Panther Commando

Chapter 4652: Brothers and sisters

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Cheng Ru stood beside the boulder, folded his hands together and vigorously lifted Xie Chao, who was jumping up. Xie Chao slammed the stone wall on the side of the boulder and flew up, and in a blink of an eye, he was close to the top of the high rock.

Xie Chao grabbed the rock on the top edge with both hands, jumped onto the rock with a bang, and disappeared from the sight of Charlie and the others, his movements were as agile as a monkey.

Xiao Hua, who had been lying on Wan Lin's shoulder, saw Xie Chao suddenly fly towards the top of the rock, and it also jumped up from Wan Lin's shoulder. He jumped up again, and then quickly jumped up the high rock, almost disappearing on the top of the wide rock at the same time as Xie Chao.

Standing beside him, raising his gun to provide guards, he looked up at the man and beast jumping up the top of the rock, and he muttered in astonishment: "I really didn't see it, there are still students with such agility in our base! Brother's claws are so powerful that they jumped up as soon as they chopped off the rock."

He followed and looked at Cheng Ru, who was not strong, and said incredulously: "My dear, how can Instructor Cheng be so powerful? He put this student on the top of such a high rock in one fell swoop."

At this time, Cheng Ru had already clapped the dust on his hands and straightened up. He heard the Eagle Falcon member say something to him. He looked at Charlie in surprise and asked, "Principal, what did this brother say?"

Charlie and Wan Lin both laughed when they heard Cheng Ru's questioning, Charlie looked at him and said in blunt Chinese: "My guard praised you for your strength, raised his hand and threw Xie Chao on the top of such a high rock. superior."

Cheng Ru looked at the guard and nodded with a smile, then looked at Wan Lin and said, "It's really not good if you don't understand foreign languages, it's like listening to a book from heaven, Lao Feng and I have to make time to let Yingying and Wen Meng have a good time. teach me."

Charlie and Wan Lin both laughed when they looked at him, and Wan Lin followed with a wry smile and said, "Yeah, our foreign language level is really bad, but fortunately Wen Meng and Wu Xueying are with us, otherwise it would be really hard for us to talk to them. Brothers communicate."

When Charlie heard what he said, he smiled and said in Chinese: "Instructor Wan, you are on the same level as me. Your level of Y language is similar to what I said about your level of Chinese. What is this called in Chinese?" ',Right?"

"Hahahaha..." Wan Lin and Cheng Ru both laughed, Wan Lin said with a smile, "Yes, yes, our level is 'difficult brothers and sisters'!" Their bold laughter sounded next to the rock.

At this time, the battle was coming to an end, and two members of the Eagle Falcon squad and a squad student had already run towards the mountains where the mercenaries were. About a hundred soldiers in the front left were also scattered among the mountains, rushing towards the mercenaries who fell on the mountain, so the tense nerves of Charlie and the others had relaxed.

After Charlie laughed, he looked up at the rock that was nearly ten meters high beside him, and then said to Chengru: "You are indeed very strong, and you can actually send a large living person of more than 100 pounds to this place in an instant. High position. Your figure is not so strong. Did you use your internal strength just now? What is the principle?"

Cheng Ru heard Charlie's question and turned to look at Wan Lin. He really didn't know how to answer this question. Wan Lin looked up at the mountain in front of him, then looked at Charlie and replied, "It's really hard to answer this question. The internal skills we practiced are really amazing, but we don't know what the principle is."

Wan Lin turned his head and stared at the mountain in front of him and pondered for a moment, then turned his head and said, "The human body has great potential, but we humans have not fully utilized all of our potential. As far as I know, internal strength can make the latent in our body possible. We can develop some capabilities. However, we don’t know how much we can develop and what principles.”

He looked at Charlie and smiled: "There is a saying in China that a dog can jump over a wall if he is anxious. It means that a dog who is not good at climbing a wall is forced to jump over a wall. It should be the same for people, as long as the training method is used. If it is appropriate, it will also stimulate various potentials, which is probably what it means.”

Charlie laughed when he heard this, and he continued: "Yes, yes, rabbits bite people when they are anxious, and dogs can jump over walls when they are anxious. There is a saying in our hometown as well. If a bulldog suddenly pounces from behind, people will run faster than people. The dog is fast."

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru laughed when they heard Charlie's answer, and Charlie followed up: "People are really amazing, I've heard two news, one said that a woman's child was crushed under the car, and this woman was in In desperation, he suddenly became extremely powerful, and suddenly lifted the car to rescue his child."

"There is also a news report that a paralyzed patient was pushed out in a wheelchair, and the street in front suddenly burst into flames. The nurse who pushed the wheelchair was so frightened that he turned around and ran. He took a few steps to remember the patient in the wheelchair, and waited He turned around and saw that the wheelchair was empty, and the patient was escaping like a rabbit faster than a normal person."

"Hahahaha..." Wan Lin and Cheng Ru all laughed when they heard Charlie's story. At this moment, a low roar of "Ow" suddenly sounded, "Be careful!" Xie Chao's voice also followed from the top of the high rock.

Wan Lin and Cheng Ru reacted quickly, grabbing the arms of Charlie and the guards and pulling them under the A few people just leaned under the boulder and heard the top of the boulder beside them, when the rock in front of them came out A few "snap" sounds, and several bullets whizzed past them.

At this moment, two low-pitched sniper rifle sounds were heard on the top of the rock and on the side of the rock. Wan Lin and Cheng Ru pulled Charlie and the two under the rock, and then raised their sniper rifles towards the mountains in front of them. Their right hands raised the bolt at the same time.

The two immediately saw through the scope on the gun that on the edge of a grassy field a thousand meters away, a black shadow had been hit by the sniper rifles of Xie Chao and Wen Meng, and was falling backwards with both hands spread out.

Wan Lin immediately understood that the kid in the distance must be the mercenary who escaped from Xie Chao's gun just now.

Now, the kid suddenly saw that there were so many heavily armed opponents rushing around, so he panicked out of the grass, fled to his side, and raised his gun to sweep the few people standing beside the rock. A shuttle of bullets came out.

At this time, a burst of gunshots of "da-da-da" and "da-da-da" had already sounded, and several students who were close to the grass had already aimed at the mercenary and pulled the trigger. Dense bullets.

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