Panther Commando

Chapter 4597: forest station

In the woods, Feng Dao looked at the scorpion and said, "These ninjas are very vicious, and they often smear blood-smeared poison on the blades of their hidden weapons. However, judging from the performance of the two boys just now, there should be no poison smeared on the hidden weapons. ."

Wan Lin followed up: "Yes, they are here to receive special operations training, not to carry out assassination missions, so they will not easily put people to death. Poison should not be smeared on the hidden weapons, but they are just kept by their side for self-defense. Xiaohua is chasing after her, and they will not easily take out such a unique hidden weapon."

As he said that, he reached out and hugged Xiaohua from Wen Meng's arms, then took a close look at Xiaohua's eyes, and then he gently stroked Xiaohua's furry head, and said to the scorpion who was still looking at Xiaohua worriedly: "Xiaohua is not injured, then The two **** haven't been able to hurt it yet."

Scorpion heard Wan Lin and Fengdao mention ninjas, he said in astonishment: "I have heard of ninjas in the past, it is said that these people are killers, love disappears without a trace, have great ability, and also have extremely strong endurance , Ordinary people can't deal with it, are these two boys ninjas?"

Wan Lin shook his head when he heard Scorpion's question and replied, "It is said that the training of ninjas is extremely harsh. This skill is now on the verge of being lost. It is not clear whether these two boys are ninjas. The black snake that Xie Chaochao encountered should be a sniper who has fully mastered the ninja skills, and this person is very dangerous."

He then pondered and said: "The skills of these two boys haven't reached the level of the black snake. However, they can hide from outsiders' eyes in the rainstorm and sneak in here quietly, which shows that they have strong concealment skills. At the same time, they will use the ninja's unique hidden weapon, which all shows that they must have received ninja-related training and have excellent spy qualities. From this point of view, they should be professional spies."

Hearing Wan Lin's answer, Scorpion frowned, and said irritably, "I just hate these spies who are sneaking around and doing shameful deeds. I'll kill them in the past, so that there will be no future troubles!" After speaking, he quickly pulled out his right hand. Pulling out the pistol in the holster, he raised his foot and was about to chase towards the edge of the forest.

Seeing his furious look, Wan Lin quickly reached out and grabbed his arm. He whispered, "Scorpion, don't be reckless." He snatched the pistol from Scorpion's hand and inserted it into the holster on his leg.

He pondered for a moment and continued: "Now, we have taught these two boys a lesson, they have not dared to do things that are detrimental to us and the base for the time being. If they do anything that violates military discipline in the future, we will deal with them more strictly. them!"

Scorpion saw Wan Lin holding him, he cursed in a low voice, then turned his head to look at Wan Lin and said, "Then let these two **** go first, let's go to your station to see and check. Take a look at your station and see if you have been manipulated by these two bastards?"

Wan Lin patted him lightly on the shoulder and replied, "Okay, then we'll go back and have a look." After speaking, several people lifted their feet and walked towards the side of the forest.

The sun shines through the thick branches and leaves, scattered in a disorderly manner on the forest floor covered with leaves, and the forest is mottled with golden sunlight.

Although it had just rained heavily in the Tiankeng, the strong winds and hail had knocked down countless leaves, and the forest was covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, like a fluffy green carpet, clearly displayed in front of Wan Lin and the others.

The wind knife stepped on the soft woodland, and he stared at the woodland in front of him as he walked and said: "These two boys entered the forest when the rainstorm came, but they only ran out of the forest at this time, which shows that they have already After staying in our tent for a while, they should have turned over our backpacks."

Hearing this, Wen Meng suddenly raised his head and exclaimed: "It's broken, we all have passports in our bags, then they will definitely find out that we came from Huaxia!" Cheng Ru and several people heard Wen Meng's cry, all of them were He stopped and looked at Wan Lin, his face gloomy.

At this time, Wan Lin's face was also extremely gloomy. He pondered for a moment, and then said coldly: "If you know it, we have not done anything shameful. In addition, these two boys met us for the first time. At that time, we should have already judged that we are soldiers from China."

Cheng Ru followed up: "Yes, our passport information is recorded at the customs here. In such a chaotic area, it is not difficult for those spy agencies to obtain this information, and our identity cannot be kept secret at all."

Feng Dao also said: "It doesn't matter, we are here to participate in international military exchange activities. There is nothing to be avoided as an instructor here. They will know if they know it."

Scorpion heard the discussion of several people, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and the others and said, "Yes, you are the instructors we invited, and our instructors are from the special forces of different countries, and there are several of them. Active military personnel, this is a platform for international military exchanges, you have nothing to hide, those **** know it!"

Wan Lin raised his foot and walked forward after hearing He said as he walked: "Yes, they know what they know, what if they know it? Let's go back to the station to check and see. Are they putting surveillance equipment on our premises?"

Scorpion's eyes widened and said, "They dare! Watching us instructors is a capital offense. They don't have the guts!" Several people said, in the dense forest in front of them, the hoods of Wan Lin and several people had already appeared.

Wan Lin and the others walked into the door of the tent. He raised his hand and put Xiaohua on the ground, then raised his hands and gestured as he whispered, "Xiaohua, look where those **** have been?" He raised his hand. He opened the tent door and pointed to the interior.

When Xiao Hua heard Wan Lin's order, it raised its big thick tail and wagged it, then lowered its head and sniffed the grass at the door, and then trotted into the somewhat dim tent.

Wan Lin and the others followed Xiao Hua into the tent, and then they stood quietly at the door and looked at Xiao Hua's running figure, with solemn expressions on their faces.

Although Wan Lin and the others have considered the consequences of knowing their identity, they are still a little worried. Several of them are members of China's most secret special forces. Once the other party masters their video data and discloses it to the public, it is very likely that they will face great danger when they perform secret missions in the future.

Therefore, several people stood at the door of the tent and did not enter the room to prevent their own smell from disturbing Xiaohua's sense of smell. Standing at the door, they all stared nervously at the route Xiaohua ran to in the tent, observing where the two boys were.

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