Panther Commando

Chapter 4643: cover fire

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Wan Lin lay down under the rock and pulled the trigger. He sternly ordered into the microphone: "Xie Chao, suppress that sniper for me!" In his voice, his muzzle was aimed at a machine gun fire sprayed from the mountains, and he lightly Pulled the trigger lightly.

With a light sound from Wanlin's sniper rifle, the "bang bang bang" enemy machine gun sound came to an abrupt end! An enemy figure followed with a machine gun and rolled down the rock on the side, and the violent gunfire in the mountains in front suddenly became sparse.

Wan Lin pulled the trigger and immediately found that the bullet he fired did not hit the opponent directly. He quickly hid behind the rock and shook his head angrily.

He knew in his heart that the close-range explosion on the top of the boulder just now made his head still a little dizzy. Although he had brought up his cold infuriating energy to regain his sobriety, his skill still did not return to the level before the explosion.

He hurriedly raised a burst of infuriating energy in his body, and then while pulling the bolt, he commanded the microphone in a blunt Y language: "John, there is an opponent's sniper at two o'clock and 600 meters away, hurry up and retreat. !"

"Yes!" John's voice followed from Wan Lin's earphones. Just now, John and the four surrounding students were splashing in the dust and fog shot by enemy bullets. The rocks in front of them were splashing with pieces of debris hit by enemy bullets. They had been completely suppressed by the enemy's ferocious firepower. under the rock.

At this moment, John heard Wan Lin's command from his earphones, and then he felt the bullets whistling past him, which had suddenly weakened a lot, and the deafening gunshots in front had also become sparse.

He immediately understood that the two Huaxia snipers, Wan Lin and Xie Chao, had already arrived. They had already suppressed the enemy's fire with accurate sniper bullets. This was the chance for them to stick out their guns to counterattack.

Overjoyed, he leaned out from under the rock, raised his gun and swept out a string of bullets at the hillside in the direction of two o'clock. While changing the magazine, he turned his head and looked to the side. Several students under the rock scolded angrily: "You brat, don't you see that the enemy's firepower has been suppressed? Hurry up and shoot back!"

Several students were lying motionless under the rock, and they heard the roar of Instructor John on the side, and only then did they feel that the roaring bullet rain around them had become sparse.

They quickly leaned out, stretched out their assault rifles on the rocks, aimed at the mountains in front of them and pulled the trigger. "Da Da Da", "Da Da Da", the deafening gunshots sounded almost at the same time, and the four students' assault rifles all spewed fire forward.

John saw that several students had fired, and he then shouted into the microphone: "Fire the gun, get ready to withdraw!" With his voice, two guns had shot from the muzzles of the two students on the side. It spewed out, and two flames erupted in the mountains ahead.

"Withdraw!" John yelled into the microphone as he swept a string of bullets into the mountains ahead. Hearing his command, the three students turned around and rushed behind them. They followed from behind rocks and low-lying areas, bent over and stood up, turned around and ran towards the mountains behind them.

One of the students just ran two steps and stopped. He turned around and saw a student behind him who was struggling to turn around. He quickly shouted at the other two students beside him, then turned around and ran to the injured student. Beside him, he bent down and picked up the student.

Just as the student picked up his companion and was about to turn around and run back, behind the flames of the gun explosion in the distance, there was a sudden sound of "da-da-da" gunshots.

The student's left leg that had just been raised slammed downwards. He carried the wounded person and staggered forward for two steps, and then collapsed on the mountain with his companion on his shoulders. The trouser leg of his left thigh was immediately covered with a red patch Blood stained red.

John and Wan Lin on the side were shocked, and they pulled the trigger at the place where the gunshots came from. John swept out a string of bullets and shouted at the two students behind him: "Fire cover!" In his voice, he picked up his assault rifle, turned around and rushed out from under the rock.

At this moment, Wan Lin, carrying a sniper rifle on his back, flew out from under the rock on the side, and rushed straight to the two students who were lying on the top of the mountain on the side.

He dashed past John like lightning, and a few strides had already rushed to the two blood-covered students. He grabbed one of the students with his right hand and carried it on his shoulders, and with his left was carrying the bulletproof vest on the back of the other student. , turned around and ran towards the mountains behind.

John also rushed from the side quickly. He grabbed the student held by Wan Lin's left hand, and rushed down a rock in the mountain behind with the student in his arms.

The two students in the back saw the two instructors and ran to their companions in the rain of bullets. The two immediately stopped, lying on the mountain and swept out two strings of fire snakes in front of the mountain.

The sound of the two assault rifles "Da Da Da" and "Da Da Da" was deafening, and the two students then shot two guns in front of them, trying their best to cover the two instructors running with the wounded.

At this time, Xie Chao, who was lying on the side of the mountain, had also seen Wan Lin and John flying backward with the two students. The sniper rifle in his hand shot out two flames at the same time.

Wan Lin carried the wounded on his shoulders and quickly rushed behind a boulder nearly two meters high. He bent down and leaned the student who was shot in the leg against the raised his hand and quickly tapped the student's thigh a few times, sealing up several acupoints around the wound, and quickly stopped The blood was gushing out of the wounded's legs.

At this time, John also rushed over with another student in his arms. Wan Lin twisted around to catch the wounded in John's arms, bent over and placed the student on the flat ground under the rock. His right hand tapped the student's injured rib a few times like lightning.

The gunshots of "bang bang bang" sounded again in the mountains in front, and the sound of "crackling" bullets immediately sounded in front of the hidden rocks of Wan Lin and the others, and "puff puff" appeared on the mountain around the rock. There was a cloud of dust hit by bullets, and the surrounding mountains seemed to boil a pot of hot water.

Wan Lin quickly glanced around, followed by a group of John who was holding a gun on the edge of the rock and pulled him in front of him. He shouted with a stiff y and a loud voice: "John, hurry up and bandage them, and then retreat with the four students. !"

In the roar, he held the sniper rifle on his back in his hand and stood under the stone wall on the side. He raised the gun and pulled the bolt to aim at the mountains ahead.

He stretched out the mouth in front of him, and then sprayed a faint flame into the distance. He immediately hid behind the rock again, turned his head and looked to the side of the mountain.

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