Panther Commando

Chapter 4638: deafening gunshots

The mountains were quiet, except for the two children in front of the side hillside, who were crying intermittently in horror. Wan Lin's gun swept over the hounds and cursed in his heart: "Grandma's, what a bunch of dogs and gangs!"

At this time, he could already see that the mercenaries who were scattered among the mountains had already shown tired expressions on their faces. The long trek in the mountains had consumed most of their physical strength. .

Wan Lin quickly observed the enemies on the left and in front, and then his gun was aimed at the mountains ahead to the right. At the foot of the mountain in the distance, more than a dozen militants have walked out. The group of people walked forward unhurriedly with guns in their hands, and looked at the surrounding mountains with vigilance. They were about 100 meters away from where John's group was. seven hundred meters away.

Wan Lin quickly observed the enemies in the left, center, and right directions, and then aimed his gun at the mountain on the left. While aiming at the enemy on the side, he secretly said in his heart: "This group of people does have three teams. The scale. I didn’t expect Kuroda of Yamaguchi Security to send so many people to this mountainous area.”

At this moment, he stared at the group of mercenaries walking towards this side through the scope, and cursed in his heart, "This **** Kuroda must have taken over this deal before attacking the Falcon base, so he secretly mobilized So many people have entered this mountainous area. The people who participated in the attack on the Eagle Falcon base some time ago should only be one or two teams."

"It seems that in terms of temptation, Black Hawk's George is really not the opponent of this kid Kuroda. Most of the enemies that his own people annihilated outside the forest should be Black Hawk's mercenaries."

Thinking of this, he immediately whispered into the microphone again in Y language: "John, you order all personnel, it is strictly forbidden to expose the target without my order, and it is strictly forbidden to shoot without authorization!" "Yes!" John's voice followed, John's command sounded in Wan Lin's earphones.

Wan Lin heard John's command in the earphone, and he whispered into the microphone in Chinese: "Instructor Cheng, Xie Chao." "Here!" Cheng Ru and Xie Chao followed in low voices. from his earphones.

Wan Lin ordered in a low voice: "After the battle, follow me to kill the gangsters around the women first, then cover Xiaohua and bring the women dragged by the animals to the back of the boulder where I am."

"Once those women get behind the rock, you immediately follow me and cover John and the others to retreat with the captives!" "Yes!" The voices of Cheng Ru and Xie Chao followed, with a very firm tone.

When Wan Lin heard Cheng Ru's answer, he immediately released his left hand from Xiao Hua's back. He stared intently at it and gestured. He gestured for a while, and then pointed to the back of the boulder under him.

A faint blue light flashed in Xiao Hua's eyes. It stared at Wan Lin's movements, and then raised its right paw to point at the few animals walking slowly towards the foot of the mountain.

Wan Lin touched its head lightly and replied in a low voice, "Yes!" He then turned around and pointed to the back of the rock and said in a low voice, "After I shot, you drove these animals to my rock. Hidden behind!"

Xiaohua immediately stood up and shook its big tail vigorously, and it jumped down from behind the rock, taking advantage of the cover of the rocks and grass on the mountain, hiding its figure and running to the foot of the side of the mountain.

Wan Lin saw that Xiao Hua had understood his intention, he let out a sigh of relief, and just lay down behind the gun and aimed at the foot of the side mountain. At this moment, a fierce dog bark suddenly sounded from the mountains in front of him, and Wan Lin suddenly moved the muzzle to look forward.

The hounds had already run to the mountains more than 200 meters away from them. At this moment, they stopped suddenly and barked wildly at the mountains on the right side of the boulder where Wan Lin was. They barked and twisted. He looked at the group of mercenaries who followed behind him.

The mercenaries in the back heard the barking of the hounds, and while they were screaming, they lay down on the spot, their weapons in their hands raised upwards, and their right hands quickly pulled the bolts.

The pupils in Wan Lin's eyes shrank abruptly, and he immediately understood that these hounds with a keen sense of smell had already smelled the people lurking in the mountains ahead by the breath of the mountain wind!

"Pfft," Wan Lin's right index finger suddenly pulled the trigger, and a sniper bullet whistled out from the long barrel. The boy who was pounced on a rock with a machine gun fell backwards, and the machine gun in his hand dropped to the mountain. "Hit!" Wan Lin's low command voice sounded at the same time.

"Da da da", "bang bang bang"..., a violent rain of bullets roared out from the mountains on both sides of Wanlin, and the silent foot of the mountain seemed to suddenly blow a hot mountain wind, and the guns like fried beans The sound resounded throughout the mountains!

Amidst the fierce gunshots, "swish, swish," followed by a few sharp air-breaking sounds, and the mountains on the right side of Wan Lin roared and spewed out several firelights, "Boom", "Boom", "Boom". The explosion sounded right in front of Wan Lin and between the mountains on the right, followed by a few mercenary figures flying in the firelight.

Wan Lin issued an order and immediately moved the muzzle to aim at the hillside. At this moment, he has seen that the mercenaries who are scattered on both sides of the women, four or five boys have fallen backwards on the back of the first wave of gunfire, and the other six or seven are pulling the reins and driving those The woman's is rushing towards the surrounding rocks and grass in panic.

Wan Lin's right hand swept past the bolt like lightning, aiming at the mercenary who had just pulled the trigger and pulled the trigger. With a light sound from his sniper rifle, a red blood mist rose from the boy's head. The women next to them stared at the rising red blood mist in astonishment, and ran to the side screaming in fright.

At this moment, "Ow", an ear-piercing leopard roar sounded from the foot of the mountain, a blue light flashed, and Xiaohua's figure was like a flash of lightning, and with a "woo", she ran up on her head and raised her two front hooves. , the back of the animal screaming desperately.

With a low roar from Xiaohua, the animal, which was tied to a string of women, turned around and rushed towards the foot of the mountain on the side of Wanlin. The woman tied by the rope behind screamed and followed the animal staggeringly. run.

In Xiaohua's ear-piercing roar, a beast carrying goods next to him let out a scream, turned around and ran to the side of the mountain.

The other two animals, tied to the woman, stared in horror at the blue light across the air, and then they turned around and rushed to the left side of the mountain following the fleeing animals. The woman tied to the rope behind the two animals was already staggering under the pulling of the animals.

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