Panther Commando

Chapter 4622: head over heels

As he spoke, Wan Lin suddenly looked at the forest and smiled. He whispered to Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, who were standing beside him, "Wen Meng, Wu Xueying, call out the four students who are hiding in the forest."

In the voice, Wen Meng and Wu Xueying quickly raised their sniper rifles and assault rifles, aiming at the thick branches and leaves of two big trees 40 to 50 meters away respectively, and then shouted in unison: "You two, come down! The two immediately moved their guns at the same time, pointing to the edge of the forest a hundred meters away: "You two, come out too!"

With the crisp voice they shouted in Y language, there was a sound of "crashing" in the thick branches and leaves on the side. Two heavily armed students emerged from the thick branches and jumped down, grabbing the branches below them with one hand. In the grass in the forest behind, two students with assault rifles also stood up.

The four students with tactical paint on their faces emerged from the concealed spot and ran forward with their assault rifles. Several people ran to the mules and stood in a row, watching the instructors stand at attention and salute with serious expressions.

John raised his hand in return, then lowered his arm and nibbled at them with a smile and said, "Haha, have you eaten dinner today, get ready to go hungry."

Several students' eyes widened. One of the short students said in frustration, "Reporting Instructor John, we were not discovered by a group, but by these new instructors who discovered a hidden place. Why don't we have dinner?"

Wan Lin and the others all laughed when they saw the expressions of these students, Wan Lin looked at John and said with a blunt Y language: "Haha, this time the punishment is fine, otherwise our new instructors have committed too much crime. already."

When John heard Wan Lin's request for a few students, he smiled and said to the frowning students, "Since Instructor Wan is begging for you, it's waived this time, and you all have dinner."

The faces of several students immediately showed happy smiles. They looked at Wan Lin and shouted in unison, "Thank you, Instructor Wan, thank you Instructor John!"

The short student grinned when he heard that he had food to eat. He followed the two female instructors who found them and asked, "Report the two female instructors, how did you find us? A group of students have already searched for them. They didn't find us." The surrounding students also looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng curiously.

When Wu Xueying heard the student's question, she raised her finger to the short student and said with a smile in Y language: "Why do you still ask? You stick your head in the grass, but why do you stick your **** so high? You really care about your head and your butt. ."

As soon as Wu Xueying's voice fell, Scorpion translated it to Fengdao and Chengru with a smile in Chinese. Several people around immediately laughed.

The short student also smiled embarrassedly, and then he touched the camouflage net covered with grass and branches and said, "I am lying on a small grassy mound, which will make people think that I am with the soil. Qiu Rong is one, isn't there grass stuck in my butt, how did you find out?"

When Wu Xueying heard the student's argument, she stared at her **** eyes and said in Y language, "Do you think a grass on your **** turns into a peacock?" As soon as she finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter around her.

Cheng Ru and Feng Dao didn't understand what Wu Xueying said? Both of them wanted Wen Meng to come. Wen Meng covered her mouth and smiled and translated Wu Xueying's words, and Cheng Ru and the two also laughed.

John laughed and walked up to the short student. He raised his foot and kicked the student's ass. He laughed and scolded: "Did you hear? No amount of grass stuck in your **** will not turn into a peacock! Besides, your head rushes down. Lying on the mound, how to observe the enemy's situation? Go, follow the group, and search for other students!"

He followed and looked at the mules next to him and said, "You guys should go too!" "Yes!" Several students quickly stood at attention and answered, then turned around and ran into the canyon behind with guns in hand. with laughter.

John watched the four students turn over the cliff not far ahead, then turned around and looked at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng who were standing beside him with admiration, then he looked at Wan Lin and sighed: "I didn't expect that the two female instructors would also With such sharp eyes, when we saw the two female instructors, we thought they were medics, but we didn't expect them to be combatants, it's amazing!"

When Wan Lin heard John's sigh, he proudly glanced at his two junior sisters, and his sharp eyes quickly scanned the surrounding rocks and forests.

After confirming that there were no hidden students around, he said: "The size of our unit is not large, so our people have no obvious division of labor. No matter male or female, everyone is both a combatant and a medic, as long as there is a need. , they can all play in any combat position."

After speaking, he raised his sniper rifle and said proudly: "As long as this sniper rifle is in the hands of any of us in battle, he is a sniper! Moreover, their sniper skills will never be better than yours here. Any student sniper is bad!"

He then raised his finger and pointed at Wu Xueying and Wen Meng and continued: "You look at them as thin and weak But I tell you, as long as you give them a heavy machine gun during the battle, they will I can still follow you with dozens of kilograms of machine guns and ammo chains, and I will never be slower than you!"

When John and Scorpion heard Wan Lin's proud voice, they both looked at the two pretty girls beside them in astonishment. They couldn't believe that the two girls who looked delicate had such energy.

Wu Xueying saw the questioning gazes of the two Scorpions, she strode to the edge of the forest, suddenly raised her right leg, and kicked a tree trunk with a slack.

"Crack", the trunk snapped off at the sound, and the top half of the trunk fell to the side immediately with thick branches and leaves, and white wood fibers were exposed at the broken trunk.

Scorpion and John stared at the falling half of the tree trunk, and shouted in Y language: "My God!" Wu Xueying heard the voices of the two, she retracted the kicked right leg, turned around and looked at it with a smile Looking at the scorpion, the two said, "Hee hee, why don't you two run faster than us?"

Scorpion and John quickly raised their arms, waved their hands vigorously, and said, "No, no, no." John followed Wu Xueying, who was approaching, he stepped back half a step, waved his hands, and exclaimed in Chinese: "My little grandma, no wonder You always say 'I'll kick you to death', you can really kick people to death, I'd better stay away from you!"

"Hahaha" Wan Lin and the others all burst into laughter, and Wu Xueying also laughed and shouted: "What little grandma, we are so young, how can we become grandma?" Grandma'?"


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