Panther Commando

Chapter 4647: Retreat in time

The deafening gunshots and explosions in the mountains seemed to have suddenly quieted down, only the surrounding towering mountains still faintly echoed the gunshots just now.

When Wan Lin saw Cheng Ru and Xie Chao, he had already picked up his gun and ran towards the mountains behind. Lying under the rock beside the grass, he raised his hand and pulled out a new magazine from his waist and inserted it into the gun, still aiming at the rolling hills ahead.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly saw through the scope on his gun, under a towering rock five hundred meters in the distance, half his head was sticking out. It was obviously a mercenary hiding behind the rock. Observe the movement in the mountains ahead with the probe.

Wan Lin's muzzle moved quickly, followed by a faint flame of fire. On the rock in the distance, a cluster of rubble hit by bullets immediately appeared, and the head that had just stretched out also shrank back suddenly.

Wan Lin pulled the trigger and quickly pulled the bolt, moved the muzzle and pulled the trigger against a swaying grass. He then turned his head and looked back as he pulled the bolt.

At this time, the purpose of his pulling the trigger was not to kill the mercenaries in front of him, but to deter those mercenaries hiding under various concealments with accurate bullets, and to cover Cheng Ru and Xie Chao to withdraw to a safe position.

Under the cover of Wan Lin, Cheng Ru and Xie Chao dashed backwards for more than 300 meters. The two of them turned around and lay down under two rocks. They raised their guns to the mountain where the enemy in front was located. Taking aim, the muzzles of the two sniper rifles spewed out two faint flames.

Cheng Ru's voice came from Wan Lin's earphone: "Leopard head, we have entered the cover position, retreat!" Wan Lin heard Cheng Ru's call, and he immediately understood that the two were already providing cover for his retreat. Aiming at the rock with his head sticking out just now, he gently pulled the trigger again.

He then replied in a low voice to the microphone: "Okay!" In the answer, he had already pulled the bolt and pulled the trigger on another rock in the distant mountain that was hiding the enemy.

He raised his head and made a deafening leopard roar in the air, then bent over from behind the rock and stood up, carrying his sniper rifle and rushing towards the mountains behind. At this time, Xiaohua's response came from the mountains on the side.

Wan Lin quickly rushed past Cheng Ru and the two of them, heading straight for a half-meter-high rock a hundred meters away. He rushed under the rock at a high speed, and while turning around and raising his sniper rifle, he whispered into the microphone: "Chengru, Xie Chao, withdraw!"

Following his voice, his muzzle had already spewed a faint flame of fire towards the mountains ahead. Cheng Ru and Xie Chao heard Wan Lin's voice in the earphones, they raised their guns and stood up from the rock, turned around and rushed towards the mountains behind.

The two of them just rushed under the rock, "Hide!" Wan Lin's urgent voice suddenly sounded from the two's earphones, Cheng Ru and the two kicked the ground with their feet, jumped under the surrounding rocks, and rolled to the ground. behind the rock.

As soon as the two of them lay under the rock, a few bursts of fire broke out in the hidden mountains behind them, followed by a few deafening explosions. At this time, Wan Lin's muzzle had already spewed a flame of fire at a rock in the distance.

After Wan Lin pulled the trigger, he shouted into the microphone, "Retreat, hurry up!" Cheng Ru and the two heard Wan Lin's command, and immediately bent down from under the rock to stand up, and ran towards the mountains behind. .

At this moment, a cold sweat broke out on the backs of Wan Lin and the three of them. They knew in their hearts that in the battle just now, the other party had already discovered the sniping position of the three of them. attacked from the sniper position. If they hesitated a moment ago and did not retreat in time, they would have been covered by the enemy's explosive fire.

At this time, Wan Lin pulled the trigger again at the flames spurting in the distance, and then ran back like a smoke. The three of them rushed towards the mountains behind, and in a blink of an eye, they had already rushed behind a boulder that was seven or eight meters high. Wan Lin stopped behind the rock, clinging to the edge of the rock and raising his sniper rifle towards the mountains ahead.

In the mountains more than 300 meters behind them, the fire broke out one after another, and the fierce gunfire of the enemy sounded again. One side rushed forward like crazy.

Obviously, this group of enemies has discovered that there are only three snipers from the other side in the mountains in front, and these three snipers have already killed several of their companions, and even their snipers and machine gunners have fallen under the guns of the other side.

This group of ruthless mercenaries was completely infuriated. They leaned out and aimed at the sniper position of Wan Lin and the three of them, and fired the guns and guns they were carrying.

These mercenaries knew in their hearts that only if they used ferocious firepower to kill each other's snipers could they climb out from behind the cover, otherwise they would not even have the chance to escape under the opponent's mouth.

Wan Lin hid behind the boulder, leaned out half of his body, raised his gun and aimed forward. He coldly glanced at the mercenaries who appeared and disappeared in the mountains, and then turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and Xie Chao with some worry.

Cheng Ru's bodies were covered with dust, their faces smeared with tactical paint had been blackened by gunpowder smoke, and only two eyes were shining with Lin saw Cheng Ru and Xie Chao There was no blood on their bodies, and they knew that both of them were safe and sound, and they were not injured in the fierce battle just now. He raised his hand and patted Xie Chao's shoulder heavily and praised: "Xiao Chao, you're doing great!" Then, he and Cheng Ru stretched out the guns from both sides of the boulder and focused on the mountains ahead.

Among the rolling hills, nearly twenty black shadows are dashing forward. While they are flickering on the rolling hills, they raise their guns to sweep out intermittent firelight towards the mountains in front of them. The howling stray bullets are coming from the air. fly over.

Cheng Ru glanced at the mountains in front of him, he retracted his sniper rifle, turned around and said to Wan Lin and Xie Chao, "These **** are in a hurry, and now they dare to catch up!"

Wan Lin also retracted his sniper rifle and said coldly: "Yes, the mercenaries in these mountain passes are well-equipped. Except for the people from the Eagle Base, they should have no rivals in this mountain. Now they are suddenly attacked, and they have lost nearly half of them. Even the food and women we stole were taken away by us, so they must be angry."

Cheng Ru said with a sneer: "Hey, it's good to be angry and angry, then let's wait for them to get closer, and then stimulate and stimulate these bastards!" Xie Chao also said with bright eyes: "Yes, let's kill a few of them!"

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