Panther Commando

Chapter 4594: 1 stinky beating

"Little brat!" Scorpion stared at the two boys in the forest and cursed angrily, then stood up from under the rock in a rage, and ran towards the valley ahead with his assault rifle.

At this moment, four figures in full armor suddenly emerged from the dense forest and rushed straight to the two boys in the forest. The four rushed to the forest where the two boys were, and two of them immediately aimed their guns at the heads of the two boys.

The other two rushed directly in front of the two boys standing in the forest. They raised their big feet and kicked the two boys to the ground with one kick. Then they swung the ** in their hands and faced them fiercely. The boy's body was smashed down, and there was a scream of slaughtering pigs in the forest.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others had already raised their guns and stood up. Wan Lin glanced coldly at the two boys who were rolling in the forest. He followed and said to Cheng Ru and the others, "Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Cheng Ru said in a low voice angrily, "It must be the two r-born bastards. I saw a white light from one of them just now. It should be the unique hidden weapon shuriken used by those bastards."

The wind knife with a wound on his arm also held an assault rifle in one hand and said, "Yes, only these **** use this kind of hidden weapon." He is a master of hidden weapons, and at a glance recognized the hidden weapon used by the other party, which was used by those ninjas. 's unique hidden weapon.

Fengdao strode forward with his assault rifle, while looking at the woods in the distance, he scolded in a low voice, "These two **** must have sneaked into our station, or Xiaohua wouldn't chase them!"

Wan Lin followed the scorpion with a gloomy expression. At this time, he didn't say a word. He had already judged in his heart that these two boys must have sneaked in when the rainstorm hit and the guards hid in the surrounding caves. dense woods.

Moreover, they must have got into their own quarters during the thunderstorm, and then they were seen by Xiaohua and escaped. They must have sneaked back to the student dormitory while the guards were not in place in the forest.

Wan Lin and the others strode into the woods, and a few eagle fighters saw several instructors approaching, and then lowered their raised feet and the **** in their hands, one of them looked at the scorpion and raised his hand to salute and report: "Report, These two boys sneaked into this restricted area while we were avoiding the lightning."

Scorpion raised his hand in return. He followed with his right foot and kicked the two boys who were lying on the ground. He then raised his head and stood beside him, still aiming his gun at the two boys on the ground. The Falcon team ordered Said: "Pull up, search them, and see if they have any contraband!"

"Yes!" The two Eagle Falcon team members replied, and then they carried the assault rifles in their hands. They bent down and pulled up the two boys who were already slumped on the forest floor. The other two Eagle Falcon team members immediately stretched out their hands and carefully searched the area. on the two boys.

Wan Lin and the others looked at them intently, and the two boys were indeed the two R-descendant students. At this time, they had been beaten by several Eagle Falcon team members, their faces were covered in blood, their noses were blue and their faces were swollen, and their eye sockets were as black as pandas.

These two people sneaked into the canyon where the instructors and the material warehouse are located while the guards were avoiding the lightning. This really made these eagles furious, so they attacked very hard, and in a blink of an eye, the two boys were already beaten. His nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

The two boys were pulled up from the forest by the Eagle Falcon team members. The two quickly held the trunk of the tree beside them to straighten their bodies. Then they looked at Scorpion and Wan Lin in panic. At this time, they saw Wan Lin and others. With the sniper rifle in his hand, he already knew in his heart that they were locked in the forest just now by the snipers of these instructors.

Scorpion stared at the two boys with fiery eyes. He then raised his right hand and slapped one of the boys on the cheek. He shouted sharply, "I told you when you came here. Your forbidden area, what are you doing here? Say it!"

Scorpion's slap was extremely powerful, and the opponent immediately staggered two steps to the side. He quickly reached out to support a tree trunk beside him and stopped. At this time, a bright red slap mark had swollen on his cheek. A trail of blood flowed from the corners of his mouth and nostrils.

The other boy next to him saw Scorpion's gaze, and looked at him viciously again. His small eyes rolled twice, and he quickly replied in a panic: "Report, instructor, we haven't had a good meal for more than half a month, so just now It's because we ate too much, we came out after the meal to digest it, just in time for the rainstorm."

He spoke hurriedly in Y language, and leaned forward unconsciously. He was searching for the Eagle Falcon members on this boy, raised his hand and gave him a slap in the face, scolding angrily: "Bunny, stand up for Lao Tzu!"

Following the furious scolding of the Eagle Falcon, the boy raised his hand to cover the slapped cheek. He looked angrily at the Eagle Falcon. His right foot was already flying, and he kicked him **** his stomach with a slap. The boy groaned, his body arched like a shrimp, his back slammed into the thick tree trunk behind him, his face was already twisted in extreme pain.

The other boy saw the tragic appearance of his companion being beaten, he quickly raised his head, looked at the scorpion in fear and shouted: "Instructor..." Before he finished speaking, the Eagle Falcon team member who was searching him raised his hand and gave him the cheek. With a punch, he shouted sharply: "Don't you know you need to call a report when you talk to the instructor?"

The boy's head slanted to the side, and he shouted vaguely, "Report to the instructor." Scorpion looked at the boy coldly and shouted, "Speak!"

The boy heard the icy voice of the scorpion, his body trembled in fear, he quickly stood up, looked at the scorpion with blood on his face and shouted: "Report the instructor, we have eaten too much, so come out Wandering around, I didn't expect a thunderstorm suddenly sounded in the sky, we saw this forest in panic, so we ran here to avoid the thunderstorm!" He spoke very fast, lest he could not finish explaining, and was caught by the instructor and the eagle in front of him. The team members were beaten.

Wan Lin, Cheng Ru, and Feng Dao looked at the two boys coldly, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying interpreting each other's reports to them in a low voice. At this time, Wan Lin stared coldly at the boy in front of Scorpion, and suddenly asked coldly in Chinese: "What are you doing in the tent?"

The other party was stunned when he heard Wan Lin's voice on the side. He was in extreme panic, and Wan Lin suddenly asked a question in Chinese. He really didn't realize what Wan Lin was saying?

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