Panther Commando

Chapter 4600: Angry Yingying

Looking at the instructor's standard gun-holding posture, Wan Lin nodded secretly, and he whispered, "These instructors' marksmanship is really good, and the bullets flew past the students behind them. This is also to simulate the actual combat environment and supervise the students. s method."

Cheng Ru also followed up: "Yes, these instructors all have excellent military literacy. The students in the back not only move slowly, but also have irregular tactical movements."

Cheng Ru said, and then raised his eyes to look at the canyon where the gunshots were faintly heard in front of him, and he continued: "The gunshots came from the canyon where the lake is located, Xie Chao and the others should conduct shooting training by the lake. ."

"Let's go, we haven't carefully observed the canyon in front of us, let's go over and take a look." Wan Lin raised his feet and walked forward. At this time, a short burst of "da da da" sounded again, and Wan Lin and the others turned their heads as they walked.

Only then did they notice that several students who had already climbed over the rocky beach were standing up from the grass in front of the rocky beach, and their eyes were all looking at Wan Lin and the others. Obviously, the eyes of these boys were greedily looking at the two beautiful female instructors Wu Xueying and Wen Meng.

At this time, the bullets fired by the instructor had already shot into the grass beside the students. A few chunks of mud hit by the bullets were hitting the trouser legs of the two students, and some withered weeds had emerged. Black smoke.

Several students jumped up screaming at the sound of gunfire. They immediately took their weapons and ran towards a hill more than 100 meters high in front of them. They followed and jumped into the grass in front of them, crawling forward. The foot of the mountain climbed quickly, never daring to look here again.

"Grandma's, Mengmeng and I have become giant pandas here. When they look at us, I will 'Tutu' them with a gun!" Wu Xueying cursed angrily as she looked at the students.

When Wan Lin and the others heard her scolding, they couldn't help laughing. Wen Meng also "giggled" and took Wu Xueying's arm, pulling her towards the lush canyon in front of her.

Wan Lin and the others walked to the vicinity of Taniguchi in front of them, and a fierce fighting sound and rude shouts were coming from behind a huge rock in front.

Wan Lin and the others stopped beside the rock, only to see a dozen or so students on a piece of dirt behind the rock, conducting one-on-one combat training. Several students with bandages on their bodies were standing beside them, staring at the students who were catching and fighting on the field. Tucker, the tall black instructor, was turning his head to look at Wan Lin and the others.

Tucker saw Wan Lin and the others stopped, he quickly strode up to them and raised his hand to salute, Wan Lin took a step forward and raised his arm in return, he then lowered his arm and said with a smile: "Tucker, Hello."

Tucker glanced at the Chengru people who came over, and replied with two rows of white teeth on his swarthy face: "Hello, I am taking this group of students for individual combat training, and those who were injured in the battle The students are watching. Hehe, you came just in time, can you give them some pointers?" He looked at the two female instructors who were approaching.

Wu Xueying and Wen Meng saw this tall and tall black instructor looking at them, and they greeted him with a smile, and Wen Meng translated Tucker's words to Wan Lin and the others in a low voice.

At this time, the team members who were fighting fiercely on the field had already spotted Wan Lin and the others standing at Taniguchi. The eyes of a group of students then stopped on the delicate faces of Wu Xueying and Wen Meng.

Wu Xueying greeted Tucker with a smile. She looked up and saw the students in front were looking straight at herself and Wen Meng. The smile on her face disappeared immediately, and her face was tense. Looking at the many students in front of them, they shouted angrily in Y language: "What are you looking at? Hurry up and train!"

The trainees heard the annoyed shout of the female instructor. Not only did they not continue the training, but instead they let out a burst of laughter and walked towards them, showing no signs of fear at all.

Wan Lin frowned, then looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were standing beside him. At this moment, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng were standing beside the rock staring at the group of students in front. The breeze was blowing their somewhat fat camouflage uniforms, and strands of black hair were fluttering under their helmets.

Although Wu Xueying and Wu Xueying were both straight and staring at the group of students who came by, the big eyes wrapped in long eyelashes still looked innocent and bright, making people completely unable to feel the majesty of the instructor. Gives a playful and amiable feel.

Wan Lin and the others suddenly understood the appearance of the two little sisters beside them. In this barracks full of scolding and rough shouting, these two female soldiers really gave all the instructors and students a goddess-like feeling.

Moreover, Wu Xueying's voice shouted in anger was crisp and clear, which must have been pleasant to the ears of these strong men, no wonder they all involuntarily surrounded them.

Wu Xueying saw that her shouting didn't She angrily reached out and grabbed the pistol grip in the holster on the side of her thigh. Wen Meng, who was standing beside her, saw Wu Xueying angrily about to pull out her pistol, so she quickly reached out and grabbed Wu Xueying's right arm.

At this time, the tall Instructor Tucker was also looking down at the two pretty female soldiers in front of him obsessively. At this moment, he saw Wu Xueying angrily pulling the pistol in the holster, and he quickly turned around and smiled. The students who approached shouted: "Assemble, everyone has it, stand at attention, and salute!"

All the students quickly lined up and stood up, raised their hands to salute Wan Lin and the others, but their eyes still did not leave the faces of Wu Xueying and Wen Meng in front of them.

Wan Lin and the others put away the smiles on their faces and raised their hands in return. Tucker followed and shouted: "Libi!" He then turned around and looked at the students in the queue. He followed a big step to the side of a tall student at the end of the line, kicked his foot on the opponent's butt, and shouted: "What are you looking at?"

The student staggered and ran two steps forward. He followed and stood at attention and looked at Tucker and shouted: "Report the instructor, I was watching the beautiful instructor, and you were watching it just now!"

Tucker was stunned for a moment when he heard the report from the kid. He didn't expect the stupid kid to directly say that he was looking at a beautiful woman, and he also brought his own instructor with him. His dark face flushed, and he kicked his foot here On the boy's butt, he cursed, "Bunny, when did I watch it?"

"Hahahaha..." When the students around heard the voices of this kid and Instructor Tucker, everyone couldn't help laughing.


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