Panther Commando

Chapter 4595: hidden weapon found

Seeing the confused look of the R-born student in front of him, Wan Lin reached out and pulled Wu Xueying, who was about to translate in Y language. He then stared at the boy's red and swollen eyes, and repeated coldly in Chinese: "What are you doing in the tent?"

Seeing Wan Lin holding her arm, Wu Xueying immediately understood what Wan Lin meant. The leopard head wanted to see if these two boys could speak Chinese?

At this time, the Eagle Falcon team member who was staring at the kid, saw the **** staring blankly at Instructor Wan without answering. Then he roared in Y language: "Speak!"

When Cheng Ru and the others saw the fury of this Eagle Falcon team member, they almost laughed out loud, and Wu Xueying and Wen Meng quickly raised their hands to cover their mouths.

Everyone knows that except Scorpion, Johnny, and Charlie who can speak some Chinese, everyone else can't understand Chinese at all, and this Eagle Falcon team member definitely didn't understand what Wan Lin was talking about, but he forced this little boy to speak Chinese. The devil answered.

The R-descendant student in front of Scorpion is short and thick. Now his face has been beaten like a big pig's head. The brand-new camouflage uniform on his body is covered with footprints and mud stains. *Wandering around for a while, then stood at attention beside the tree trunk again in horror.

He raised his hand and touched the dirty blood from his mouth, looked at Wan Lin and replied in Chinese language hoarsely: "Report instructor, we really entered the tent to hide from the rain. Just when the rain stopped and we were about to come out, The kitten came in and saw us, and it jumped up and scratched our ass, so we ran out, but we didn't move anything in the tent."

At this time, the two boys were already terrified, their legs on the grass were shaking slightly, and the rebellious look on their faces had already flown to the sky.

They have all seen that although the surrounding instructors have carried the sniper rifles and assault rifles behind their backs, their right hands seem to be inadvertently hanging next to the pistols on their legs. The angry-looking Scorpion instructor, right hand Even more, he has tightly grasped the pistol handle, and there is a strong murderous aura on his face!

These two boys have realized that if they didn't answer truthfully now, the instructors around them might have pulled out their pistols and shot them. In this mountainous area full of gunshots, just because they trespassed in military forbidden areas, these instructors could draw guns to kill them without hesitation, even the company that sent them had nothing to say.

When Wan Lin and the others heard the boy's cry, they all looked down. Only then did they find that there were bloodstains on the buttocks of the two boys, and the mud-stained trousers had been stained with red blood.

Wan Lin glanced at Cheng Ru and Feng Dao who were standing beside him, and several of them secretly said in their hearts, "No wonder these two boys escaped so fast just now. It turns out that Xiao Hua has scratched their buttocks."

At this time, the two Eagle Falcon members who searched the two boys stood up straight. They both held a deerskin bag in their hands. The two looked at the scorpion and reported: "Report, they did not carry any items that the base unexpectedly, only this Two bags."

One of them followed and opened the small bag, reaching out to take out the contents from the bag. At this time, Wan Lin had already taken a step forward. He snatched the bags from the hands of the two Falcon members and whispered, "Don't touch the contents!" He looked down at the bag, and Cheng Cheng, who was standing beside him, said in a low voice. The Confucian people also gathered around.

At this moment, Scorpion also walked to Wan Lin's side. He looked at Wan Lin and asked in Y language, "Instructor Wan, what's inside?" Wan Lin stared at the bag and replied, "It's a hidden weapon!"

As he spoke, he stretched out **** and carefully took out a cross-shaped hidden weapon from inside. Scorpion and the surrounding Eagle Falcon team members immediately stared at it.

The hidden weapon shone with white light like a cross, and the four outstretched blades were very sharp. Wan Lin pinched the center of the hidden weapon and raised it to look at the sunlight that penetrated into the forest.

The color on the blade did not change, and it still flashed a cold light in the sun. He secretly said in his heart, "It seems that these two **** are worried about causing trouble here, so they didn't dare to feed poison on the blade of the hidden weapon."

At this time, Cheng Ru saw Wan Lin's actions and knew that he was looking at the hidden weapon to see if he was feeding poison. He stared at the boy in front of him and asked coldly, "Is it poisonous?"

Feng Dao heard Cheng Ru's question, he took the hidden weapon from Wan Lin's hand, and with a flick of his right hand in the air, the sharp blade had passed over the arms of the two boys in a blink of an eye, and the sleeves of the other two were immediately sharpened. The hidden weapon cut a hole, and a smear of blood followed from the opponent's arm.

The two boys let out an exclamation at the same time, and then took a step back to the side. They hurriedly raised their hands to press the wound on their arms, and looked at the instructor with the bandaged upper body in front of them in astonishment. Obviously, these two boys are good at using hidden weapons. At this time, they have already seen that the injured instructor in front of them is actually a hidden weapon Feng Dao followed and stared at the two and said coldly: "You two. If these two **** dare to feed poison on it, then let you have a taste of what it's like to die from poison!"

With that said, he took the two bags containing hidden weapons in Wan Lin's hand, turned around and handed them to a Falcon team member, and then said, "Don't touch the contents inside." Wen Meng quickly translated Feng Dao's words.

At this time, Wan Lin and the others already understood that the wind knife was a master at playing hidden weapons, and he hated those who fed poison on hidden weapons the most, so he took the shuriken in Wan Lin's hand and stabbed it directly with the sharp blade on it. on the other two. If the hidden weapon is poisonous, these two boys will definitely suffer the consequences!

At this moment, Scorpion and a few Eagle Falcon members were looking at the two panicked boys in amazement. At this moment, they all heard Feng Dao's words, and they all looked at Feng Dao with admiration.

They didn't expect that the unremarkable instructor in front of him moved so fast, and in the blink of an eye, he had already cut the arms of the two boys with a hidden weapon.

Hearing Feng Dao's words, Scorpion looked at the Eagle Falcon team members and ordered: "Take the hidden weapon bag and give it to your captain when you go back." He already understood the meaning of Feng Dao and knew that Wan Lin and the others were suspicious of these two boys. Poisonous on hidden weapons.

He followed in a rage and pulled out the pistol from the holster on his leg. The muzzle was tightly pressed against the chin of one of the boys. He squeezed the trigger tightly with his fingers, and shouted sharply: "Grandma, dare to kill someone without permission. If something enters the base, is there any poison on it? Say it!"

: . :

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