Panther Commando

Chapter 4657: the purpose of the attack

The intermittent gunshots in the mountains have stopped, and only the incomprehensible scolding of the local soldiers can be heard faintly. Wan Lin and the others strode toward the mountains in front of them, while listening to Charlie's proud voice.

At this moment, Wan Lin and the others laughed when they heard Charlie's proud voice, and they unconsciously looked at the sniper rifle in their hands. They knew in their hearts that, as a top sniper, Charlie was indeed proud of his ability to hold a sniper rifle, so why not these Chinese snipers!

In the battle just now, these snipers used accurate bullets to suppress numerous enemies. Not only did they safely rescue so many women who had been kidnapped, but they also covered the injured students from the battle and held back the three teams. The mercenaries created the conditions for the annihilation of these Yamaguchi mercenaries, which really made them snipers proud.

Wan Lin immediately looked at Sean and said in a blunt Y language: "Sean, we just did what we should do on the battlefield, if you hadn't come to support in time, we would have been suppressed by the powerful firepower of the enemy long ago. Stay. Without you, we would not be able to keep these mountain pass mercenaries at all, and I am afraid it would be difficult to evacuate safely. By the way, did you tell those soldiers? Be sure to return the two Huaxia women safely to them mines."

Sean saw that Wan Lin was not arrogant, but instead put the credit for annihilating the enemy on himself. He looked at Wan Lin and nodded with admiration, and then replied: "I told you, don't worry. The scorpion has already sent People rushed to the No. 3 Canyon with medicines to heal the wounds of the women in their hands. I specifically asked John about the conditions of the two Huaxia women, and he said that the two women were not injured and were in good health. "

Wan Lin nodded reassuringly when he heard Sean's answer. At this time, Wen Meng asked directly in Y language: "Captain Sean, those two Huaxia women said they didn't say anything about the situation when the mine was attacked?"

Sean shook his head and replied, "I haven't seen these two women. I have asked John in Canyon No. 3 to inquire. The specific situation will not be known until I see John."

As he said, he looked at Charlie and said, "I have asked the garrison company commander about the situation of the mercenaries in Yamaguchi Security. He said that according to their intelligence, those mercenaries suddenly appeared here two months ago. In the mountainous area, these people are well-equipped, and after appearing in the mountains, they attacked several tribes one after another, and also took a lot of food and women, but no one knows the location of their station."

Hearing this, Charlie frowned and looked at John and asked, "Where are the tribes they looted?" John quickly took out a map from his pocket.

He strode up to a rock in front of him, spread the map on the rock and said: "The tribes they attacked are all distributed in this mountain with a radius of 100 kilometers. I have circled this position with a red pen. already."

Wan Lin and the others followed the past and looked intently. The map was indeed circled with a red pen. Wan Lin stared at the map for a while, then raised his finger and pointed at the red circle, saying, "From the map, the location of these mercenary activities is at The northeast of our base is about 200 kilometers away from our falcon base, right?" He followed and turned to look at Sean who was standing beside him.

Sean replied immediately: "Yes, it's not too far from us." Wan Lin asked in Y language, "Where are the mines of several indigenous tribes and Huaxia people that these mercenaries attacked this time? ?"

Sean immediately raised his finger to the map and replied: "This is the location of the Tiankeng where our base is located. This time the indigenous tribes and mines they attacked are in the southwest of the Tiankeng. Here, it is about 250 miles away from our base. Kilometers." He took out a red and blue pencil and drew a small circle on the map.

He then used a red pen to draw a straight line between the two circles, then looked up at Wan Lin and said, "The two points are connected, just past the place where we exchanged fire with them just now." He said with a red pen Click on the map.

Wan Lin stared at the map and pondered for a moment, then looked up at Sean and asked, "What are they doing in the mountains after traveling for hundreds of kilometers to attack this mine built by the Chinese? Are they just there for the sake of it? Huaxia people, this is unlikely, right?"

Sean was stunned for a moment when he heard Wan Lin's question, and then replied thoughtfully: "The specific reason is unknown. However, according to the introduction of the garrison company commander, the target of these mercenaries' attack this time is this mine. They attacked the surrounding area. The indigenous tribes of the tribes raided the mines and should have plundered the food and women of the tribes."

Cheng Ru heard this, looked at Wen Meng and said, "Wen Meng, ask Sean, why are they so interested in this mine? If it was just to plunder food and other living materials, they wouldn't run so far." Wen Meng quickly translated Cheng Ru's question.

When Xiao En heard Cheng Ru's question, he shook his head and replied: "The specific reason is not clear, this mine has just been put into production, and there is nothing valuable in it, I really don't know the purpose of these mercenaries attacking the mine. What is He turned to look at Charlie, who was standing aside in deep thought, and asked, "Falcon, what do you think about this matter? "

Wan Lin and the others also looked up at Charlie. They have not been here for a long time, they are not familiar with the local situation, and the other party attacked a Chinese enterprise, which made them feel uneasy in their hearts.

When Charlie heard Sean's question, he said thoughtfully: "When I was in the canyon just now, I suddenly received a call from the garrison requesting support. At that time, I asked them about the situation. They said that the mine that was attacked was attacked. The farm is just a limestone mine, and the products it produces are building materials, mainly to meet the needs of the local construction market, not to mine underground deposits.”

He followed Wan Lin and continued: "Judging from the current situation, those mountain pass mercenaries must think that this mine is secretly developing underground energy or minerals, and there must be a lot of geological exploration data in this mountainous area in the mine. ."

"The purpose of their attack on this mine is to obtain these precious geological data, so as to determine the site to be seized in the future. It is said that after they defeated the soldiers who were stationed in the mine and entered the mining area, they did rummage through the entire office space."

Having said this, Charlie raised his finger to the map spread on the rock and continued: "Look, this mountainous area is huge, with a radius of thousands of square kilometers. A few years ago, an overseas geological exploration team went deep into this mountainous area. After conducting an investigation, they immediately announced to the public that the underground of this mountainous area contains a large amount of energy and extremely rare minerals."


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