Panther Commando

Chapter 4634: gunshots behind the hills

Wan Lin was lying on the top of the rock and heard John's judgment. He immediately said: "Okay, I'm not familiar with the situation here. After a while, it's up to you to judge the identity of the other party and decide whether to ambush!"

At this time, John was already lying under a rock. He heard Wan Lin's order and immediately replied, "Yes!" He knew that Wan Lin's military rank and qualifications were much higher than his, so he quickly replied.

At this moment, "Ow!" A hurried leopard roar suddenly sounded in the silent mountains in front, followed by a panicked dog barking from the mountains in front.

Wan Lin heard the roar from Xiao Hua in front of him, a flash of light suddenly flashed in his eyes, leaning on the back of the sniper rifle and staring at the scope intently.

In the scope of the sniper rifle, several fast-moving shadows immediately appeared. The shadows were rushing out from both sides of a hill in panic. They made a "wow" sound and ran to the surrounding mountains with their tails between their tails. go

"Prepare to fight, don't shoot without an order!" Wan Lin ordered into the microphone in a low voice, and the muzzle followed and aimed at a hill a thousand meters away.

At this time, he already understood that the hound who suddenly rushed out must be the hound driven out by Xiaohua! And those armed men with hunting dogs must be not far behind the hills.

At this time, he really couldn't determine whether the group of people with hounds were friends or foes, so he didn't dare to issue a battle order. Now, he can only wait for these people to appear, and John, who is lying in the mountains next to him, will give a clear answer.

Wan Lin lay on the top of the rock and glanced at the hounds that were fleeing in panic. He moved the muzzle slowly and carefully searched for the trace of Xiaohua. At this time, the rolling hills thousands of meters away had completely blocked his sight, and he could not see Xiaohua and those who came.

Just when Wan Lin was a little anxious, "da da da" and "da da da", two series of rapid gunshots suddenly sounded from the mountains in front. A hunting dog that was escaping to the side of the mountain suddenly let out a whimper while running, and then stumbled and fell into the grass in front.

Wan Lin was shocked! He immediately moved the muzzle of the gun, a blue light flashed, and a small black shadow rushed out from the side of the dead hound, and plunged into the half-person-height grass in front of him.

"Da da da", "da da da", gunshots rang out one after another, and a spark of bullets flashed out of the thick grass in the distance, followed by a cloud of smoke from the yellow grass. .

Wan Lin's eyes staring at the scope suddenly flashed with anger, and he scolded in a low voice: "These bastards! At this time, he has already seen clearly that the little black shadow that flashed out of the blue light just now is Xiaohua.

He knew in his heart that Xiaohua must have found that these people were already lurking in the mountains, so when the other group of people approached the hills, it suddenly made a mighty roar, scaring the four or five people who followed in front of the people. hunting dog. And its figure was immediately exposed to the eyes of the armed men with guns, so the other party immediately pulled the trigger angrily.

At this moment, Cheng Ru's urgent voice suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphone: "Instructor Wan, seven or eight figures appeared behind the mound. They were wearing bulletproof vests and holding various weapons. They are now attacking Xiaohua. Do I fight back immediately?"

"The identity of the other party is unknown now, don't shoot!" Wan Lin quickly replied. He knew that Cheng Ru's sniper position was close to the top of the mountain, and his field of vision was much wider than the top of the rock where he was. He had already discovered the group of armed men behind the hill.

Now, Cheng Ru saw that the other party was shooting at Xiaohua with a gun, so he had used his mouth in a rage and aimed at the shooting boys behind the hills.

As soon as Wan Lin's hurried voice fell, John's voice sounded in the earphone: "Instructor Wan, the observation post at No. 4 on the cliff top is reporting that a dozen figures suddenly appeared in the mountains on the left side of where we are now, two kilometers away on the right side. There were also more than a dozen figures behind the foot of the mountain, and the identity of the person who came is unknown."

He was astonished to hear John's report! He secretly said in his heart: "The people who come here are approaching from the left, center, and right directions to the mountains on his side. Once the opponent is an enemy, then he will face the enemy's attack in three directions, and the strength of the opponent's troops will be attacked. It's more than twice as much as on my own side."

He followed and glanced at the Falcon students who were hiding around, and his face suddenly became nervous: "Now, there is only one team of icy cold on my side, and except for my three instructors, the rest of the staff are students with little combat experience, no matter what. Both the combat power and the military strength should be far weaker than the opponents, once the fire is exchanged, the own side will obviously be at a disadvantage."

Wan Lin quickly analyzed the situation that suddenly appeared in front of him, and he moved the muzzle to the side of the mountain. At this time, Scorpion's voice in Chinese suddenly sounded from Wan Lin's earphone: "Instructor Wan, Instructor Feng and I have already climbed to the top of the cliff, and I have reported the situation to Falcon."

Scorpion's voice was very fast, and there was a sound of gasping in his voice. Obviously, he had just climbed to the top of the cliff with Fengdao, so his breathing seemed very fast.

At this time, the voice of the wind knife followed: "Instructor Wan, I'm here to inform you of the situation. Now, the Eagle Falcon has ordered Sean, the captain of the Eagle Falcon Brigade, to bring a Eagle Falcon team out of the valley in an emergency, and they are heading towards the mountain on your right. close."

"In addition, Instructor Tucker also brought Bobcats and the other to quickly reinforce your location. Instructor Wan, it will take some time for them to arrive. Once the battle situation is tight, please bring the students to the sky immediately. The pit is approaching, and we will give you fire support from the top of the mountain."

"Received!" Wan Lin immediately replied when he heard the voices of Scorpion and Feng Dao, and his nervous expression calmed down. He knew that the scorpion was injured, and he was already a little weak when he climbed to the top of such a high cliff.

Although Feng Dao and Wu Xueying also had injuries on their bodies, both of them had internal strength and had eaten incense magic pills, so their injuries recovered very quickly. The mountain road was not in Huaxia at all, so Feng Dao quickly took the scorpion. With a voice, he quickly informed himself of the situation.

Wan Lin heard that Gu Nei had sent reinforcements, he let out a long sigh, then lay down behind the gun again, and focused on the mountains ahead to the right.

At the foot of a towering mountain two kilometers away on the right, a group of black figures have emerged one after another. The figures are about a dozen people in size. These black figures are trotting all the way to the mountain.

Obviously, whether it was the people coming from behind the hills or the group of figures turning from the foot of the mountain on the right, they had yet to find out that there were more than a dozen heavily armed special forces hiding in the undulating mountains in front of them!

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