Panther Commando

Chapter 4641: who is chinese

Amid the deafening explosions and gunshots, Wan Lin fluttered behind the boulder. At this moment, he saw at a glance that there were already three animals gathered behind the rock. One of the three animals was a tall mule, and the other two were short donkeys. The three animals were indeed carrying some food and daily necessities.

Xiaohua was standing on the back of the mule, roaring lowly at the three frightened animals. The three animals were close to everything, and they looked at Xiaohua in a panic. The four hooves under them kept lifting in place and digging the soil below. They looked very frightened, but in the low roar of Xiaohua, no one was there. Dare to leave the place.

The woman tied by the rope was already cradling her head with her hands and crouching under the rock. Several women were crying in horror, and the two little girls were also tightly embraced by the women beside them. inside.

Wan Lin's eyes swept around quickly, and he could see at a glance that some women were dripping with blood. Apparently, they were either hit by howling stray bullets or were injured by galloping animals dragging them across the hills while they were fleeing.

At this time, Xiaohua had already noticed that Wan Lin had jumped from the top of the high boulder, and it excitedly stood up from the back of the big mule, watching Wan Lin about to rush over.

Wan Lin quickly raised his hand and shouted at Xiaohua: "Xiaohua, show me these three animals, don't let them move!" In his voice, he stepped over to the women who were squatting under the rock, and stretched out his hand to pull out his leg. The saber, he shouted loudly in blunt Y language: "Which one is from China?"

With his shouts, the group of women discovered that a heavily armed man was standing behind them. They looked up at Wan Lin in horror, and even the low cry stopped abruptly. The two women Then he covered the mouths of the children around him in horror, lest they cry out and anger the man with the sniper rifle in front of him.

Wan Lin looked at him in horror when he saw these women squatting around. He immediately understood that these women had already been frightened by those Yamaguchi mercenaries, and no one dared to answer his question aloud.

Wan Lin saw the frightened appearance of these women. In his anxiety, he raised his true anger and shouted loudly in Chinese: "I am a Chinese soldier. Who among you is a Chinese? Answer!" Going straight to the two young women in Chinese attire.

The sound of gunshots and explosions still reverberated in the mountains, and stray bullets roared across the mountains on both sides of the rock. The surrounding eagle and falcon students were fighting desperately with the enemy to rescue these women. He didn't have time to explain to these women. own history.

Following Wan Lin's roar, the two Chinese-faced women suddenly showed a look of surprise. The two looked at each other and stood up abruptly from the crowd. Raised a face full of tears.

The two shouted loudly in Chinese language: "We are Chinese people, are you really our Chinese compatriots?" As they spoke, two lines of excited tears flowed from their round eyes.

They never dreamed that at a critical moment when they were desperate, their compatriots suddenly appeared in front of them, and the two raised their feet and ran towards Wan Lin excitedly.

As the two ran forward, the ropes tied to their hands were suddenly pulled up, and several women who were squatting on the ground were immediately pulled to the ground, and the two almost fell to the ground following a staggering one. A woman's exclamation sounded.

Wan Lin was overjoyed to hear the surprised voices of these two women! He stepped over to the two Chinese women and shouted loudly: "Yes, I am your Chinese compatriot!" In his voice, he grabbed the rope tied to a woman's hand with his left hand, and the saber in his right hand slid across the rope like lightning, and a knife Cut one of the ropes off.

He then shoved the saber in his right hand into the hand of the woman in front of him, and then said loudly: "Cut the ropes tied to you, squat under the rocks to take cover, and wait for our men to lead you to retreat. Now the battle is going on, tell me The people around you must obey the command of our people and must not run around!" In his voice, he turned around with a sniper rifle and rushed towards the side of the rock.

Wan Lin had just rushed out of the side of the rock, and the four students from the second group had already run to the mountain on the side of the boulder. That tall student was a sniper mule. Sniper rifle, he was running backwards by a cadet.

Another student also supported a blood-stained companion beside him and limped over. At this time, Xie Chao was holding a sniper rifle, bent over and ran to the right mountain where John and the others were.

Wan Lin's face darkened immediately when he saw the scene in front of him. Two of the four students in the second group in front of him had already been injured in the battle. He raised his gun and aimed at a mercenary who was crawling up in the smoke of the explosion in the distance, pulled the trigger quickly, and then shouted loudly in a blunt Y language: "Quick, retreat behind the rock!"

In his voice, he raised his hand and pulled the bolt, and then continued to shout to the students who came running: "Put the wounded on the animals and cover the captured people to evacuate!" He followed with a sniper rifle and ran quickly to the right side of the mountain. go.

Several students saw the instructor Wan carrying his gun and ran towards the position of the three groups on the side. They immediately understood that the instructor was braving the rain of bullets and rushed to the side to support the three groups. With admiration in their eyes, they looked at Wan Lin's back and shouted, "Yes!" They followed and ran behind the rock.

The four students in the second group rushed behind the The leader of the student with a mule on his back bent down and put the mule on the ground. He straightened up and saw at a glance that two women were unbuttoning their companions. Rope tied to hand.

Panting, he stepped behind the three animals, pulled out the saber from the scabbard on his leg, and cut off a rope tied to the woman with one stroke. Throw away everything behind the animals!"

At this time, the other student who was supporting the wounded had already run over. He quickly lifted the pockets from the two donkeys, and he followed one step to the tall mule.

Xiaohua, who was standing on the back of the mule, saw that the student had arrived, blue light flashed in its eyes, and with a "whoosh", it jumped out from the back of the mule, and went straight to chase behind Wan Lin.

Standing beside the mule, the student was stunned for a moment, and a light suddenly flashed in his eyes. He suddenly understood that the strange little cat, Instructor Wan, was chasing behind his master.

He then pulled off the big sack on the back of the mule, and he shouted to the group of women around him: "Quick, come and help me grab the reins!"

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