Panther Commando

Chapter 4650: Charlie's order

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Wan Lin was lying on the top of the boulder and saw a group of people rushing from the front left, he quickly released his finger on the trigger, and shouted into the microphone: "Cheng Ru, Xie Chao, hide! The people rushing from the left It's the garrison troops, and their bullets are out of order."

At this time, he had already remembered that Charlie and Scorpion had already told him that the garrison equipment here was outdated, and the soldiers lacked due military training.

Now they are rushing forward to meet the bullets of those mercenaries, which shows that these mercenaries must have brutally killed a lot of their soldiers when they attacked the mine.

The brutality of these mercenaries has angered the garrison here, so they sent a company of troops to catch up, but these soldiers lacked the training for coordinated combat, and the bullets they fired in anger not only shot at the enemy, but also at themselves. Tucker on this side and on the side flew away.

Wan Lin reminded Cheng Ru and the two of them to hide, while lying on the top of the rock frowning and looking sideways, the boulders and the sky were flying messy stray bullets, and Xie Chao's hidden rocks on the side were also splashing with rubble shot by the bullets. , Xie Chao was already lying under the rock amid the flying warheads and gravel. A group of people from Tucker, who were rushing from the mountain on the right, also fell down under the bullets fired by these soldiers.

At this moment, Cheng Ru's scolding suddenly came from Wan Lin's earphone: "Leopard head, how are we fighting this battle? Why are they shooting randomly, don't they know where we and Tucker are? Falcon told them to stop shooting?"

Before Cheng Ru's roar of scolding disappeared, there was another sound of being hit by a bullet in front of the hidden boulder he and Wan Lin had, and a cloud of dust and gravel had filled their eyes.

Wan Lin was also angrily lying on the rock. He shouted into the microphone: "Falcon, please inform the soldiers who are chasing to stop shooting!" There were violent gunshots, and a few bullets also roared and flew towards the mountains ahead.

Charlie's voice sounded from Wan Lin's earphones: "Instructor Wan, I have informed the garrison and told them to stop shooting and hide on the spot. We have entered the fighting position on your flanks."

During the tense battle, Charlie didn't dare to use the broken Chinese language, worried that Wan Lin couldn't understand what he meant, and instead used Y language directly. As soon as he finished speaking, Wen Meng's clear translation voice also sounded.

Following the voice of Charlie, the principal of the Falcon Base, Wan Lin, who was lying on the rock, had already seen that five or six fully-armed Falcon team members had rushed out of the mountains on both sides of the boulder.

Several Eagle Falcon team members quickly rushed under the rocks in front. Some of them mounted machine guns, some carried rocket launchers on their shoulders, and the dense gunshots followed, and the two fighters flew out with a roar, and went straight to the hired workers in front of them. The soldiers flew to the mountains where they were.

At this time, Wan Lin had already seen that the group of soldiers rushing in from the front had stopped. They were all lying on the mountain and stretched out various weapons. The intensive gunshots had stopped.

As the Eagle Falcon Squad and the Student Squad on the side entered the battle, the mountains where the mercenaries were located in the front were covered with bullet rain, and dazzling fire broke out from the mountains from time to time. Three or four mercenaries were fleeing towards Wanlin. As the flames of the explosion rose, the others also fell crookedly to the side, and the remaining mercenaries were all lying on the mountain.

At this moment, Wan Lin suddenly heard Charlie's cold command in the earphone: "Everyone pay attention, don't leave one, kill all these **** for me!"

In the cold command of Charlie, the Falcon Principal, the gunshots of "bang bang bang" and "da da da" suddenly became violent again, and the explosions of guns and guns came one after another.

Wan Lin lay behind the gun and looked forward coldly. In the dense rain of bullets and explosions, the mountains in front of him were filled with gunpowder smoke, and there was not a single moving figure in the whole mountain.

Wan Lin saw the scene in front of him, and he already knew in his heart that the two mercenary groups, Black Eagle and Yamaguchi Security, had completely offended the sturdy headmaster of Eagle Falcon. You must be ruthless!

Moreover, these Yamaguchi mercenaries have already approached the base camp of the Eagle Falcon base. Even if there is no grudge between George and Kuroda and Charlie, Charlie, the headmaster of the Eagle Falcon, will definitely not let any mercenary escape. Otherwise, the Yamaguchi people are likely to speculate that this is the new base of the Eagle base.

At this time, Charlie, who had a bandage on his left arm, ran out of breath. Wen Meng and a guard followed him. The three ran behind the boulder. Charlie saw Cheng Ru who was shooting at the edge of the boulder at a glance. He quickly asked in blunt Chinese: "Instructor Cheng, what about Instructor Wan?"

Cheng Ru heard the sound, raised his head from behind the gun and looked to the side, he saw Charlie appear behind the rock with a sniper rifle in his right hand, Wen Meng was bending over to a rock on the side of Xie Chao, he immediately raised his finger and pointed to the top of the high rock. Shang replied: "Eagle, Instructor Wan is above!"

He then leaned back behind the gun and shouted into the microphone: "Instructor Wan, the eagle has arrived, just behind the rock, come down!" In the voice, his finger had pulled the trigger lightly, and a bullet whistled towards the Fly over the mountains ahead.

At this time, Wan Lin was lying behind the sniper rifle observing the battle situation in the mountains in front of him. He heard Cheng Ru's Knowing that the battle was coming to an end, he stretched out his left hand and hugged Xiaohua on the In his arms, he grabbed the sniper rifle in his right hand, turned and rolled off the top of the rock.

He suddenly lifted a burst of infuriating energy in the air, and gently kicked the raised stone on the rock wall below with his right foot, and then fluttered to Charlie's side.

Standing behind Charlie, he raised his gun and aimed at the Falcon team members in the mountains in front of him. Suddenly, he saw a person fall beside Charlie like lightning. He was shocked and moved the muzzle of his gun to aim at Wan Lin. His duty was to protect the Falcon. , and now someone suddenly appeared in front of the falcon, which really surprised him!

When Charlie saw the guard raising his assault rifle at Wan Lin, he quickly raised the sniper rifle in his right hand and ordered, "Put down the gun!" At this time, the guard had already seen clearly that the new Wan Lin suddenly appeared beside Charlie. Instructor.

He quickly moved the gun from the side, and then looked up at the seven- or eight-meter-high boulder in astonishment. He was truly astonished. He didn't expect this instructor Wan to jump directly from such a high rock.

At this time, Charlie had already looked at Wan Lin and said loudly: "Instructor Wan, you've worked hard! I didn't expect that you took a student and defeated three mercenary squads and rescued so many women. You commanded well! "

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