Panther Commando

Chapter 4633: messy dog ​​barking

In the barren mountains, John was leading a group of students, running fast on the rolling hills. While running, John stared at Wan Lin's figure jumping on the rock, and he cried out in horror: "My God, how can these Chinese people have such amazing skills! No wonder the hawks will ask them for help in person, it's amazing It's gone!"

At this moment, a gust of mountain wind came from a distance, and John immediately vaguely heard a chaotic dog bark, and a light immediately shot out of his eyes. He had realized that Wan Lin's judgment in the valley was very accurate. There are indeed outsiders approaching the mountain outside the Tiankeng.

He raised his hand and waved forward at several students around him, speeding up and rushing forward, while running, he said to the microphone beside his mouth: "Two groups, three groups, quickly enter the fighting position and prepare to fight. !"

In the sound of John's command, the students in several groups immediately accelerated and ran to the right side of the mountain and the side **** respectively. The students who followed John quickly ran towards the mountains in front of Wan Lin and Xie Chao with their guns in hand.

At this time, Wan Lin had already jumped up the boulder six or seven meters high. He was lying under a raised rock on the top of the boulder, and quickly extended his sniper rifle from the side of the rock. He followed and aimed at the mountain in front, and whispered in a stiff Y language. The order said: "Attention to all personnel: a team immediately enters the combat position to hide and stand by, and it is strictly forbidden to shoot without my order!"

Xie Chao has also rushed to a rocky beach on the right side of Wan Lin. He was lying in the gap between the two rocks, extending the barrel forward, and whispering Wan Lin's command into the microphone. After reading it again: "Attention to all personnel, Instructor Wan ordered: This kid immediately enters the fighting position to hide and stand by, and it is strictly forbidden to shoot without order!!"

Following Xie Chao's command, Scorpion's voice sounded from everyone's earphones: "Attention all students, this operation will be directed by Instructor Wan himself, and shooting is strictly prohibited without his order, do you hear it?" Followed by the replies of several battle group leaders.

Wan Lin was lying on the top of the boulder and quickly glanced at the mountains in front of him. At this time, his position was already parallel to the foot of the mountain facing the southwest, and he had a panoramic view of the mountains in the southwest. But in the undulating mountains in front, there was still no one person to be seen, not even the birds that usually passed through the air.

He quickly surveyed the surrounding mountains, then raised his head from behind the gun, hiding behind the raised rocks and turning his head to look to the sides and the mountains behind.

The students who followed from behind had entered their respective fighting positions and disappeared into the rolling hills. Wan Lin turned his head and looked to the side of the hillside. Cheng Ru's figure had already appeared on the hillside near the top of the mountain. At this time, he was carrying a sniper rifle and rushed towards the rocks near the top of the mountain in front of him.

Four students were already lying on the hillside near the foot of the mountain. A machine gun was mounted among several rocks. The muzzle of the black hole was facing the undulating mountains in front. The other three students were also hiding among the grass and rocks. has been stretched forward.

Wan Lin nodded secretly, then turned to look at the mountain on the right. John has already brought a student group lying on the side of the mountain, and the students of the other combat group are lying on the right side of the mountain 200 meters away.

Everyone took advantage of the surrounding rocks and grass to quickly hide themselves. At a glance, the figures of everyone have been integrated with the surrounding environment, and it is difficult to find their traces if they are not careful.

Wan Lin quickly took a look at the hidden positions of the surrounding students. He then put his cheeks on the cheek rest of the sniper rifle again. While aiming at the mountains in front of him, he secretly said in his heart: "Xie Chao, the students of this class have been accepted here. After a few months of training, their tactical movements have indeed improved a lot. It seems that after several actual combats, they have adapted to this intense, exciting and dangerous combat life. At this time, they did not show panic before the battle."

Just as Wan Lin was aiming at the mountain in front of him and sighing to himself, John's voice suddenly sounded in his earphone: "Instructor Wan, I faintly heard a messy dog ​​barking just now, did you notice it?"

Wan Lin roughly understood John's questioning voice in Y language, and he immediately replied in a low voice: "Yes, I have heard, is it possible that these people are not far away. Do you think that these people with hounds are not far away? Is it possible that this person is a friend of our Falcon Base?"

John's voice followed from Wan Lin's earphones: "No, it is at least 100 kilometers away from a populated place, and the surrounding mountains are extremely desolate, so the local people of the tribe will not appear here."

Wan Lin frowned when he heard this, and he followed in a low voice and asked in Y language: "John, do you think they are the part of the people? Why would you bring a dog to this desolate mountain area?"

At this time, he was really puzzled. Although he has not been here for a long time, he already has a general understanding of the armed men in this mountainous area.

He knew that in this desolate mountain, apart from the indigenous tribes who had been living here and the armed forces of the local government, the rest were basically armed people similar to mercenaries. The purpose of these people here is to seize territory in the mountains and covet the underground mines here in preparation for the development of their behind-the-scenes forces.

But now in this mountainous area far away from people, a group of people with police dogs suddenly appeared, and they were not from the local indigenous tribe, which really made Wan Lin a little puzzled.

When John heard Wan Lin's question, he pondered for a moment and replied: "Instructor Wan, Eagle Falcon and the others have just destroyed a group of arms dealers. I think these people are the next ones to buy this batch of arms. These armed men see their own The arms were hijacked, so I sent out with police dogs to search for the whereabouts of the arms in this area where the arms were lost."

Wan Lin immediately asked: "Could it be that the local indigenous tribes bought these arms?" John replied decisively: "No! We have connections with the local indigenous tribes, and we often subsidize their food and self-protection. Weapons and ammunition, so they will notify us if they have such a situation.”

John paused for a while when he said this, and then said: "In addition, the arms captured by the Eagle Falcon are mainly some guns and machine gun bullets, as well as some brand-new AK assault rifles. The local indigenous tribes have no such economy at all. Strength, to buy such a batch of arms."

"They should be those who employ organizations or foreign armed forces. Only they have the economic strength to buy such large quantities of arms and have trained hounds."

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