Panther Commando

Chapter 4635: kidnapped woman

Wan Lin lay motionless on the top of the rock, his eyes fixed on the figure of the opponent in the scope, and he followed John, who was lying on the right side of the mountain, and whispered: "John, once you determine that the opponent is the enemy, You bring a team to block the people coming from the mountain on the right, order the student team around you to intercept the enemy in front, and instructor Cheng leads the team of students on the hillside to deal with the enemy on the left!"

"Yes!" John's voice followed from his earphones. Wan Lin then whispered into the microphone: "Xie Chao." "Here!" Xie Chao's voice followed.

Wan Lin ordered: "After the battle, your main task is to support Instructor John with firepower and kill the enemy's firepower. The people coming from the mountains in front of the left side will be dealt with by Instructor Cheng and I with the other two groups of students." Yes!" Xie Chao replied immediately.

With Xie Chao's answer, Wan Lin moved his gun to aim at the grass where Xiao Hua was. As soon as he moved the muzzle, he saw a blue light bursting out of the tall grass, and then got into the side of a rock like lightning.

"Bang bang bang", a series of rapid machine gun sounds followed, and in the rubble where Xiaohua disappeared, a piece of gravel and dust mist that was hit by bullets splashed.

Wan Lin stared at the impact point of the machine gun bullet, the pupils in his eyes shrank suddenly, and he secretly said in his heart: "This is the sound of machine guns! The other party is definitely not an armed person from a local tribe, they can't have such sophisticated weapons, and It is even more impossible to have such precise marksmanship!"

He had already seen that the sudden burst of machine gun bullets had very precise ballistics and hit the rock behind Xiaohua. This shows that this machine gunner is well-trained, and it is absolutely impossible for those untrained local tribesmen. Their people are machine guns, and it is impossible for them to have such accurate marksmanship.

At this moment, John's voice suddenly sounded from Wan Lin's earphones: "Instructor Wan, there is news from Principal Eagle Falcon. According to our friendly clan, in the mountains around 60 kilometers around their clan, a side story suddenly appeared. Unidentified armed men."

"These people were well-equipped and attacked the three surrounding tribes in a row. They not only took away food from the tribe, but also many young women. The day before yesterday, they also attacked an ore processing plant in the mountains. It is said that the mining site It is your Huaxia people's company, and there are many Chinese people in it."

Wan Lin was startled when he heard this, and his face immediately turned gloomy. He frowned, and while moving the muzzle to the left side of the mountain, he asked in a low voice, "Isn't the Huaxia people's enterprises all protected by the local government army, how could they be attacked by this group of people?"

John replied immediately: "According to the tribal workers who escaped from the site, there was indeed a fierce battle at that time, and those militants quickly rushed into the site, and the damage on the site is unknown. You should know that the weapons of the government forces here are With poor equipment and lack of necessary training, they simply cannot withstand attacks by well-trained militants."

When Wan Lin heard this, he immediately turned his head to look to the side of the mountain, and he asked, "Can you be sure that these people did it?" At this time, John was already lying on the right side of the mountain in a pile of rocks.

John's answer followed: "No. However, according to the news from the tribe, Principal Eagle has carefully checked the map. The mine that was attacked is in the southwest of our Tiankeng, and the place where the armed men usually haunt is Northeast of our tiankeng."

"Eagle said that the closest distance between the two really has to pass around our tiankeng. Therefore, Falcon determines that the people in front of us are likely to be these militants."

As soon as John's voice fell, Cheng Ru's voice suddenly sounded from Wan Lin's earphones: "Report, I found an unknown person at eleven o'clock where I am, and they are driving four animals carrying supplies down our hillside. Come, three kilometers away, there seems to be a lot of people!"

Wan Lin heard Cheng Ru's report, and immediately turned his gun to aim at the mountain on the left. Indistinctly, a group of black figures were walking out of the rolling hills in front of them, and among them there were indeed four animals carrying things on their bodies.

Wan Lin stretched out his hand to adjust the focal length on the scope, and then focused on the scope again. At this time, he had already seen that there were several black shadows closely following the livestock, one by one, closely following behind several livestock, and several black shadows sparsely followed, as if they were Escorting what kind of person is generally.

Just as Wan Lin was staring at the silhouette suddenly emerging from the side of the mountain, a leopard roar suddenly sounded from the mountain! The four animals were walking towards the mountain in front of them in a hurry, and immediately made a cry, then jumped up in panic, and the four animals ran to the foot of the mountain in front of them screaming.

The few shadows who were pulling the reins tightly beside the livestock were caught off guard, and the frightened livestock suddenly broke the reins in their hands. They staggered a few steps to the side, and then snarled as they chased the livestock in front of them.

At this time, the figures scattered around with weapons on their backs also quickly took off their weapons from their shoulders and ran after them. They chased after the figures who were being dragged behind by the livestock, shouting and scolding, swung the **** in their hands, and smashed them violently at the figures lying on the mountain.

At this Wan Lin could see clearly that behind the frightened animals, there was a figure tied with ropes, big living people were tied to the ropes like a string of grasshoppers. superior.

At this time, the group of people had approached the foot of the mountain in front, and the screams from the livestock, the scolding of the armed men who were shaking their fists, and the cries and screams from being beaten had already reached Wanlin and Wanlin. in the ears of the surrounding students.

Wan Lin saw the scene in front of him, and a burst of anger suddenly appeared in his eyes. He hid behind a raised rock, raised his head and made a short hawk croak in the air, ordering Xiaohua to hurry back to avoid scaring the animals that were tied to people.

At this time, he has already determined that these people are the latest armed men who have appeared in this mountain. Those who are tied to the animals must be the women and children they have been kidnapped from the tribe. These armed men must be doing all kinds of evil. The scum of the people!

As Wan Lin made an eagle croak, a black shadow followed from among the rocks on the side of the mountain, and ran straight towards Wan Lin like a cloud of smoke.

"Da da da", "da da da", a series of gunshots followed, and the other party was obviously already searching for Xiaohua, so as soon as it appeared, it immediately attracted a few strings of whistling bullets.

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