Panther Commando

Chapter 4658: emergencies

When Charlie said this, he looked up at Wan Lin and the others and continued: "Since then, various forces have quietly sent people into this barren mountain area, but this mountain area is huge, and no one knows the specifics of these minerals. Location."

"Now, this mountainous area is in constant war and chaos. Without the support of the relevant local agencies, they would not be able to send people to conduct systematic surveys. Therefore, they just sent armed personnel to staking the area, taking advantage of the chaos here to try to occupy more territory. , in preparation for future development.”

When Sean heard this, he pointed to the map and said, "Yes, this area is war-torn all the year round, there are frequent clashes between clans, and the local garrison is outdated. Ability to expel those well-equipped foreign forces."

As he said, he looked up at Wanlin and the others and said, "The company commander of the garrison told me just now that the authorities also want to develop these underground deposits, but they don't know the distribution of the veins. Therefore, they passed the local Huaxia people, A Chinese expedition team was invited to enter here to find out the distribution of the ore veins. Just when they were attacked a few days ago, the members of this expedition team were guests at the mine run by the Chinese people. "

When Wanlin and the others heard Sean's words, they all looked at each other. A few days ago, they had heard from the instructor Stevens, who was answering the new students, that he had seen several people at the airport carrying some inspection equipment. The Chinese people, and they are protected by heavy soldiers, these Chinese people must be members of the geological expedition team.

Wen Meng then looked at Sean nervously and asked, "Captain Sean, are those expedition members okay?" Sean quickly replied, "It's okay, they left the mine in the early morning of the attack. Entering the depths of the mountain, they were not in the mine when they attacked, so they escaped the disaster, otherwise the soldiers stationed there would not be the opponents of these mercenaries at all."

Wen Meng breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked: "This mountain is very dangerous, are there any protection personnel around the expedition?" Sean replied: "I have already asked, there is a platoon of soldiers protecting them, and all these soldiers use It is an AK assault rifle, and it is also equipped with two machine guns. It is the most well-equipped main platoon here, and it can guarantee the safety of the expedition under normal circumstances."

After listening to Sean's answer, Wen Meng turned to look at Wan Lin who was standing beside him, and wanted to translate the conversation between himself and Sean just now to Wan Lin and Cheng Ru. But just as she turned her head, she saw that Wan Lin's face had turned pale, and a layer of sweat the size of soybeans hung on his face covered with gunpowder smoke.

Wen Meng was shocked. She stretched out her hands to support Wan Lin's shoulders and asked hurriedly, "Leopard head, what's wrong with you?" Charlie and the others heard Wen Meng's panicked cry, and all turned to look at Wan Lin. .

Several people were shocked when they saw Wan Lin's face! Cheng Ru reached out and hugged Wan Lin and shouted, "Leopard head, what's going on?" Sean, who was standing next to him, quickly reached out and took the sniper rifle in Wan Lin's hand.

At this time, Wan Lin's body was already trembling slightly, he took a deep breath, raised his arms and wiped the sweat on his face with his sleeves, he panted and said, "It's okay, I was rescuing the captured women just now. I was shocked by the explosion at close range. When I was fighting just now, I had used my qi to forcibly suppress the discomfort. Headache and nausea, I'll just take a breather."

Cheng Ru and Wen Meng heard Wan Lin's explanation and immediately understood what was going on. At that time, they saw with their own eyes that the whistling **** exploded in front of Wan Lin's hidden boulder. They were startled and hurriedly asked Wan Lin about the situation.

When Cheng Ru heard Wan Lin's answer, he immediately took off the backpack on his back and handed it to Wen Meng together with the sniper rifle in his hand. He then bent down and carried Wan Lin on his back and said, "It must be a concussion! Wen Meng, Take a snake treasure pill and put it in the mouth of the leopard head, let's hurry back to the base!"

Charlie and Sean saw Wan Lin's pained expression, they immediately took the backpacks and sniper rifles from Wan Lin and Cheng Ru nervously, Charlie looked at Wen Meng and shouted, "Instructor Wen, quickly give Instructor Wan some medicine. ."

Wen Meng answered and quickly took out a small bamboo tube from her waist. She took out a snake treasure pill and put it in Wan Lin's mouth. She then took off the kettle and twisted the lid on it.

At this time, Wan Lin was already lying on Cheng Ru's back. He held the Snake Pill that Wen Meng stuffed into his mouth, and then looked weakly at the kettle that Wen Meng held to his mouth and shook his head, then he closed his eyes and turned his head Leaning on Cheng Ru's shoulders.

When Charlie saw that Wan Lin had taken the pills, he immediately looked at Sean and ordered: "Inform the military doctor immediately, come through the No. 3 cave with the medicine, and inform him of Instructor Wan's injury."

Sean answered in a hurry while carrying Wan Lin's backpack. He took Wan Lin's sniper rifle from Charlie's hand and called out urgently into the At this time, Cheng Ru was already carrying Wan Lin's sniper rifle. Lin ran forward, and Wen Meng followed him closely with a sniper rifle. After notifying the military doctor, Sean followed Charlie Xiang Chengru and Wen Meng after him.

Xie Chao and the three who were alert in front heard the voice behind and turned their heads and looked back. Xie Chao saw Cheng Ru flying forward with Wan Lin on his back at a glance, and immediately realized that something unexpected had happened to the leopard head.

He stood up with a gun in shock, and shouted to the mountain in front: "Xiao Hua, come back!" He turned around and ran towards Cheng Ru with his gun in hand. He ran to Cheng Ru and shouted in panic, "Leopard head, what's wrong with you?"

Cheng Ru was running forward with Wan Lin on his back. When he saw Xie Chao blocking his way, he shouted as he ran: "Get out of the way!" Xie Chao hurriedly took a step to the side, and then looked anxious Looking at Wen Meng next to him, he asked hurriedly, "Instructor Wen, what happened to the leopard head?"

At this time, Cheng Ru had already rushed to Xie Chao's side with Wan Lin on his back, and he shouted loudly: "Xie Chao, Leopard's head is hot now, lift your chills, grab Leopard's head to cool him down, hurry up!" At that time, he could already feel that Wan Lin, who was lying on his back, was hot all over, and his back was as hot as if he was carrying a stove!

When Xie Chao heard Cheng Ru's shout, he quickly picked up his sniper rifle, raised a burst of infuriating energy and reached out and grabbed Wan Lin's left hand. Forced inside.

At this time, the guards brought by Charlie and Sean also stood up from the mountain in front of them nervously.


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