Panther Commando

Chapter 4649: bullet rain

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Wan Lin was lying on the top of the high rock, his eyes fixed on the figure appearing in the scope, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that the chasing garrison and Tucker's cadet team, they don't? Are you going to get to this mountain so soon?"

When he thought of this, he was about to make a questioning sound into the microphone, but at the moment when Wan Lin opened his mouth, Wen Meng's urgent call suddenly came from his earphone: "Instructor Wan, Instructor Wan, hear the answer, hear the answer. Please answer."

Wan Lin replied immediately: "Received, tell me!" Wen Meng said immediately: "Falcon, let me inform you that a company chased by the local garrison has approached the battlefield, and they are in front of you at ten o'clock on the left. Instructor Tucker. The team of students you lead is also approaching the battlefield in front, and they are in front of you at two o'clock on your right."

"Now, the garrison, Sean and Tucker are encircling the enemy in the mountains according to the order of the falcon. The enemy has been surrounded on three sides, and they are likely to flee to your position. The falcon asks you to stop them, we are from you Come behind me, please hold on for a few minutes!"

"Received!" Wan Lin replied loudly after hearing Wen Meng's announcement, and then he shouted into the microphone: "Cheng Ru, Xie Chao, the figures in the front left are the local garrison troops, and in the mountains on the right are the troops of the local garrison. A squad of cadets led by Tucker, they are encircling the mercenaries in the mountains in front of them on three sides, and Falcon is coming from behind us with a squad of Falcons."

As soon as Wan Lin's voice fell, gunshots were already heard in the mountains ahead, and Xie Chao's report sounded in the headphones of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru: "Report to instructor Wan, instructor Cheng, the enemy is fleeing towards us. ."

Wan Lin immediately lay on the top of the rock. He raised the bipod of his sniper rifle and shouted sharply: "Stop them, we must not let them escape from our direction!" Cheeks pressed against the cheek rest on the **** and glanced forward.

In Wan Lin's command, their three sniper rifles sounded almost simultaneously. In the distance, two mercenaries targeted by Wan Lin and Cheng Ru fell to the ground. The other boy Xie Chao aimed at shooting stopped abruptly from rushing forward.

The boy was stunned for a moment, then turned around and flew out to the side. He flew four or five steps to the side in a panic, then suddenly jumped forward, and tumbled into a piece of grass that was more than half a person high.

Obviously, the bullet shot by Xie Chao didn't hit the boy. The bullet flew past the boy's head, and the boy reacted quickly and threw himself into the grass on the side.

"Grandma's, it didn't hit again!" Xie Chao pulled the gun bolt and yelled angrily. When Wan Lin heard the boy's scolding, he pulled the gun bolt, turned his head to look at him and comforted him: "Xie Chao, don't be in a hurry, lift up your true qi, hold your breath, relax your whole body, don't be so nervous. In distance sniping, be sure to aim at the center of the target, and then shoot calmly.”

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied quickly. He took a deep breath and lifted the whole body's infuriating energy to run. A cold breath followed from his body lying under the rock. He lay motionless on the gun. back.

After a while, a burst of fire suddenly spewed out of his muzzle, and a black shadow flying towards the side of the mountain fell to the ground at a distance of 1000 meters. "Leopard head, I finally hit it!" Xie Chao turned his head ecstatically and looked up at the top of the rock on the side.

"Hide!" Wan Lin, who was lying on the top of the rock, suddenly shouted loudly, his fingers pulled the trigger, and the sniper rifle in front of him roared and flew out a bullet.

With Wan Lin's deafening roar, Xie Chao slammed his head under the rock. At this moment, the rock in front of him and the mountain on the side, there was a banging sound, and a string of bullets roared on his hidden rock and the surrounding mountains, a bullet. Bullets also whizzed past his head, and all around him suddenly rubble and dust were flying.

Xie Chao's face turned pale, his head was lying still under the rock, and he already knew in his heart that it must be the enemy's machine gunner who discovered his sniper position, raised his muzzle and swept towards him. A shuttle of bullets. If the leopard head hadn't reminded him to hide in time just now, and rubbed the fast bullet above his head, I'm afraid it would have blown his head!

As soon as the sound of the surrounding bullets disappeared, Xie Chao suddenly raised his head from the falling rubble. He lay behind the gun and aimed at the mountains ahead. A machine gun was tipped over from a rock thousands of meters away, and a red blood mist had already filled the back of the rock.

Xie Chao immediately understood that the leopard head lying on the top of the rock had already pulled the trigger to kill the machine gunner who was shooting at him while reminding him to hide.

He turned his head gratefully and glanced at the rock, then raised his right arm and gently brushed away the slow dust on the gun. He raised a burst of infuriating energy and aimed at a dark shadow in the distance that was shooting to the side. Gently pulling the trigger, a shadow running towards this side in the distance fell to the ground!

Xie Chao exhaled, raised his right hand and gently pulled the bolt, and then slowly moved the muzzle, carefully searching for the figure of the enemy exposed in the scope. At this moment, there was already a look of joy on his face. He knew that in these few life-and-death battles, his marksmanship had reached a new level.

At this moment, gunshots rang out in the mountains in front, gravel and dust from the bullets splashed everywhere in the mountains in the distance, and a dark figure suddenly appeared in the undulating mountains in front of the left.

There were also more than a dozen students led by Tucker in the mountain on the "bang bang bang" and "bang bang bang" machine guns had sounded, and several ***s also shot towards the front mountain at the same time. fly away.

The sudden rain of bullets from three directions made the mercenaries in the mountains in front panic. While they turned around and shot behind them, they rushed towards Wan Lin and the others on the rolling hills.

Wan Lin was lying on the top of the boulder. He was condescending, aiming at a mercenary who appeared in the scope. Just as he was about to pull the trigger, Xiao Hua, who was lying beside him, suddenly raised his right paw and pressed it against the left hand of his gun. on the arm.

Wan Lin was shocked! He fell down suddenly. "Clappapa", "swish swish", there was a sound of being hit by a bullet on the rock in front of him, and a few stray bullets also whistled past his head and flew straight to the side and rear mountains.

As soon as the whistling bullet flew over the rock, Wan Lin moved the muzzle angrily. He aimed in the direction the ballistic was flying, and squeezed the trigger tightly with his fingers.

As soon as he moved the muzzle, he saw at a glance that a group of black shadows had been distributed in the mountains in front of the left. These people rushed towards the mountains where the mercenaries were in front, and randomly swept forward bullets while running. .

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