Panther Commando

Chapter 4639: Dangerous

At the moment when the two ends pulled the kidnapped woman and turned to run towards the left side of the mountain, a faint fire suddenly flashed on the hillside near the top of the mountain.

The animal that was the first to flee to the mountain on the left, dragging its cargo, suddenly screamed and flew out sideways, then fell on the mountain, and remained motionless on its side. The two animals tied to the woman at the back let out a scream, and hurriedly put down their raised front legs.

Just when the two animals panicked, the animal that was running towards the boulder where Wan Lin was standing suddenly shot a blue light, followed by a mighty roar.

The two animals that were panicking suddenly saw the blue light flashing in front of them, and heard the mighty roar coming from the side. They turned around and dragged the woman behind them, regardless of the animal where Xiaohua was sitting. chase.

Behind them, two groups of women tied with ropes were caught off guard and forcibly dragged by the two animals, staggering towards Wanlin.

At this time, under the coercion of Xiao Hua, the mountain king, all three animals rushed towards the boulder where Wan Lin was in panic. The woman on the rope behind them cried and ran after the rope pulled by the cattle.

Several women tied behind the ropes had been dragged to the ground by the galloping animals. They screamed repeatedly, stood up while being pulled by their companions in front, and continued to stagger forward. . The two children who were still crying just now had also been lifted by their mother and tucked under their arms, their faces turned pale with fright.

As Xiaohua drove the three animals to the foot of the side of the mountain, the enemy in front of the hillside was completely exposed to the guns of Chengru and a few people. There was a burst of machine gun sounds of "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang", followed by approaching from Sounds on the slopes at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, a machine gun was already on the hillside near the foot of the mountain. A student knelt on one knee behind the gun, and a string of machine gun bullets roared and swept down the hillside below.

On the hillsides on both sides of the machine gunner, fire from the muzzles of three assault rifles was also sprayed out at the same time, and the whistling bullets swept across the mountains below like a plow.

In a blink of an eye, more than half of the dozen or so mercenaries in front of the hillside had collapsed, and the remaining few mercenaries rolled on the hillside while randomly sweeping out a string of bullets toward the hillside.

At this moment, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's guns fired several faint fires in a row, and the three mercenaries who were pulling the trigger immediately fell backwards.

Just when Wan Lin was assisting a group to kill the enemies in front of the hillside and covering Xiaohua and leading the prisoners to rush behind the boulder, a machine gun sound of "bang bang bang" suddenly sounded in the mountains in front of him, and a string of bullets whistled. Sweep towards the mountain where Wan Lin is located.

Wan Lin quickly hid his body behind the raised rock, and just as he retracted his head, a burst of bullets sounded on the boulder in front of him. The warhead whizzed past his helmet, so pressed that he couldn't probe at all.

Wan Lin immediately understood that the group of enemies in front of him must have found his sniper position. Although he took the lead in killing the enemy machine gunner in front, the rest of the mercenaries must have picked up the machine gun that fell to the ground again.

The whistling bullet swept straight to the boulder where Wan Lin was. The rock in front of Wan Lin reverberated with the sound of crackling, and the flying gravel hit his helmet and body armor. .

Wan Lin hurriedly pulled down the goggles on his helmet to protect it in front of his eyes, and pressed his head tightly under the raised rock on the top of the boulder. At this time, he had been tightly pressed on the top of the rock by the dense rain of bullets from the enemy, and he couldn't put his head out of the muzzle at all.

In the rain of bullets whistling from the enemy, Wan Lin was clinging to the top of the boulder and did not jump off the back of the rock. The boulder where he is now is the high point of this mountain, where he can support the two battle groups Xie Chao and John at any time. Therefore, he is really unwilling to give up this condescending sniper position unless he has to.

Wan Lin leaned his body tightly under the raised rock, and looked anxiously sideways to the right side of the mountain. As soon as he turned his head, he saw that Xie Chao was jumping to the side among the rubble. In the hidden sniper position that Xie Chao had just now, a few clusters of sparks hit by bullets were splashing.

Around the hidden rocks and grasses of the few Falcon students nearby, there was also a cloud of dust and debris shot by bullets. The gunfire of the students in the second group around Wan Lin had completely stopped. They were just like him. , were completely suppressed by the enemy's counterattack firepower!

Wan Lin was shocked to see the scene in front of him! He immediately understood that although the enemies in the mountains ahead were suddenly, they were numerous and well-trained mercenaries.

These mercenaries did not panic during the sudden attack, but after lying on various concealed objects in the mountains, they organized an effective counterattack on the spot.

The dense rain of bullets fired by these mercenaries taking advantage of their superior forces had already covered the positions of Wan Lin and the second group of students in the blink of an eye. The firepower of themselves and the students around them was completely suppressed by the fierce firepower of the enemy, and the situation was at stake. !

Wan Lin was anxious, and when he was about to call into the microphone to call Cheng Ru and the students on the side of the hillside, he raised his gun to support him. But at this moment, "Oh", a sharp air-breaking sound suddenly sounded from the air in front of Wan Lin.

Wan Lin was shocked, and quickly pressed his head tightly under the raised rock. He held the gun in his right hand, his left hand tightly clawed at a crack in the side of the rock, and the two feet behind him were firmly in the two black cracks.

"Boom", a deafening explosion followed, and the boulder where Wan Lin was located shook a few times, and a dazzling fire suddenly shot up from the boulder.

The sudden burst of fire, entrained with shards and smashed rocks, roared into the air, and a fiery wave of air swept across the back of Wan Lin, who was lying on the top of the rock.

On the swaying boulder, Wan Lin's body seemed to be welded to the top of the rock, his hands and feet tightly clinging to the cracks in the rocks around him. The sound of the explosion so close at hand was deafening, the violent explosion made his eardrums hurt, and the head under the bulletproof helmet seemed to burst.

There was a "buzzing" sound in his ears, and the sky was covered by the debris and dust blasted by the bomb, and then it fell on him with a "crashing".

In the blink of an eye, Wan Lin's body was covered with a thick layer of dust and gravel. His body lying on the top of the rock was buried by a piece of dust and gravel in an instant, as if he had disappeared on top of the rock out of thin air. generally.

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