Panther Commando

Chapter 4598: marks on the backpack

Xiaohua went in and out of several rooms in the tent, and then stopped in Wan Lin's bedroom. It sniffed the side of the bed immediately, and then suddenly jumped up to a wooden stake at the head of Wan Lin's bed, on which was placed Wan Lin's tactical backpack upright.

Xiaohua jumped up on the stake, probed towards the backpack placed on it, and sniffed it hard. It then ran to the backpack and glanced at the zipper on it, then turned to look at Wan Lin, and the tail behind him also stood up and swayed a few times.

Wan Lin and the others stood at the entrance of the tent and saw Xiao Hua's movements. They immediately understood that the two boys stayed in front of the backpack for a while, and the smell left by the other party was very strong, so they immediately walked over.

Wan Lin walked to the backpack, frowned and looked at Xiao Hua and asked in a low voice, "Have those two boys opened the backpack?" Xiao Hua's eyes flashed with blue light, and she raised her right paw to the zipper on the backpack.

Wan Lin stared at the backpack, the backpack was still placed on the wooden stake as it was, and it could not be seen from the outside that it had been opened. Wan Lin pondered for a moment, trying to remember where the items were placed in the bag. He followed the zipper in the tactical backpack and looked down.

The items in the bag are still neatly stacked in accordance with Wan Lin's habit of packing things, and there is no trace of anyone moving the backpack at all. But Wanlin knew in his heart that since Xiaohua smelled the breath left by the two boys on her backpack, she must be right.

He glanced at the contents of the bag, stretched out his hand and took out two bamboo tubes of the same length and glanced at it, he followed and said coldly: "Although these two boys are extremely careful, they still leave traces. This is The two bamboo tubes I brought with me have the same shape, but the medicinal powder inside is different in efficacy, and now the positions of the two bamboo tubes have been reversed, the other party must have checked the items in the backpack, these two bastards!"

He followed him from the mezzanine of the backpack, took out his passport and handed it to Xiaohua's nose and said, "Xiaohua, smell it and see if there is any other person's smell on it?"

Xiao Hua sniffed hard when she heard the sound, and then watched Wan Lin flash the blue light in her eyes. Wan Lin took back his passport, glanced at the surrounding tents and scolded in a low voice, "These **** have carefully checked our documents and know that we are from China."

At this time, Wen Meng asked with some doubts: "They have just come here, they have never been to this canyon at all, and they don't know the distribution of our instructors' residences, but how do they know that this is the residence of our Huaxia instructors?"

When Feng Dao, who was standing beside him, heard Wen Meng's questioning voice, he said decisively, "They definitely don't know whose station this is, but they just found this tent in the thunder and lightning. If you take it off, you can avoid lightning and heavy rain. Unexpectedly, they really made a crooked fight and found our station."

Wan Lin followed up: "Yes, from the current situation analysis, they are reconnaissance the terrain of the base, trying to find the exact location on the map based on the terrain of the canyon, they must have accidentally discovered that this is our station, and take advantage of it. No one has searched this place."

He followed Wen Meng and Wu Xueying and said, "Bring Xiaohua to your station to see if there is any monitoring equipment in the cabin?" "Yes!" Wen Meng replied, picked Xiaohua and Wu Xueying to the outside go.

Scorpion saw Wen Meng and the two walking out with Xiao Hua in their arms. He looked at Wan Lin with an ugly face and asked, "Instructor Wan, those two **** are not in the tent, are they installing eavesdropping and video surveillance?"

Although he kept watching Xiaohua wandering around in the tent, he didn't know the meaning of Xiaohua's movements, so he looked at Wan Lin and asked.

Wan Lin and the others were distinguished guests invited by Charlie, but when they first arrived here the day before yesterday, they had already caught the attention of Green's two students. Now, these two little devils directly broke into Wanlin's station, which really made the owner of his base feel a little embarrassed.

When Wan Lin heard Scorpion's question, he looked up at the top of the tent and replied, "They didn't install monitoring equipment here." He then looked at Scorpion and said proudly, "Scorpion, don't worry, all our little brothers have checked. There will be absolutely no problem, its sense of smell is a hundred times stronger than those of military dogs."

After speaking, he bent down and stuffed the bamboo tube in his hand into his backpack, followed by pulling the scorpion to the outside table and sat down and said, "From the current situation, those two boys should have come here to scout during the thunder, lightning and rainstorm. Interested in coming to reconnaissance."

At this time, Cheng Ru also took the wind knife and walked to the table and sat down. He followed Wan Lin and Scorpion and said, "This should be the intention of these two little devils. These students have just experienced fierce battles and survival in the wild. After returning from training, all the trainees' physical strength has been seriously exhausted, and they should rush back to the dormitory to sleep to recover their physical strength after eating."

"These two boys must have found that the guards in this canyon were evacuated to the surrounding caves immediately after eating, and the light in the canyon was like a dark night, so they temporarily decided to use this unguarded space~www.wuxiaspot .com~ Sneak into the forbidden area in this base to scout the terrain here, which shows that they really came here with a mission."

Feng Dao also said: "Yes, they just came here, and they know the thunder and lightning here, so when the dark clouds covered the canyon, they sneaked in here to check the situation under the cover of darkness in the valley."

He followed Scorpion and said: "It seems that these two students should enter here with the task of reconnaissance of the Eagle Falcon base. You must prevent the other party from obtaining the exact location of the base."

Hearing Chengru and Fengdao's analysis, the scorpion nodded gloomily, and he continued: "Yes, your presence here is an accident, and the other party could not have known that you were teaching here. At most, they would suspect that there is Huaxia. The trainees are trained here."

He followed Wan Lin and continued: "The purpose of their coming here must be to receive the actual combat training here, while determining the location of our Eagle Base and the information of the instructors, and then after the training, we will sell the information here at a high price to Our opponent, this is completely in line with the habit of those spy companies to sell information!"

At this point, Scorpion had completely calmed down from his rage. He pondered for a while when he said this, and then said: "Judging from their current performance, you Huaxia should be the target their company has been targeting."

"Now, they suddenly found out in the base that there are you instructors who speak Chinese, so they made an impromptu move to collect information on you Chinese special warfare instructors, so as to infer the relevant situation of your Chinese special forces."


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