Panther Commando

Chapter 4601: kung fu on the feet

In the open space in Taniguchi, the black instructor Tucker heard the students' discussions, and he yelled angrily: "What are you yelling about? Captain Three, get out of line!" He then raised his hand and pointed to the leader of the team.

Following his roar, a well-proportioned student standing at the head of the team with a height of about 1.8 meters immediately took a step forward. He looked at Tucker and replied loudly: "Report the instructor, we are talking about these two beautiful instructors, everyone. I suspect that they are so slender, I don't know if they can..." He glanced at the two stern-faced female instructors, hesitantly, and did not dare to continue.

At this time, the big student standing in front of Tucker had staggered and stood firm. He heard the report of his team leader, and he also turned to look at Tucker and shouted in a naive voice: "Yes, yes, These instructors look like new recruits, can they teach us to fight? These two female instructors are still so beautiful, can they do it?"

Following the boy's voice, all the students looked at Wen Meng and Wu Xueying. Although they all had friendly smiles on their faces, there was a questioning look in their eyes. .

Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Feng Dao saw the expressions of these students and immediately understood that they were questioning their own people, especially the two seemingly delicate female instructors beside them.

They have realized that these students have doubts about their new instructors. Although they were not short in stature, in front of these tall, strong Western students, they did seem a little weak in front of them.

Even the few black people in the queue who were similar in height to him were also big-bodied, round-bodied and powerful. In front of these students, they did look a little thin and short.

At this moment, Tucker glanced at Wan Lin and the others, then turned his head and cursed at the brawny man and the team leader: "You are courting death! How dare you look down on our instructor." Get your feet up.

Tucker is an instructor. Knowing that these Chinese instructors are extremely brave in battle, even Principal Charlie admires the technical and tactical level of these Chinese people.

But although he knew that the male and female instructors in front of him had extremely high technical and tactical skills, he really didn't know the individual fighting skills of Wan Lin and the others. He was really worried that Wan Lin would make a fool of himself in front of this student.

Just when Tucker raised his big foot and kicked the student, Cheng Ru suddenly took a step forward and pulled Tucker back. He looked up at the tall and sturdy student in front of him, and said coldly in a very lame Y language: "I don't know if I can beat you, or should we make a gesture?" He raised his right hand and waved to the students.

Although the students around didn't fully understand what the Asian instructor was saying? But from his gestures, he already understood that he was going to compete with this sturdy student, and everyone shouted excitedly: "Okay!"

Tucker also looked at Cheng Ru in astonishment. He did not expect that this Huaxia instructor would actually go forward to challenge the strong man in front of him. He was about to reach out and hold Cheng Ru when Wu Xueying behind him suddenly shoved the little flower in his arms into his arms. In Wen Meng's arms beside her, she swayed and suddenly appeared beside Tucker, her shoulders sunk heavily against Tucker's chest.

Tucker was caught off guard and staggered back two steps. Wu Xueying followed and grabbed Cheng Ru's arm. She looked at the brawny man two heads taller than herself in front of her with fiery eyes, and shouted sharply, "Brother Cheng, leave it to me."

Before she could finish her sentence, her left foot suddenly raised upwards and kicked the strong man's stomach with a loud "pop". The brawny man didn't expect that the female instructor who suddenly came out didn't say a word, and directly raised his left leg. Before he could react, the other's right foot had already kicked him hard.

The strong man stumbled backwards with a grunt, his body arched like a shrimp. Just when all the students were stunned, the female instructor with her left arm hanging on her chest before her eyes took a step forward with her raised left foot, her right leg flew up with a "woo" sound, and her right foot was ruthless. He kicked the opponent's backing **** hard.

"Ouch", the strong man let out an exclamation, his huge body suddenly flew off the ground and flew to the side, and he followed like a hill, lying on a small puddle on the side of the court with a "pop" In the middle of the puddle, a yellow muddy water splashed in the puddle, and his body and face were instantly covered with dirty muddy water.

From Wu Xueying's sudden appearance and knocking Tucker away, to flying out and kicking the tall and majestic students away, she made a few movements in one go. .

There was a sudden silence on the field, and the students who had just laughed, all widened their eyes, closed their mouths, and looked at this seemingly delicate female instructor in astonishment.

These students are all masters who have undergone rigorous training. They can see at a glance that the kicks of the female instructor who suddenly rushed out are not only powerful, but also extremely fast. With such swift Moreover, being able to kick a strong man of nearly 200 pounds into the air with one kick is by no means the strength of ordinary people.

At the moment when Tucker and the middle school students were shocked, the brawny student lying in the mud puddle had already climbed up in embarrassment. He raised his hand to wipe the muddy water on his face, turned his head to look at Wu Xueying and roared in Y language: " You sneak attack?" After speaking, he charged towards Wu Xueying and Cheng Ru like a beast.

At this time, the student leader standing at the head of the team stretched out his hand and grabbed his arm and shouted, "Tiger, don't be reckless!" It turned out that this sturdy student was called a tiger by his companions, but at this time he really seemed to be going down the mountain. Like a ferocious tiger, it charged forward with its body covered in muddy water.

The tiger was pulled by his team leader's arm, and he raised his stout arm angrily and shouted loudly, "Get out of the way!" The pliers were generally already gripping his arm tightly.

The team leader roared: "Tiger, you are not the opponent of this female instructor at all. They kicked you out with two feet. What qualifications do you have to rush up again? Kick your leg bone off, and you will be kicked out even if you go up!"

After he finished speaking, he violently threw his right arm to the side and shouted loudly, "Hold him!" He followed and strode towards Wu Xueying and Cheng Ru.

The team leader's arm was extremely strong, and the stout tiger staggered to the side. The students around him immediately reached out and hugged his sturdy body, and then forcibly pulled him into the queue.


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