Panther Commando

Chapter 4653: Recalcitrant

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Wan Lin and Cheng Ru raised their guns and aimed coldly at the mountains in front of them. The boy who had been hit by Xie Chao and Wen Meng was trembling in the dense rain of bullets from several students. The grass beside the boy was also hit by the bullets. There was a cloud of dust.

The muzzles of Wan Lin and Cheng Ru quickly aimed at the mountain in front of the left. As soon as the two moved the muzzle, they saw a black shadow lying on the mountain in the distance, suddenly facing the side of the mountain among the rocks. Go away, an assault rifle was raised in front of the boy at the same time, and the muzzle was aimed at a group of soldiers rushing from the side in an instant.

The pupils in Wan Lin and Cheng Ru's eyes shrank sharply, their fingers pulled the trigger at the same time, and the sniper rifles in front of them made dull "poof" and "poof" sounds at the same time, and the one in the distance just raised an assault. The shadow of the rifle raised both hands, and the assault rifle in his hand dropped to the ground.

In a blink of an eye, the boy was lying motionless on the rock, and the rock around him was immediately dyed red with blood. The soldiers who were running around suddenly saw the kid suddenly raise the muzzle, and everyone reacted quickly and rushed to the side.

But they immediately saw that the mercenary who had just raised the muzzle in front of him suddenly fell to the ground like a blood gourd. Everyone stared blankly at the mercenary who suddenly fell down, and then looked up nervously. The muzzle was aimed at Wan Lin and Charlie.

After Wan Lin and Cheng Ru pulled the trigger, they raised their right hands to pull the bolt at the same time. Their eyes were still fixed on the scope on the gun, and the muzzle quickly swept to the side of the mountain.

At this moment, a blood-covered mercenary lying beside a rock suddenly raised his head upwards. He stared at the soldier lying on the side with blood on his face, and then suddenly rolled in front of several soldiers. past.

As soon as Wan Lin and the others moved the muzzle, they saw the kid roll to the side. The two of them aimed their guns at the kid and pulled the trigger. At this moment, there was a sudden "pop" of gunshots on the top of the rock.

With the sound of Xie Chao's gunshots on the top of the rock, the boy who was rolling in the distance suddenly stopped, and a fire burst out in front of the boy almost at the same time. The two soldiers on the top of the mountain in front of them suddenly flew up from the explosion of fire, and then fell to the mountains behind, and a group of soldiers rushing from behind fell to the ground in shock.

Obviously, this kid had been seriously injured in the battle just now. At this time, he saw so many people running with guns, and immediately realized that he could no longer survive. He secretly took out a cockroach, and pulled the cockroach to Chong. The soldiers who came rolled away, and when he was about to die, he wanted to pull a few soldiers to cushion his back.

Seeing that the mercenaries were still resisting and almost hurting himself and those soldiers, Charlie roared into the microphone angrily: "Tucker, Sean, what are you doing with your grandma? It's all fire sticks!"

With his roar, there was a loud gunshot in the mountains in front of him. The muzzles of all the Eagle Falcon members and students spewed out fire, and a piece of whistling bullets flew straight to the surrounding mercenaries lying in the mountains. go.

Those rushing soldiers also climbed up from the mountain angrily, some pulled out daggers and machetes at their waists, some raised their rifles, and rushed towards the surrounding mercenaries screaming.

Under the surrounding rocks and in the grass, pieces of dust shot out by bullets immediately rose, and the mercenaries who were standing still in the mountains were trembling with the bullet rain.

When Wan Lin and the others saw the soldiers and their team members, they all shot and rushed forward in anger. The two of them immediately lowered their guns and straightened their waists to look at the angry Charlie.

They knew in their hearts that in this dense rain of bullets, even the mercenaries who pretended to be dead would never be spared, and there would be no more living mountain pass mercenaries in the mountains!

At this time, Charlie held up a pair of binoculars and stared closely at the mercenaries who were trembling in the sound of gunfire. He put down the binoculars and looked at Wan Lin and said angrily, "You can't have the slightest kindness in dealing with these **** in Yamaguchi. If you didn't act fast just now, we would have been hurt by these bastards."

Charlie held his assault rifle and aimed at the surrounding guards, and turned his head to look at Wan Lin and the two gratefully. If Wan Lin and Cheng Ru had not reacted so quickly and dragged them under the rock, he and Falcon might have fallen under the gun of the mercenary.

Wan Lin saw the grateful eyes of Charlie and the two of them. He looked at Charlie and said, "To deal with the **** like Yamaguchi security guards, we really can't have the slightest mercy, otherwise we will pay the price of our lives!"

Cheng Ru also said with a sniper rifle: "Yes, these mercenaries of Yamaguchi security guards have no humanity at all. We must not be slack in dealing with these bastards."

Charlie looked at the two and nodded and said, "Okay, the battle is over. Let's go, let's go back to the base." "Okay!" Wan Lin replied, turning to look at Wen Meng, who was still lying on the side of the rock, and shouted: " Wen Meng, let's go back." "Yes!" Wen Meng answered crisply, standing up with a gun and running down the boulder.

Wan Lin and the others were about to follow Charlie to the back mountain, when the guard behind Charlie suddenly said: "Principal Eagle Falcon, that garrison company commander is running towards us, Captain Sean has stopped him, this company Chang said that he would like to thank you, the Principal Eagle Falcon, in person, so Sean asks if he should come over?"

Charlie frowned when he heard the guard's He glanced at Wan Lin and the others, and then said to the guard, "Let Sean receive him, I don't understand what they say."

He paused for a while, then continued: "By the way, let Sean learn more about the situation of the security residences in the mountain pass, and find the location of these bastards' base camps as soon as possible. Once they find their location, immediately report to me, We must not allow the Yamaguchi security guards to gain a foothold in these mountains!"

"Yes!" The guard stood at attention and answered, Pile up to the microphone and conveyed the Eagle's order to Sean.

After Charlie gave the order to the guards, he beckoned Wan Lin and the others to walk towards the mountains behind. As he walked, he explained to Wan Lin and the others: "I have been hiding my identity here, and the locals only know that the principal of our base is called Falcon, but no one has seen my true face."

"The situation here is complicated, and various forces are intertwined, so I don't want to intervene in the factional battles between them. All matters related to dealing with local forces are handled by Sean and Scorpion, and I rarely show up."

As he said that, he looked back at the mountains behind and said, "In addition, your identities also need to be kept secret, and I don't want them to see your real bodies, so as not to cause trouble for you, so let Sean receive them. them."

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