we are the guests invited by Charlie, and these students are the resources of the base, we should not take it lightly unless we have to. To start killing, it is best to disarm those students who violate military discipline, hand them over to Scorpions, and try not to cause economic losses to the base.”

"Yes!" Cheng Ru and the others immediately replied when they heard Wan Lin's advice. They knew in their hearts that no matter what caused the death of a student, the base would have to explain it to the customer, and it was likely that part of the high tuition would be refunded, so Wan Lin It will tell you not to easily execute those who are conspiring against evil.

Cheng Ru and the others just finished their answers when a blunt Y-language voice suddenly came from outside the restaurant: "Report." Wan Lin turned his head to Cheng Ru and the others and said, "Xiaochao is here." Wu Xueying smiled and faced the door Outside shouted: "Come in!"

Xie Chao opened the curtain and walked in. He stood at attention and saluted, "Report to the instructors. Instructor Scorpion is worried that you are not familiar with this place, so he ordered me to come and show you the way."

Wan Lin raised his hand and waved it between his foreheads, then lowered his arm and said, "Scorpions are really meticulous. You, a person we can trust, are here to be our guides."

With that said, he glanced at Xie Chao, who was carrying a sniper rifle, and said with a smile: "Xiao Chao, is your body fully recovered?" He knew that although Xie Chao was not injured in the battle, he had been injured for a long time. Johnny, who was dealing with the enemy's snipers, had already exhausted his stamina.

When Xie Chao heard Wan Lin's concerned question, he raised his hand and knocked down his chest, and said with a smile: "Thank you, Instructor Wan, I have recovered a long time ago. I grew up in the mountains since I was a child, and my physical strength is good. , get some sleep, eat well, and then recover."

When Wan Lin heard his answer, he stood up and said, "Okay, then you can take us around the base. We're really not familiar with this place."

Wu Xueying said with a smile: "Yes, yes, you are good to take us with you. Many Falcon members in the base don't know us, don't let them send us to the confinement room as spies. If we are sent in, those students will not laugh. Big tooth?" Several people around heard her cry and all laughed.

Wan Lin looked at Wen Meng and said, "By the way, give Xiaochao some of the medicine Xiaoya brought us, and let him change the medicine for Johnny, Xu Liang, and Yan We often It's not very convenient to go to the ward."

Wen Meng replied, picked up a bamboo tube and handed it to Xie Chao and said, "You take the time today to sprinkle the three of them with medicinal powder on the wound, and change the medicine every three days."

Xie Chao took the bamboo tube and glanced at it, and he said excitedly: "Great, this is the golden sore medicine that Grandpa and Sister Xiaoya concocted by themselves, right? This is too precious!" He quickly stuffed the bamboo tube into his waist. between.

Wu Xueying looked at Xie Chao with a smile and said, "Stinky boy, you can see at a glance that this is the golden sore medicine concocted by grandfather and sister Xiaoya. Yes, I haven't forgotten."

Xie Chao raised his head and looked at Wu Xueying and said seriously: "Sister Yingying, how can I forget my roots? Even if I burn to ashes, I am also a Chinese."

Wan Lin walked over to Xie Chao and patted him on the shoulder, then said with a smile: "Just don't forget your roots. Let's go, take us to the top of the cliff to see the surrounding terrain. By the way, tell us Y language outside, Don't speak Chinese, we also learn Y language." "Yes!" Xie Chao replied quickly, and he followed Wan Lin and the others out of the cave.

Xie Chao took Wan Lin and the others out of the cave, and then walked diagonally down the side of a cliff that went straight up and down. While walking, Wu Xueying looked at the surrounding steep cliffs attentively. She followed with some astonishment and asked in Y language: "Xie Chao, we are going to the top of the cliff, why did you take us to the bottom of this steep cliff?"

When Xie Chao heard Wu Xueying's question, he turned his head to look at her and replied, "Instructor Wu, the cliff here is too high, so the instructors have installed a lift here, and we can stand on the lift directly to the top of the cliff." Said Then, he pointed to a patch of grass in front of him. [This chapter is first published. Love. have. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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