Panther Commando

Chapter 4651: avoid trouble

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Charlie said, carrying his sniper rifle and stepping over to Cheng Ru, who was kneeling on one knee beside the rock. He stretched out his right hand and grabbed Cheng Ru's right arm, pulled Cheng Ru, who was aiming his gun at the mountain in front, behind the rock and said, "Instructor Cheng, it's hard work, the rest is left to Sean and Tucker!"

Cheng Ru stood up straight, raised his hand to brush off the dust on his body, he looked up at Charlie and said with a smile: "Hehe, it's not hard work, we are just like you, our eyes are red when we see those **** in Yamaguchi!"

Charlie also said with a smile, "Yes, if you encounter this group of inhuman bastards, you must kill them!" As he spoke, he probed from behind the rock to the mountains in front of him.

The mountains in front have been hit by dense bullets, and a cloud of gunpowder smoke is rising into the blue sky. The mercenary, who had just fled in panic, was already lying in the mountains, and there were only sporadic gunshots in the mountains ahead.

Charlie glanced coldly at the mountains in front of him, and he immediately judged that most of the mercenaries had been shot and killed in the fierce cross-fire on his side. Now there are only a few remaining mercenaries, hiding under the rocks and pulling the trigger in a panic.

He quickly observed the battlefield in front of him, and then ordered to the microphone beside his mouth: "Stop shooting! Tucker, take the students to clean up the battlefield for me!" "Yes, clean up the battlefield, not a single one!" Tucker The rough voice followed from his earphones, and Tucker had already understood the meaning from the icy voice of the falcon!

At this moment, Wan Lin and Cheng Ru stood behind the rock and heard Charlie's icy voice, and both of them felt a chill in their hearts. They already knew in their hearts that Charlie was ordering Tucker to kill all the mercenaries who were still breathing, leaving no one alive to avoid future troubles!

Wan Lin looked at each other and nodded silently. They know clearly in their hearts that these mercenaries in Yamaguchi are cruel and cunning, and these people do all kinds of evil for the sake of profit. Since they robbed so many young women, they should be brought to justice on the spot!

Charlie looked at the mountains in front of him and issued an order, then retracted his head from the rock. He looked at Wan Lin and said solemnly: "You should know that the only unprotected army in the world is the mercenary in front of you. Now they Even if you put down your weapons, you won't enjoy the treatment of prisoners of war, and kill them!"

After speaking, he walked up to Wan Lin and said excitedly: "It is clearly stipulated in the Geneva Convention that after a mercenary is captured, he does not enjoy all the privileges and rights that the prisoner has. Once captured, he will be left to the other side. Mercenaries only have money in their hearts, and for money, they can do anything that hurts the world, and the Geneva Convention cannot protect their right to live!"

Wan Lin saw Charlie's excited look, and he followed up: "Yes, the security guards in Yamaguchi are treacherous and vicious, and these scumbags really can't be kept."

He glanced around and said in a low voice: "We have no right to interfere in any industry that anyone is engaged in, but if they lose their humanity, such people must be eradicated, or they will harm more people! I was in the mountains just now. When I saw these mercenaries from Yamaguchi swinging their arms and smashing at those women and children, I knew that these **** had to be eradicated!"

When Charlie heard this, he raised his hand and patted Wan Lin's shoulder lightly. He sighed and said, "I left the Black Hawk Hire Group because of this. I saw these **** do evil with my own eyes."

When he said this, he looked at the eagle and falcon members who had already run towards the mountains in front of him, and said with a sense: "When the Black Eagle Mercenary Group was established, they still selectively undertake business, and there is no business involving the mutilation of ordinary people. Yes. But after the rise of the mercenary groups like Yamaguchi Security, Black Hawk actually went to protect the home for drug lords like Ao Kun in order to grab business with them. I left Black Hawk because of this."

When he said this, he suddenly turned his head to look at Wan Lin and Cheng Ru, and said excitedly: "Although I have taken off my military uniform, I am still a soldier in my bones! How can I protect the family for a drug lord? At that time, it was you heroic Chinese soldiers who awakened my conscience, thank you for letting me get rid of that shameful life!" As he spoke, he shook Wan Lin's hand tightly.

Seeing Charlie's excited look, Wan Lin understood his feelings in his heart. In the past, Charlie was also a soldier, a sniper who was all-powerful on the battlefield of defending his homeland.

But after he left the army, he went to the Black Hawk Mercenary Corps, and he was also sent to protect the homes of those drug lords. This was indeed a stain on his life. Fortunately, he pulled himself from the brink at a critical moment and left the mercenary group that had become evil.

Wan Lin patted Charlie's shoulder lightly, and said comfortingly, "Let the past be in the past, as long as we have a clear conscience in the future. Come on, let's take a look at the situation ahead." Pulling Charlie and Cheng Ru to the side of the rock, the three of them looked forward intently.

The mountains in front have been quiet, and only sporadic gunshots can be heard occasionally. Tucker on the side of the mountain was leading a dozen students, pulling out a skirmish line and running towards the side mountain unhurriedly. Each of them had assault rifles on their shoulders and still kept firing at any time. posture.

In the mountains in front of the left, a dark figure has already stood up. The soldiers of the company are carrying and swarming towards the mountains in front, and there are bursts of scolding from their mouths.

Wan Lin looked at the soldiers and ran straight to the mountain where the mercenaries were, regardless of the danger, he frowned, turned his head to Xie Chao and Wen Meng who were lying on the two rocks on the side and shouted: "Xie Chao , Go to the top of the rock to provide vigilance! Wen Meng, pay close attention to those mercenaries lying in the mountains."

Now those mercenaries are lying on their backs in the mountains, but no one can predict whether they will be killed; it is even more unpredictable whether there are remnants of mercenaries in the cracks in the rocks and in the grass, and those stationed soldiers actually move forward unprepared. Running in the mountains is indeed very dangerous.

When Xie Chao and Wen Meng heard Wan Lin's order, they quickly replied "Yes!" Xie Chao followed with a gun and bent over and stood up from behind the rock.

At this time, Cheng Ru had already carried his sniper rifle. He stood on the side of the rock with his legs slightly bent and his hands folded in front of him. He looked at Xie Chao who came running and said loudly, "Xie Chao, I'll hold it for you."

"Yes!" Xie Chao replied, he picked up his sniper rifle, accelerated and ran to Cheng Ru, then jumped up sharply. Just when he jumped in front of Cheng Ru, Cheng Ru's hands supported the soles of his shoes and sent them up sharply.

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