Panther Commando

Chapter 4586: rise rapidly

Wan Lin stopped when he heard Xie Chao's answer. He looked up at the steel cables hanging from the top of the cliff, and sighed to the people around him: "The mountains around the canyon are too high. It will take at least a few hours for the support staff in the city to reach the top of the cliff. [] With this lift, the Falcon can quickly send troops to the top of the cliff, which is a bit nice.”

At this time, Xie Chao had already strode into the grass in front of him, he turned his head and glanced at the surrounding silent canyon, and then said in a low voice, "This is the canyon where the instructor and the material warehouse are located. Without the password given by the instructor, our students are not allowed to do it without authorization. Enter, or shoot to kill."

After speaking, he walked to a raised rock under the cliff, reached out and pressed a device a few times, he turned his head and said, "This lift needs a password to start, this is what the scorpion instructor told me temporarily, otherwise I will I don't know, I'll notify the people above now." He whispered a few words into a microphone of the device.

Following his shout, there was a "humming" motor starting sound in the grass, and Xie Chao immediately pulled Wan Lin and the others into the grass.

Only then did Wan Lin and the others see that in the waist-deep grass, there was a take-off and landing platform made of thick wooden boards. Several thick wooden stakes were erected around the platform. The safety rope, from the perspective of the area of ​​the lift platform, should be able to take off and land about ten people at a time.

Xie Chao stepped onto the platform. He called Wan Lin and the others to come up and told everyone to grab the stake. He then pressed the start switch on a box on the stake.

With Xie Chao's finger pressing, the simple lifting platform slowly rose up. Wu Xueying looked at the broadened field of vision, and she said to Wen Meng beside her in surprise, "Look at Mengmeng, this Tiankeng and the mountains in the distance are so beautiful!"

Before she finished speaking, the lift platform suddenly accelerated towards the top of the high cliff, and the speed suddenly became extremely fast, and the sound of "whoosh" sounded in their ears.

Wan Lin and the others were holding on to the wooden stakes beside them. Wu Xueying stared at the cliffs that slid past quickly in astonishment. She looked at Xie Chao who was standing beside her and shouted, "Xie Chao, why did this lift suddenly change like this? Soon?"

At this time, Xie Chao was also so nervous that his face turned pale, he looked at the surrounding cliffs, holding the stake in front of him tightly with both hands, he replied in astonishment: "It's my first time riding, why so fast? , this is even scarier than taking a plane." At this time, Cheng Ru and Wen Meng had already stretched out a hand and tightly grasped the wounded Feng Dao and Wu Xueying.

Wan Lin held the stake tightly with his left hand, and stretched out his right hand to hold Xie Chao's arm. He looked up at the approaching cliff top and said loudly, "This cliff is about a thousand meters high. It's too late to support the people at the top of the cliff."

As soon as Wan Lin's voice fell, a roar of a beast suddenly came from the surrounding mountains, and the sound had already overshadowed the sound of the wind passing by Wan Lin and the others.

Wen Meng hurriedly glanced at the mountains in the distance, then she turned her head to look at Wan Lin and shouted, "Xiaohua hasn't come back yet, is it still fighting with the beasts in the mountains outside?"

At this moment, the rapidly rising elevator suddenly slowed down again. Wan Lin and the others quickly looked up and saw the rolling hills behind the cliff before them. On the top of the cliff above, a fully-armed hawk and falcon warrior is holding a sling with one hand and raising the other hand to salute the slowly ascending Wan Lin group.

Wan Lin and the others hurriedly raised their right hands in return, and the other party immediately reached out and grabbed the arms of several people and pulled them to the cliff one by one. He said nervously, "Report to the instructors, Sean ordered me to meet you, you guys. Come with me. For some reason, a lot of wild beasts suddenly appeared in the surrounding mountains, as if they were rushing towards our mountains."

When Wan Lin and the others heard his report, they glanced at each other, and then followed the Eagle Falcon team to the side of the mountain. A few people strode to the top of the mountain in front of them, and the Eagle Falcon team suddenly stopped, raised their fingers and pointed to a boulder several meters high in front of them and said, "Our observation post is built on this boulder. This is the high point of the top of the mountain. Observe movement in the surrounding mountains."

Wan Lin and the others looked up and saw that there was indeed a bunker built with a piece of rock on top of the boulder. The bunker was covered with a roof made of withered grass and stone chips. It was difficult to find this hidden observation post without paying attention.

At this moment, a burst of animal roars suddenly sounded clearly from the surrounding mountains. The huge roars came one after another, as if ferocious beasts were flying all over the mountains and fields, and the surrounding mountains were filled with dust and fog.

The Eagle Falcon team hurried to the side of the boulder. He raised the assault rifle in his hand, and while looking at the hillside below through the scope on the gunshot, he whispered into the microphone beside his mouth and asked nervously, "Those beasts are rushing over here. no?"

Wan Lin and the others saw the dust and mist in the distance, and immediately ran behind the surrounding rocks. They raised their guns to aim at the side slopes and the distant also showed nervous expressions on their faces. .

Feng Dao was injured and his movements were slow. He crouched on the spot behind a rock, took off the assault rifle on his shoulder with one hand, and whispered to Xie Chao beside him: "Xie Chao, you ask Ask the observation post above, what's going on around here?" He then put the assault rifle on the rock in front of him, put the ** on his shoulder and aimed at the distant mountains.

The undulating mountains are filled with thick dust and mist, and the little black figures are running fast among the vast mountains, as if they are running towards the mountain where the Tiankeng is located. The air knife quickly moved the muzzle and aimed at the hillside on the side.

The hillside is covered with jagged rocks and yellow and green weeds, and trees with dense branches and leaves are also erected on the hillside in a disorderly manner.

Several leopards covered with black spots and a group of ferocious hyenas have rushed up and down the hillside. On the surrounding hillsides and the weedy hills below, there were also groups of antelopes and wildebeests with horns running wildly. The whole hillside was densely covered with all kinds of wild animals.

Fengdao saw the beasts rushing in front of him, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said in a low voice: "Leopard head, did Xiaohua attract all these beasts?" Wan Lin was frowning and observing the group of leopards below, he listened He suddenly woke up to Feng Dao's questioning, and he said in a low voice, "It must be it!"

At this time, Xie Chao had already run back from the eagle and falcon team members under the boulder, and he whispered in Chinese: "Report, the observation post said that for some reason, the herds in the surrounding mountains are rushing towards the mountains near Tiankeng. Come, the observation post opposite has also found a large number of animals approaching, the reason is unknown!" [This chapter starts. Love. have. Voice. Novel Network, please remember the URL]

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