Panther Commando

Chapter 4655: outdated equipment

After listening to Charlie's story, Wan Lin nodded and said, "I grew up in the mountains. There are very few fat people in our mountains. When I saw these soldiers just now, I could see at a glance that they lived in the mountains for many years. People. Don't look at their skinny appearance, but they are extremely agile and explosive. If such people have undergone strict military training, they must be good fighters."

Charlie stopped, looked at Wan Lin and said, "You're right, they are indeed locals who grew up in the mountains since childhood, and they move very fast in the mountains, otherwise they wouldn't catch up so quickly. these mercenaries."

"The year before last, one of our cadet squads fought side by side with their two platoons, but when they rushed to the target, they actually pulled our cadets two or three kilometers away during the 30-kilometer rapid march. Their fighting power is too bad!"

At this time, Cheng Ru, who was walking beside Wan Lin, said: "Eagle, the weapons in the hands of these soldiers seem to be very backward. I have never seen some guns. What weapons did they use? I didn't see clearly."

Wen Meng, who was holding a sniper rifle, also looked at Charlie and asked: "Principal, when I was aiming just now, I have carefully observed the weapons in the hands of these soldiers. Some of them are holding AK assault rifles, and some are holding weapons. It seems very backward, what kind of weapon is that? I haven't seen it before."

Hearing Cheng Ru and Wen Meng's question, Charlie replied with a smile: "The weapons in the hands of these soldiers are very backward, some are holding Lee-Enfield manual rifles from the First World War, and they are not using the rear. The derivative versions of it are all old antiques used in World War I, and some of them are shotguns made by themselves, you must have never seen them."

Wan Lin and the others sighed and shook their heads when they heard this. They did not expect that the preparation of the local garrison was so poor. Wan Lin followed up: "No wonder you give them all the captured arms. They really need to be equipped with some good weapons. Otherwise, they are definitely not the opponents of those mercenaries, let alone protect the people here."

Charlie said: "Well, there is really no way. We are not a charity organization, and we have no ability to provide them with more advanced equipment. We can only help them as much as we can."

"The weapons and ammunition we seized in this mountain are for our own use, and the rest are given to them and those indigenous tribes. It is precisely because of this that the local people are very fond of us, and most of what we need Information and living materials are all provided to us by them on their own initiative."

When he said this, he sighed again: "We are all outsiders. Without the support of local organizations and people, we would not be able to gain a foothold in such a desolate mountainous area."

Wan Lin and the others nodded silently when they heard this. They all knew in their hearts that there were various foreign forces entrenched here, and it was really not easy for Charlie and the others to gain the trust of the local people. That is the weapons in the hands of these instructors and students to help the locals drive out those foreign armed forces, and it is the trust they exchanged with blood and sweat.

Seeing Wan Lin and the others nodding, Charlie said as he walked: "There are all kinds of foreign forces here, and their purpose is to occupy the territory and obtain underground minerals."

He turned to look at Wanlin and the others, and said proudly: "But we are different, our mission is to train real soldiers, we will not take a piece of rock, grass and tree from here, but help the people here to expel them. , Eliminate these illegals, of course they welcome us to come here. When we give them the captured weapons and ammunition, we are giving them the capital to defend their home and country. "

Charlie shook his head when he said this, and then said with emotion: "Since we established this falcon base here, we have not only protected many people in the mountains, but also contributed huge taxes to the local area, so they are very friendly to us. But our team members and instructors also paid the price in blood."

He then raised his finger and pointed to the cascading peaks in the distance, and continued: "In this mountainous area, only our hawks and you Chinese people are welcome, because we are really helping them."

When Wan Lin heard this, he looked up at Charlie and asked, "When we were rescuing the captured women just now, we saw that some of the livestock were carrying some food and living supplies, and they were marked with Chinese characters. It should be us. Free aid, right?"

Charlie immediately said: "Yes, that's the materials you assisted by Huaxia. You can often see the living items assisted by your Huaxia here, so the local people are very friendly to you Chinese people. Recently, the local government also wants to promote economic development, so invited Some Chinese entrepreneurs came to invest and build factories to solve local employment problems and increase local taxes.”

Charlie shook his head and said, "But the public security environment here is extremely poor, and there are not many entrepreneurs who come here to invest. The two Chinese women who were kidnapped by Yamaguchi's mercenaries should have come here to invest. It is not easy for the family members of the Chinese people, and it is difficult for the local garrison to ensure their safety.”

He said this and sighed: " It's really not easy for them to invest in such a chaotic place. When I was building the Eagle Falcon base, I also visited all over the world, and it was here. The government tried their best to persuade me to build the base in this mountain. The conditions here are too harsh, but fortunately, we are training special forces and are not afraid of those gangsters with weapons!"

Wan Lin heard Charlie's sigh, and said: "Only in difficult conditions can real special forces be cultivated. You chose to build a base here, and you really chose the right place."

Speaking, he raised his finger and pointed to Xie Chao, who had already climbed the steep hill in front, and said, "We have seen results from Xie Chao. Your practice training method is really good for training people."

Charlie looked up at Xie Chao, who was already alert on a rock, and he said proudly: "Yes, the students who graduated from our Eagle Falcon Base will definitely become special operations talents when they go back. The students who graduated from here in the past few years. , and has now become the main force of various special forces."

He followed Wan Lin and said, "However, the three Huaxia students you sent are a special case. Even our instructors are amazed by the progress of the three of them. Not only are they brave in combat, but their skills and tactics have improved rapidly. This has to do with the fact that they are martial arts masters themselves! If all the special forces in your place are like this, it would be amazing."

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