Panther Commando

Chapter 4599: gunfire in training

Wan Lin was sitting at the wooden table in the center of the tent, he nodded when he heard Scorpion's analysis, and continued: "Yes, those international intelligence companies are indeed coveting our China's scientific research and military intelligence. They have been in our China many times. We have dealt with them a few times in the espionage operation in the country. Once they get the intelligence of us people here, they can really sell for a big price in the intelligence exchange market.”

He then looked at Cheng Ru and Feng Dao and said, "Since these two boys are from those intelligence companies, they will definitely not miss the opportunity to understand and contact us. It seems that we really need to be careful in the future."

Fengdao nodded and said: "Yes, I am afraid that among these students, not only these two little devil students are from the intelligence agency, but there are also other people who may be watching us secretly. We really need to be more careful."

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru both nodded solemnly, Wan Lin turned his head to look at the map hanging on the side of the tent, and scolded anxiously in a low voice, "Grandma, will these two **** look at this map? What is the latitude and longitude from here?"

Scorpion turned his head and glanced at the map, and then said, "No, this map is a sketch map of the surrounding mountains that we hand-painted by ourselves. The latitude and longitude are not marked on it. They won't see the location of the tiankeng from this map."

At this moment, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying walked in from outside the tent with Xiao Hua in their arms. Wan Lin looked up at them and asked, "Have those two boys entered your residence?"

Wen Meng walked to the table and said, "No, Xiao Hua walked around in the wooden house and said that the other party did not enter our wooden house." Wan Lin and the others glanced at each other with confidence when they heard Wen Meng's answer.

Wan Lin immediately looked at Scorpion, Cheng Ru, and Feng Dao and said, "Thunderstorms and torrential rains are very short. It seems that the two **** have not been busy here before they were discovered by Xiaohua who came here, and they didn't have time to enter. The wooden house on the side."

Hearing Wan Lin's analysis, Scorpion said with a gloomy expression, "Those two **** are really not good birds, we really need to be vigilant."

Then, he stood up and looked at Wan Lin and the others and continued: "I'll go back and see if the eagle has rested? If he hasn't slept yet, I'll report the situation of the two boys to him. There's nothing to do today, you guys have a good rest."

Wan Lin and the others quickly stood up, Wan Lin said, "Scorpion, go ahead and do your thing, don't worry about us, we'll walk around the base in a while." Scorpion raised his hand and saluted them, then turned around and strode out. tent.

Wan Lin watched Scorpion leave, Feng Dao sighed and said, "Charlie, Scorpion and Johnny are all friends who can be sincere. We can meet such a **** man in this unfamiliar place, this is ours. Good luck."

Wan Lin followed up: "Yes, this time we not only rescued Xie Chao from danger, but also made **** friends like Charlie, Scorpion and Johnny. We are worth the trip."

He then raised his hand to let Wen Meng and Wu Xueying sit at the table, reached out to take Xiaohua and put it at his table and said, "Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, the students here are very complicated, and you two must not be slack in the slightest."

Cheng Ru also looked at Wen Meng and said: "Yes, this is different from our country, everyone here is a special forces personnel with weapons in their hands, a little negligence is likely to cause irreparable losses, you guys Really can't be careless."

"Yes!" Wen Meng and Wu Xueying replied quickly, and Wu Xueying said angrily: "Just now, Big Brother Scorpion only shut up those two boys for three days, why not shut them up for a few more days? I looked at these two little devils. Wretched appearance is a forehead!"

Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they saw Wu Xueying's angry look. Wan Lin said, "These new students have just entered the base from the mountains outside. They have not eaten or slept properly for more than ten days, and their physical strength has seriously declined. It's been too long, these two boys will definitely not be able to get out of the confinement room."

Feng Dao followed up and said, "Even in the three-day confinement without food or drink, these two boys will definitely be unable to get out of the confinement room by themselves, and they will definitely be carried out by those Eagle Falcon team members."

He then sighed and said: "This is different from the general special forces, the students who enter here are taught a huge amount of tuition to enter here, so the scorpions can't easily kill them, otherwise who would dare to send their own people easily. Are you here for training?"

When Wu Xueying heard Wan Lin and Fengdao's explanation, she muttered in anger: "Scorpions are worried about tuition fees, I don't care about that, if you really dare to offend me and Mengmeng, I must make them look good!"

Wan Lin and the others laughed when they saw Wu Xueying pouting. They knew in their hearts that if this little aunt started a rage, she wouldn't care, even if the sky fell, she wouldn't care.

Wu Xueying's voice just fell, when there was a burst of intermittent gunshots outside. Wan Lin and the others grabbed the weapon that was leaning against him, and Xiao Hua suddenly stood up from the table in front of Wan Lin, and looked out of the open tent Lin listened intently After a while, the sound of gunshots came from outside, and then he stood up and said, "The gunfire is intermittent and rhythmic. This is the students in the valley doing shooting training. Come on, let's go over and observe the shooting training at the Eagle Base." Several people walked out the door with guns.

As soon as Wan Lin and the others walked out of the canyon where the instructor was stationed, they saw that a dozen students were crawling up and down in the jagged pile of rocks on the side of the canyon in front of them. Each student is moving forward rapidly among the rugged rocks. They are not raising their guns and aiming forward while they are crawling quickly. Their movements are standardized and fast.

Wan Lin and the others looked at the rocks on the side of the rubble as they walked. On a rock more than two meters high under the cliff, stood an instructor with an assault rifle aimed at the students, and a stern roar was coming from his mouth. , the muzzle is aiming at the last few students with the roar.

At this moment, a burst of "da da da" gunshots suddenly sounded, and a rapid burst of fire suddenly erupted from the muzzle raised by the instructor. Wan Lin and the others were startled, and quickly stopped to look at it.

Behind a few players crawling behind the rocky beach, a few pieces of gravel shot by bullets were flying, and those players were crawling forward in horror at the sound of gunfire. Obviously, the slow tactical movements of these players have angered the instructors standing on the side.

Wu Xueying whispered in astonishment: "My mother, these instructors really shot during training, they are not afraid of hurting the students?" Wan Lin stared at the students who were desperately crawling forward, followed by He looked at the shouting instructor again.


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