Panther Commando

Chapter 4642: shot back

The sound of gunshots and explosions still echoed in the mountains. As the practitioners shouted, two Huaxia women and another woman from a local tribe grabbed the reins of three animals.

The uninjured practitioner and his team leader immediately bent down to pick up the two injured companions, and placed them sideways on the backs of a donkey and a mule.

The leader of the second group shouted loudly to a group of women around him: "Hold the wounded and run back, fast!" He slapped the donkey on the back.

At this time, the other women had already picked up two seriously injured women and placed them on the back of a donkey. Following the roar of the team leader, they dragged the animal and ran desperately towards the mountains behind.

The team leader of the second group saw that the group of women had already dragged the animals and ran back. The two of them raised their hands to wipe the sweat from their faces, and ran towards the side of the rock with their assault rifles. The gun was aimed forward.

At this time, Instructor Wan and Xie Chao had already run to the mountains a thousand meters away with their long sniper rifles, and a group of black shadows were running up and down in the mountains in front of and in front of the hillside. The enemies in front of the hillside and directly in front of them had already left seven or eight corpses in the sudden attack, and the rest were fleeing to the distant mountains.

The two students followed and swept out two strings of bullets at the shadow in front. They followed and looked to the side. The two students in a group of students on the hillside were supporting their companions and limping towards them. . The instructor Cheng was rushing directly behind them with a sniper rifle, and ran straight to the mountain on the right.

The two students in the second group looked at the figure of Instructor Cheng running, and they were about to follow up with their guns. At this time, the group leader of the group running from the side had already shouted: "Instructor Cheng ordered, the first and second groups will cover. Retreat the captured and wounded, hurry!"

Amidst the shouting, two practitioners in a group supported the wounded and ran straight to the mountains behind. When the two students in the second group heard the shouts, they turned their heads and glanced admiringly at the two instructors who were running towards the mountain on the right, followed by running to a group of companions, carrying the two injured students on their backs and running back go.

At this time, Wan Lin rose and fell like a black smoke in the mountains, and he rushed behind Xie Chao, who was in front of him. At this moment, a gleam of light suddenly flashed in his eyes staring at the front side, he got up and jumped up, hugged Xie Chao who was running forward and threw him on the mountain, hugged him and moved to the side. Rolled down a one-meter-high rock.

A sharp air-breaking sound suddenly sounded from the air, "Boom", and a deafening explosion followed them! A group of dazzling flames flew around with countless rubble and steel fragments. A black mass of dust and gravel covered the sky and landed on Wan Lin and Xie Chao, who had tumbled under the rock.

Wan Lin was lying on Xie Chao's body, and the two of them were clinging to the rock. With a "pop, pop, pop" beating, Wan Lin shook his head vigorously, and then rolled out of Xie Chao's body. Lying on the side of the rock, he raised his gun and aimed at the mountains in front of him.

In the distance, a dark figure was kneeling behind a rock on one knee, and the bazooka he carried on his shoulders had been raised towards where John and the others were.

Wan Lin's right index finger quickly pulled the trigger, and the opponent's upper body, which was exposed on the rock, suddenly fell behind the rock as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer that swung the garden. The bazooka he carried on his shoulder also fell to the side following Wan Lin's low gunshots.

At this moment, a low gunshot also sounded behind Wan Lin, and a cluster of machine gun fires that were spraying in the distance came to an abrupt end. Wan Lin turned his head to look at Xie Chao, who had rolled under a rock on the side and was shooting with a gun, and shouted loudly, "Be careful! Order the Chengru team to immediately cover the retreat of the captured personnel and the second group of wounded!" After speaking, he He ran to the side of the mountain like a smoke.

"Yes!" Xie Chao shouted while lying under the rock, and then pulled the trigger on a cluster of flaming rocks in the distance, covering Wan Lin's approach to John's position.

The sound of gunshots and explosions still resounded in the mountains, and the explosions of gunfire and gunfire continued one after another, and the firelight and black gunpowder filled the entire mountain.

Pieces of bullets flying at high speed pierced the air, pulling out distorted bullet marks in the air, bullets flying across the mountains, filled with waves of heat, and the undulating mountains were splashed with gravel and bullets hit by bullets. A cloud of dust.

Wan Lin bent down and dashed forward quickly among the rocks and mounds. Bullets whizzed past his head and behind him, and a stream of air swiped in front of his face, burning him. There was a burning sensation on his cheeks.

Just as Wan Lin rushed to the grass in front of him, a gleam suddenly flashed in his eyes, his body suddenly stopped, and he followed like a sharp arrow, leaning back and shooting backwards. .

In that instant, a bullet whizzed past his helmet, and a wave of heat made his goggled eyes blink involuntarily.

He was in the air, the sniper rifle held in his right hand suddenly raised against his shoulder, he grabbed the gun with his left hand, and his right hand quickly pulled the trigger against the foot of the mountain in front of him.

"Pfft", a low voice sounded from his sniper rifle, and at the foot of the mountain 800 meters ahead, a cloud of dust and mist shot out by bullets appeared.

At this moment, Xie Chao's voice also sounded from Wan Lin's earphones: "Leopard head, be careful!" Wan Lin, who was falling to the ground, saw that was hit by himself at the foot of the mountain in the distance. On the side of the outgoing dust mist, a cluster of rubble hit by bullets followed.

Wan Lin fell to the ground on his back, and rolled down a rock to the side with his gun in his hand. His eyes also saw at this moment that a black shadow at the foot of the mountain in the distance was being thrown out of the bullet shot by Xie Chao, and he followed a piece to the side. Jump under the rock.

"These **** from the mountain pass actually have snipers!" Wan Lin scolded inwardly as he flew. He just thought that although this group of mercenaries from the mountain pass, their firepower would definitely be fierce, but among them they would not Have a sniper.

He always believed that Black Hawk and Yamaguchi's snipers in the mountains had already engaged in the battle to kill Xie Chao and Johnny, and had been eliminated by himself and Chengru, only the seriously injured Black Snake escaped . But he did not expect that among the mercenaries in this mountain pass, there was still a sniper hidden.

Just now, if he hadn't been rushing, he suddenly saw a light reflecting off a rock in the distance, and he sprinted forward, I'm afraid he would have been pierced by the enemy's sniper bullet!

Wan Lin threw himself under the rock and didn't stop. He hugged the gun and rolled to the side for a few weeks. Then he lay down under another rock, raised his gun and pulled the trigger at a cluster of flames that were spraying in the distance.

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