Panther Commando

Chapter 4623: dangerous lake

Wu Xueying opened her eyes wide and shouted, "When did I say 'scared the little grandma to death'? It was 'scared the little aunt to death'. If you call our little grandma again, I will kick you to death!" She pretended to mention it. right leg.

Scorpion was so frightened that he quickly retreated to Wan Lin's side. He smiled bitterly and said, "My grandma, your Chinese language is too difficult to learn. What's the difference between this little aunt and little grandma?"

At this time, Wan Lin and the others had already bowed down with laughter, and the air knife grabbed Scorpion's arm and said with a smile: "Little auntie is just a name for their girls to describe themselves, you little grandma called them all old women. Can she not kick you, hahahaha."

Scorpion laughed when he heard Feng Dao's explanation, he raised his hand and watched Wu Xueying and Wen Meng make a gesture of bowing, and then laughed: "Hahaha, it's not surprising if you don't know, I really don't know this place. The difference, I always thought that little grandma and little aunt mean the same thing." He then stretched out his arms and gestured: "You are absolutely young, you are such tall little girls!"

Wu Xueying raised her foot and kicked him: "Fuck you, are we so short? You can put us back in your mother's stomach!" Wan Lin laughed and dragged the scorpion behind him.

The scorpion hid behind Wan Lin. He looked sad and looked at Wan Lin and said in a low voice, "Instructor Wan, your Chinese language is too complicated. How should you describe them as young?"

Cheng Ru stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder with a smile: "Haha, Scorpion, let me tell you, as far as the Chinese language level of your two knives is concerned, it's best not to describe it, otherwise these sisters will kick you to death!" "Hahaha" , Wan Lin and the others all burst into laughter again, Wu Xueying and Wen Meng also hugged each other and laughed wildly.

A few people chatted and laughed for a while, Wan Lin looked at Scorpion and said, "Let's go, let's go to the lake to see." He then looked at John and said, "John, you are training with the students, you are busy with your work, Don't accompany us."

"Okay, let Scorpion take you around. I'll go ahead and see those students." John waved to everyone, then picked up his assault rifle and trotted towards the canyon in front of him.

Wan Lin and the others saw John running away, and they also lifted their feet and walked towards the narrow and dark canyon ahead. A few people walked under the cliff in front of them, and the rushing river flowed by their feet. The rapids slapped the cliffs in front of them violently, and then rushed forward around the cliff in a white spray.

Wen Meng looked at the splash of water at his feet, and his two big eyes flashed with a blurred look: "Yingying, look at how beautiful this splash is!"

When Wu Xueying heard Wen Meng's sigh, she stretched her right hand into the splashing water and said, "It's so beautiful! Oh, why is this water so cold."

Wan Lin heard the voices of the two and raised a handful of waves on his body. He followed: "Most of this water should be spring water gushing from the cliffs, so it's so cool." He followed and bent over the waves. After washing his hands in the middle, he immediately picked up a handful of cool river water and put it into his mouth and said, "What a sweet and happy river water!"

At this moment, Scorpion stood beside him, quietly looking at Wan Lin and the two female soldiers who were as excited as little girls, he shook his head gently. He would never believe that such two innocent and lively girls in front of him and this young Chinese special forces soldier were so brave and good at fighting on the battlefield.

A few people followed and turned over the cliff in front, and Wan Lin and the others involuntarily stopped and looked forward, with a look of astonishment in their eyes.

The canyon, which was still dark, suddenly became wide-open in front of them, and a large water surface two or three kilometers away had clearly come into their eyes.

At this time, the blue lake water was sparkling, like a huge blue gem embedded in the end of the canyon. On the left side of the lake is a steep cliff, and the rushing river under the cliff has calmed down in the widening channel, and then flows into the huge lake calmly. On the right side of the lake is the green forest, and at the end of the lake is the winding cascading peaks.

Under the blue sky with a few white clouds floating, dangerous rocks on the left side of the lake stand, lush greenery on the right side, and peaks and forests looming in the distance. At first glance, it is like an unfolding ink fairyland.

Wan Lin and the others were obsessively admiring the rare beauty in front of them. Cheng Ru raised his finger to the blue lake in the distance and murmured, "Could this be the lake with hidden murderous intentions and connected to the underground river?"

The lake in front of him was as calm as emerald jade, which made it difficult for him to connect with the lake that Charlie and the others described as connected to the underground river. In his impression, this lake should be a scene of turbulent waves and monstrous waves, but he did not expect it to be so calm.

When Wan Lin and the others heard Cheng Ru's voice, they all turned their heads to look at the scorpion standing on the side. The rain had just finished, but the lake water had become calm, which really surprised them.

Scorpion smiled when he saw the surprised eyes of several people. He raised his finger to the lake in the distance and said, "That's The bottom of this lake is indeed connected to the underground river, and it is precisely because there is that There is an underground river, so whether this lake is wet season or dry, the lake water always maintains the height of the shore.”

He followed by pointing to the river water under the side cliffs and continued: "When it rained heavily just now, the floodwaters in the back canyon rushed towards this lake. At that time, the water surface surged in a short period of time, and the huge water pressure immediately increased The lake water presses into the dark river connected to the bottom of the lake, so the lake water does not overflow and flood the canyon."

Scorpion said, put down his arms, turned his head to look at Wan Lin and the others and said: "When the flood came, the lake surface was choppy, and a huge vortex would form in the center of the lake. Immediately swept into the dark river under the lake by the huge whirlpool."

When he said this, he said with a horrified look on his face: "At that time, this lake that looks calm now would be very dangerous. Even a light feather will be sucked into the bottom of the lake by the huge suction generated in the whirlpool."

"Usually this lake is very quiet, but once the storm comes, it is a dangerous Jedi. Every time the rainstorm comes, many animals who have no time to escape are swept into the dark river at the bottom of the lake, and there is no possibility of survival."

When Wan Lin and the others heard Scorpion's introduction, they all looked at the lake in the distance in astonishment. At this time, Wu Xueying suddenly exclaimed: "Look, there are more than a dozen white waterfowl flying on the lake." When Wan Lin and the others heard the calls of Wen Meng and Wu Xueying, they all raised their guns and looked through them. The scope on his body looked intently.


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