Panther Commando

Chapter 4656: deterrent

Wan Lin smiled when he heard Charlie's praise of Xie Chao and the three of them, he waved his hand and said, "We don't have so many outstanding students who are proficient in internal skills. There are too few soldiers like Xie Chao who master internal skills. They are carefully selected by us. good soldiers, that's why we're sending them here."

When Charlie heard Wan Lin's answer, he turned his head to look at Wan Lin, and asked in a puzzled way, "You are all special forces skilled in internal skills, why don't you teach some students who master this magical internal skills?"

Wan Lin laughed when he heard Charlie's questioning. He raised his finger and pointed at Xie Chao's back and said, "Haha, it's not that easy. Huaxia martial arts is divided into various sects, and each sect has its own characteristics. Internal strength is also divided into For different sects, the real masters have been practicing in the sect since childhood, and it is impossible to practice advanced martial arts in a short period of time. Even in our China, there are very few people who truly master internal skills. "

Charlie was stunned for a moment, then followed himself and laughed: "Haha, I'm too extreme, I thought all of you Huaxia soldiers are masters of internal skills, but that's not the case. By the way, after Xie Chao mentioned internal skills, his whole body was cold, and he hit him. The palm wind that comes out is horrifying, it seems that your internal strength is not like this, what is going on?"

Cheng Ru looked at Charlie while walking and said with a smile: "Internal strength is divided into yin and yang, Xie Chao's inner strength is yin and his qi is cold. It's hard to see people with internal skills."

When Charlie heard this, he looked at Cheng Ru in astonishment and asked, "Is there a difference between yin and yang?" Cheng Ru saw his shocked look, and replied with a smile, "Yes, you see that in my kung fu, yang is biased. A lot." After speaking, he suddenly raised his foot and took a step forward, raised the palm of his right hand, and slapped lightly at a rock more than half a person tall in front of him.

"Crack", with a small sound, Cheng Ru's right palm has been raised, and a clear palm print is immediately revealed on the hard rock.

Charlie stared at the palm print in front of him with wide eyes. He followed his foot up to the rock, stretched out his right hand and touched the palm print that had penetrated into the rock and exclaimed, "My God, if this is slapped on a person's body, it is bulletproof. The clothes can't stop it."

Cheng Ru looked at him and said, "Yes, as long as we raise our inner strength, the palm strength can indeed shatter the opponent's internal organs through the body armor!" Our leopard head is much deeper than mine."

Charlie looked at Wan Lin's back in astonishment, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect you Leopards to be so young to have such outstanding skills. If you fight face-to-face with you guys on the battlefield, wouldn't this be courting death!" He followed and looked at Cheng Ru and said with a smile, "Hahaha, thanks to me being your friend!"

The two of Charlie were talking in a low voice. Wan Lin, who was walking in front, suddenly stopped, turned around and raised his gun to look back. Cheng Ru, Charlie, and Wen Meng, who was walking on the side, were startled. Hand to take off the sniper rifle on his back.

At this time, Wan Lin lowered his muzzle and said, "Sean is following." Charlie glanced at Wan Lin admiringly, knowing that he had noticed someone behind him, so he suddenly turned around and raised his sniper rifle.

Charlie then lifted the binoculars around his neck and looked back. Sure enough, Sean was chasing behind them with a falcon team member, and they were now more than 2,000 meters away.

Charlie put down the telescope, looked at Wan Lin and said, "Instructor Wan, your sensing ability is too strong, you can sense someone at such a distance."

With a sniper rifle, Wan Lin said with a smile: "We are all snipers. The key to victory is to find and fire first on the battlefield. You were talking just now, so you didn't realize that there were gunmen behind you. Me too. When the Eagle Falcon member raised his gun and looked forward, he felt that someone was already following behind him."

When Charlie heard Wan Lin's explanation, he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Looking at the world today, I, Charlie, can be considered a top sniper, but I can only maintain such a high level of vigilance when I'm fighting. I can't compare to you."

It didn't take long, Sean had already brought the guards to the side of Wan Lin and the others very quickly. He looked at Charlie and the others and said, "Falcon, Instructor Wan, you can catch up with you." Charlie stopped and asked: "Has the battlefield been cleaned up?"

Sean glanced at the surrounding mountains. He turned his head and ordered the Eagle Falcon team member standing beside him: "You go to the front to be on guard."

Sean saw the team members leave, and then he looked at Charlie and said, "The battlefield has been cleaned up, a total of 38 enemies have been killed, and the captured weapons and ammunition have been handed over to the soldiers on the ground. I have ordered my men to take them to the front. Go to Canyon Three and pick up the captured women and guns."

At this time, Wen Meng had already translated Sean's report to Wan Lin and Cheng Ru in a low voice. Wan Lin looked at Sean and asked, "How are the casualties on our side?" Wen Meng quickly translated Wan Lin's question. The words were translated.

Sean looked at Wan Lin and replied: "I have spoken to The battle went very smoothly. We had seven students injured and not killed. Most of the wounded were students under John's command. Two trainees were also injured in Ke. However, the injuries of the wounded are not serious and can fully recover."

He then looked at Wan Lin and the three with emotion and said, "Thanks to you in this battle, if you snipers hadn't dragged down so many mercenaries, we wouldn't have wiped out all those mercenaries so smoothly." He Then he glanced up and down at Wan Lin and the three of them, and asked with concern, "You didn't win any prizes, did you?"

Wan Lin waved his hand and replied, "No." Sean breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, I observed that the firepower of those mercenaries was very strong, I was really worried for you, so after I brought people up the hill, I immediately ordered The team launched an attack on the mercenaries in the mountains."

He then looked at Charlie again and said, "Falcon, when I came with a small team, I thought it was another fierce battle with these mercenaries, but I didn't expect Instructor Wan and their sniper rifles to be completely contained. These mercenaries!"

When Charlie heard Sean say this, he proudly said: "This is the battlefield deterrent effect of snipers! On the battlefield, as long as there are snipers like Instructor Wan and the others, no enemy dares to show their heads easily!"

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