Panther Commando

Chapter 4659: anxious little flower

Wan Lin suddenly appeared in a critical situation, which shocked Charlie and Sean! Both of them knew that Huaxia, a leopard head, had magical internal skills, and general injuries would not affect his combat effectiveness at all, and there was no trauma on his body. Now that he is in this situation, it shows that he is likely to have suffered severe internal injuries during the battle.

Cheng Ru, Wen Meng, and Xie Chao were so nervous that they broke out in cold sweats! They know that Leopard's head is extremely powerful, and the general injury will not let him lose control at all. Now they must return to the base immediately and let the military doctor at the Eagle base see what is going on!

Charlie raised his head nervously, and loudly ordered to the two guards standing in the front of the mountain: "Lead the way ahead and return to the base from Cave No. 3, quickly!" "Yes!" The two Eagle Falcon team members replied, Holding the gun, he turned around and ran towards the rolling hills on the side.

At this time, Cheng Ru was already running forward with Wan Lin on his back, Xie Chao and Wen Meng followed him on the left and right, Xie Chao's right hand still held Wan Lin's left hand tightly, while running forward , While lifting the cold infuriating energy in his body, he forced it into Wan Lin's body.

The faces of Cheng Ru and the three were extremely nervous. In a blink of an eye, they had already rushed past the two Falcons who were running in front.

Wen Meng just rushed past the two team members. She glanced at the rolling hills in front of her, and suddenly remembered that she and the others didn't know the location of the third cave that returned to Tiankeng. She followed and stopped, turned her head to look at the Eagle Falcon team members who were chasing desperately behind and shouted, "Where is Cave No. 3?"

One of the team members chased forward desperately, raised his arm and pointed to the foot of the mountain two kilometers away and shouted: "Curve the foot of the mountain in front, and you can see the cliff on the side of the base. When you get to the bottom of the cliff, you can quickly ask Instructor Scorpion, he is there. On the top of the cliff..."

Before he could finish his words, Wen Meng had turned around and quickly ran to Cheng Ru and Xie Chao, and led the three of them to the foot of the mountain in front of him.

There are jagged rocks all over the mountains, weeds grow in the low-lying places, and twisted little trees spread over the rolling hills. Cheng Ru and several people were on fire as if they were on fire, and they ran straight to the foot of the mountain in front of them, ignoring Charlie and the others who were pulled behind them. In the blink of an eye, they had thrown Charlie and the others hundreds of meters away.

Charlie and the others looked at the front in astonishment as they ran. He had a wound on his arm, so he couldn't run at all. He looked up at the figures of Chengru and the others in front of him and hurriedly shouted to Sean, "Sean, hurry up. Speed, don't mind me, they don't know where Cave 3 is."

While carrying Wan Lin's sniper rifle, Sean sprinted forward, turned his head to look at Charlie and exclaimed, "How can these Chinese people run so fast?" He followed the two guards who were following him and shouted, "You guys The two catch up, and I will protect the eagle and falcon!"

"Yes!" The two Eagle Falcon team members quickly replied, and one of them looked at the black shadows flying in front of them, and exclaimed in amazement: "My God, they are just like the wind, too fast!"

When Charlie heard the guard's scream, he ran forward and scolded nervously: "What nonsense, hurry up! They don't know the way!" The two Falcon members heard Charlie's roar and accelerated their speed. Just rushed out from Charlie and Sean.

Not long after, Cheng Ru was approaching the foot of the mountain with Wan Lin on his back. At this moment, the figure of Xiaohua suddenly appeared on the hillside in front. It jumped out from the back of the hillside and saw Wan Lin who was carried by Cheng Ru at a glance.

It suddenly shot a blue light in its eyes, and then it jumped up from the hillside, and when it landed on the hillside below, it jumped up again. Several ups and downs were already close to the foot of the mountain. He fell directly on the shoulders of Cheng Ru, who was carrying Wan Lin.

Xiaohua rushed to Cheng Ru's shoulder, with blue light in its eyes, and looked down at Wan Lin, whose eyes were closed, lying on Cheng Ru's shoulder, it opened its big mouth and let out a deafening roar.

It then stood up from Cheng Ru's shoulder, stretched out its right front paw and pressed it against Wan Lin's helmet. It let out a low growl anxiously while shaking Wan Lin's head vigorously.

In anxiety, the sharp nails on Xiaohua's four claws have burst out, and the tough body armor on Chengru's shoulders has been scratched with a few cracks. It looks very flustered, and the thick back hair on the back stands erect. stand up!

At this time, Wen Meng, who was running in front, had turned around and ran to Cheng Ru's side. She reached out and grabbed Xiao Hua who looked anxious and shouted: "Xiao Hua, Leopard Head is only temporarily in a coma, don't worry, let's go back to the doctor quickly. ." She knew in her heart that Xiaohua was in a hurry when she saw Wan Lin's unconscious appearance!

At this moment, Wan Lin, whose eyes were tightly closed, suddenly let out a low **, and his head leaning on Cheng Ru's back also raised. As soon as he opened his two mindless eyes, he saw the anxious little flower beside his face, and a smile suddenly appeared on his pale face.

Xiaohua suddenly saw Wan Lin raise his It let out a loud roar excitedly, and then put the little fluffy head on Wan Lin's cheek, and the nails that protruded from the claws also shrank. in the palm of your hand.

Wan Lin kissed Xiao Hua lightly, then raised his arm and patted Cheng Ru's shoulder, he said weakly, "Lao Cheng, put me down, the medicinal power of Shebao Pill and the coldness of Xie Chao have already distracted me. The infuriating qi has gathered again, I will sit down and adjust my breath, and you will also rest for a while."

Cheng Ru quickly stopped when he heard Wan Lin's voice. He looked around in sweat, and then ran to a big tree at the foot of the mountain. At this time, Xie Chao's right hand was still holding Wan Lin's left hand tightly, and he followed Cheng Ru to the tree.

Wen Meng saw Wan Lin wake up, she hurriedly ran to the tree in front, then stretched out her arms to hug Wan Lin, and hugged him off Cheng Ru's back, she bent down and gently placed Wan Lin on the back. In a grass under the tree, and then asked worriedly: "Leopard head, how are you feeling now, should we go back to the base to check first?"

Wan Lin leaned his back against the thick tree trunk. He looked at Wen Meng and said in a low voice, "No, I just shook my internal organs during the explosion, and my blood was a little stagnant. Now the medicinal power of Shebao Pills has dissipated, Xiaochao helped me condense my true qi again, I will adjust my breath and I will be fine."

He then raised his head and squatted beside him, his right hand still tightly clutching his left hand Xie Chao, then raised his left hand and said in a low voice: "Xiao Chao, let go of your hand quickly and adjust your breath, thank you, I can now condense Really pissed."


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