Panther Commando

Chapter 4648: 1 figure

After Xie Chao finished speaking, he glanced at the surrounding mountains again. He looked at Wan Lin and asked worriedly: "Xiaohua hasn't come back yet? If it hadn't restrained the group of enemies running from the mountains on the side just now, it would have prevented us from both sides. We are in danger, otherwise we are in danger.”

At this time, Wan Lin was turning his head to look at the side of the mountain, and a small black figure was rubbing against the undulating mountain, running towards them like a fly. Wan Lin saw Xiao Hua's figure, and he immediately showed a relieved smile on his face. He raised his finger and pointed to the side of the mountain and replied, "Come back, those **** can't hurt it yet!"

He followed and looked at Cheng Ru and said, "If John and the others were still there, I really wouldn't dare to let Xiao Hua attack." Cheng Ru also said with some fear: "If in the rain of bullets from both sides, Xiao Hua is likely to be shot by those students. Accidental injury. When I aimed at the enemy just now, Xiaohua appeared in my scope several times, it was too dangerous!"

Xie Chao also said in fear: "Yes, just now when I was aiming at the enemy and was about to pull the trigger, Xiaohua suddenly jumped out. I was terrified and quickly released the trigger."

Just as a few people were hiding behind the boulder and talking, there was a sudden burst of intense gunshots from the mountains in front of them, followed by several deafening explosions, and the stray bullets whizzing past Wanlin and the others suddenly disappeared. trace.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru quickly stuck out half of their heads from both sides of the rock, and they raised their guns and aimed forward. Xie Chao also jumped into the middle of the two rocks on the side of the boulder, and extended the barrel of the sniper rifle forward from the gap between the two rocks. bolt.

On the hillside where the enemy snipers were hiding just now, a piece of fire from the muzzle was spraying, and the dense bullets whistled and swept towards the mountains below, and several dazzling flames were also bursting from the mountains below.

The group of mercenaries who were rushing towards Wanlin and the others were already lying on the mountain in panic. They turned around and pulled the trigger on the hillside behind them.

In a blink of an eye, the gunshots that had become sporadic just now suddenly became violent, and the surrounding mountains echoed with deafening gunshots, as if thousands of troops were fighting desperately.

Wan Lin was overjoyed, he immediately turned his head to face Cheng Ru who was on the side and said, "It must be Sean who has come from the side of the mountain with a team of falcons!" As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sudden burst of sound in his earphones. call sound.

Xie Chao, who was lying under the rock on the side, heard the sound coming from the earphone, and immediately turned his head to look at Wan Lin and shouted in surprise: "Instructor Wan, Instructor Cheng, Captain Sean is asking where we are? A team of Falcons has already entered the battle!" He was worried that Wan Lin couldn't understand what Sean shouted in Y language, so he quickly turned his head and translated it.

At this time, Wan Lin had probably understood Sean's questioning voice. He quickly looked at Xie Chao and shouted, "Report our current position to Sean."

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied quickly, and then leaned behind the sniper rifle while aiming at the enemy in the distance, reporting his location to Sean in Y language.

At this time, Wen Meng's crisp voice suddenly came from the headphones of Wan Lin and the others: "Instructor Wan, Principal Ying Falcon and I are coming from the direction of Tiankeng. All the prisoners and wounded have already arrived. Enter the safe zone, where are you now?"

Wan Lin was overjoyed when he heard Wen Meng's voice suddenly. He knew that Charlie was worried that there would be obstacles in communicating with him, so he specially asked Wen Meng, a sniper, to follow him.

He quickly reported the location of his group, followed by withdrawing the sniper rifle from the side of the rock, turning around and looking back. In the mountains not far away, a group of ups and downs have faintly appeared.

Wan Lin was overjoyed, turned his head to look at Cheng Ru and shouted: "Charlie and the others are coming from behind us, all the prisoners have entered a safe position." Cheng Ru turned his head and glanced back, he exclaimed with great joy: "Haha, Surround these **** and kill them!"

He then leaned out half of the body from the side of the rock, raised his gun and aimed at the dark shadow in the distance and shouted, "Haha, Sean and the others are condescending, those **** are running around in the mountains!"

As soon as Cheng Ru's voice fell, a small black shadow suddenly emerged from the grass on the side, followed by jumping straight to the back of the boulder. Cheng Ru saw the black shadow coming from the corner of his eyes, he turned around suddenly and exclaimed in surprise: "Xiao Hua, come here!" He followed with his left arm, trying to catch the rushing Xiao Hua.

Xiaohua rushed to Chengru's side with a "whoosh", and its two powerful hind legs kicked Chengru's raised left arm vigorously, and then rushed to Wanlin's shoulder on the other side of the rock like lightning. Then he turned around to look at Cheng Ru, opened his mouth wide and let out a strange laugh.

Cheng Ru was so angry that he raised his left fist at Xiao Hua and scolded: "Stinky boy, you are playing with me!" He then smiled and raised his sniper rifle again, leaning from behind the rock to aim at the mountains ahead.

Wan Lin saw Xiaohua jumping onto his shoulder, he raised his right hand and rubbed Xiaohua's head vigorously, then pointed to the top of the rock and said, "Xiaohua, go up and see the situation around, and be careful to hide."

Xiaohua heard Wan Lin's command, and it jumped up directly from Wan Lin's shoulders, sharp nails burst out from its four claws, grabbed the steep stone wall above, and then jumped up the high wall like smoke. On top of the boulder.

Wan Lin saw Xiaohua jump up on the He was about to extend his sniper rifle again, when Xiaohua suddenly stuck his head out of the rock again, raised his right paw and pointed to the mountain in front of the left, followed by The mountain on the right pointed to, and a blue light flickered faintly in the two big eyes.

Wan Lin was startled, grabbing the sniper rifle in his right hand, his legs bent and jumping up sharply, he grabbed a crack above, kicked his feet on the steep stone wall, and jumped up again.

He grabbed the edge of the rock beside Xiaohua with one hand, and quickly climbed to the top of the rock. He lay on the top of the rock and quickly extended his gun forward, raising his gun to aim at the mountain on the left.

In the undulating mountains on the left, a dark figure had already appeared. There were about a hundred people. A large group of people were scattered among the mountains, carrying guns and running towards the mountains where the sound of gunfire echoed in front. Wan Lin moved the muzzle and aimed at the mountain on the right.

On the undulating mountain on the right, more than a dozen black shadows have already appeared, and the shadows are moving quickly down to the front right and running between the mountains where the sound of gunfire is echoing.

Wan Lin's face immediately became tense when he saw the two groups of people suddenly appearing. If the person coming is an accomplice of these mercenaries, then Sean, the falcon squad, will face the dilemma of being surrounded by enemies on three sides. The situation is very dangerous, and they may be surrounded by enemies immediately.

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